InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Surprise Inu's Gang ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Seven) +^ Surprise Inu's Gang

Sunlight shined in the camp on the sleeping companions. Inuyasha was the first to awake. He scanned the area and felt something was off. (Yeah more like his sword.)

Kirara was the second to wake up. She looks around and didn't see Kagome sleeping with Shippou. 'Kagome-Sama's bag pack is still here. Where is Kagome-Sama?' Kirara thought.

Inuyasha had noticed to and started waking everyone. "GET UP, Kagome's missing!" He shouted.

"Kagomeee!" Said Shippou.

"Look!" Sango said pointing at Inuyasha's left hip.

"Tetsusaiga is gone as well." Stated Miroku. They stood around trying to think of what to what to do.

"Let's go." said Inuyasha.

"Where?" Asked Kirara.

"To go find Kagome, stupid." He replied. Kirara bumped him upside the head.

"Ouch. What was that for?" Asked the hanyou.

"I know that part. I, Kirara can't pick up a trail, is why I asked. " She spat angrily.

'How am I going to find her with no trail to lead on?' Inuyasha thought. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were just watching them. Miroku inched closer to Sango.

SLAP! "Hentai!"

BAM! The monk was on the ground and up again.

"Learn to keep your hands to yourself Houshi-Sama!"

"Lady Sango, I was merely taking something off your clothing."


Shouted the kit almost in tears. Kirara walked in front of the hanyou and stared him straight in the eyes.

"Ok, dog boy we need to start searching for Kagome-Sama." She stated and smirked when she saw him scold at the name she called him.

Then he looked like a pouting kid. ' Aww. . . He looks cute when he does Th. . . Ack! What the hack am I talking about? Bad Kirara.'

She mentally scolds herself for her turn of thoughts. He was still staring at her in his own thoughts away from the conversation.

'I want to kiss those lips o . . . Huh? NO! Stupid cat youkai.'

With that they started searching on feet.

Sango, Kirara, and Shippou went one way.

Miroku and Inuyasha went another way.

Don't forget to read & review.
+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah