InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Teach and Help ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for the reviews. About Sesshoumaru and Kagome moments… I hope this helps.

+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Ten) +^ Teach and Help

'Five days have pasted and no one has come for me.'

The woman-child was lost in her thoughts as she sat in front of the window just looking out at the landscape.

Then her chamber door opened and in zoomed Rin.

She ran over to Kagome and hugged her legs.

"Good-morning, Rin-Chan." She said when picking her up.

"Good-morning, Kagome-Chan." Replied the little girl.

"We will start on your writing numbers and words again. Okay?"


They both went to a table in Kagome's room.

"Rin likes it when Kagome-Chan tea . . ."

"No Rin. Say I like, not, Rin likes okay?"

"I like it when Kagome-Chan teaches Rin."

Well, they went like that for a little while.

Rin got the hang of it in some ways.

"Rin what's two plus three equal?"

Praying Kagome that she knows it.

"Umm . . . it's, it's four?"

"No, but try again."


"Let me show you how to get it."

Then she showed Rin how to use her fingers on her hands to get the answers.

"So the answer is five." She told Rin.

So, when they were done she decided they should go to the garden.

Once in the garden Kagome told Rin to count how many flowers she collected.

+^ Later on that day ^+

Kagome sat in the library.

The door opened and Yucca came in.

She had a fearful expression and was breathing heavily.

"My lady, . . . please hide me . . . from my lord." She spoke breathlessly.

"Why? What happened? " The Miko asked in worry.

"He wants to punish me. I, Yucca, don't know the reason to why I'm being punished. Please, save me. "

"What kind of punishment is it?"

"I'm new here and I've heard from others what he does to them. They had mates before but I had none and my lord wants to touch me in that way. He has saved my life and according to Youkai law he can do what he pleases, but I need your help."

"I'll see what I can do."

'What to do? What to do?' Kagome chanted in her mind.

In a few seconds after, Sesshoumaru came through the door.

Kagome stood in front of Yucca protectively.

"Wench, step aside."

To his surprise she didn't budge, flinch, or anything.

Then she spoke.

"My name is Kagome. What has Yucca done?"

"It is none of your business." He stated calmly.

"Well then. I will not be moving. You can't have her because to Yucca and my knowledge she's done nothing wrong."

"Do you intend on taking her place then."

He simply said in his normal tone.

Then he smirked when he saw her blush.

+^ The Gang ^+

In the shadows was a little girl.

She has been watching the group ever since her brother but-not-brother left them.

'The fox child must be closer to the girl. If I can get near him I can bring him to her. That is when I pinpoint her location.'

It wasn't long before she was able to get close to him.

Shippou was actually walking in her direction.

"Little boy, come here please." She whispered in spot she at.

Then she stepped out so he could see her.

She has light-blue hair tied in two pigtails with pale indigo ribbons on each side with some lose in the back and some bangs.

She has light blue eyes and wore a pale indigo Kimono with wide pants that go with it in the same color.

"Who- who are you?" Stuttered Shippou.

"Shhh . . . I need your help to find your friend. Oh, I'm Kudos-Yang, Rascal-Yin sister but-not-sister."

"You mean you're not really his sister?" Asked Shippou.

"Yes. Now would you please come here before he finds your friend?"

Said Kudos-Yang with a bit of annoyance.

Shippou came closer to her consciously.

"You won't hurt me, will you?"

"No. Now hold my hand."

He took her hand and he watched as she closed her eyes.

Then they disappeared.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah