InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks `This Sayuri-Sama' for the reviewing.

+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Six) +^ Meeting

 There came a knock on the bedroom door.

" Come in." Answered Kagome. The door opened and in stepped a girl that looked about the same age as Kagome. She shut the door behind her. The girl wore a pink kimono with blue trimming and purple flowers designed on it. She has dark-brown hair and gray-green eyes.

' She's human right? No, I sense some youkai from her.' Kagome thought. Most people do mistake her as human or an angel. She walked over and bowed her head.

" My lady I have prepared your bath." Said the girl.

" Ah... Thanks, and just call me Kagome." Kagome told her politely.

The girl lifted her head with a bright smile.

" Really?"

" Yes, what is your name?"

" Yucca." The girl now introduce as Yucca replied.

" Come, come." Yucca said while gesturing for Kagome to follow.

Kagome follow Yucca down long, huge halls, and turning corners. They stopped in front of two big doors. Yucca pushed one of the doors inward and they enter an area with at least seven different springs. Different temperatures.

They were cold to hot. Each was different in size.

They were BIG to small. They made an arc shape.

Duded to the two steps that lead to the springs. The steps were made of stone-like marble with a smooth surface.

Kagome decides to bath in the middle one.


'Ah... this feels great.' Kagome thought in the furo.

" Call me when you finish." Yucca said. Then she left.

+^~ After Bathing ~^+

Kagome wore a purple kimono with red roses printed on the back and some in the front of it. Her hair was tied back in a Miko style with a red ribbon. Her and Yucca walked down the halls and enter a HUGE dinning room. Hanging from the ceiling were chandlers. In the center of the room sat a Long table with round edges. Sesshoumaru was seated at the head chair of the table. A little girl sat on his left side and the toad youkai beside her.

' She looks beautiful in that kimono stead of that indecent attire she wears. For a human, that is.'

"Come, sit." Commanded a smooth voice.

She looked at Sesshoumaru to see him gesture for her to sit on his right side. She looked down blushing from the way he was looking at her. The little girl stops what she doing and looked up notices her for the first time.

" Hi, Rin's name is Rin. What's yours?" She said with a bright smile.

"Hello, I'm Kagome." Kagome replied and smiled back.

"Eat." Came an emotionalist reply between the two girls.

Kagome looked at the food like it had poison in it. Kagome looked at the lord of the Western Lands to see him staring at her impassively.

" There is no poison. Eat!" He said in his normal tone. She did eat in fear of his poison claw would rip and metal her limbs.

They ate in silence except Rin and the toad youkai.


Don't forget to read & review.
+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah