InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't give up on guys ❯ Chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Grah!! Soo soooo soooo sorry! ><
“Someone talking”
`Someone thinking'
Flashbacks or dreams
*~*~*~*~*~* Scene change
><^><^><^ End of chapter
(Me speaking)
Summary: Kagome use to be a popular person, that is, until Kouga broke her heart. She has given up on love or even liking anybody. Now Kagome is very unpopular and her twin sister, Kikyo, is a very popular person and she teases and makes fun of her. Now that they are in High school a guy catches her eye. He is the new guy in the school. Inuyasha. But does Inuyasha start to like her? Will he try to teach her not all guys are jerks? Will he win her heart?
Don't give up on guys
Inuyasha fell back onto his bed, sighing. Where did he go wrong? He had the most popular girlfriend in the whole school, yet he still wasn't happy. Inuyasha threw a pillow over his head. He did like Kikyo, but not as much as Kagome. Yet, he could not get the courage to ask her out. He sighed again, staring at the phone. It was ringing. He sluggishly raised his arm and grabbed the phone. “What?”
“Inu baby.” Inuyasha groaned. Kikyo was calling him again.
“Don't you remember what today is?” Kikyo frowned.
“Of course….” Inuyasha sighed.
“You're lying!” She yelled into the phone.
“Am not!”
“Then what is it?” Kikyo smirked when she got no response. “See, I knew you would forget! Its our second month anniversary.” She giggled into the phone.
Inuyasha frowned. Great, he had to buy her another gift. “Well…You see…I kind of …have plans…” Inuyasha lied.
“Really?” Kikyo frowned deeper. “With who?”
“With my little cousin…” Well, that wasn't all a lie. Inuyasha really did have to baby-sit his cousin.
“Oh, okay then. Talk to you tomorrow!” With that, Kikyo hung up. Inuyasha groaned, throwing the phone away.
Kagome glanced around the mall. She had wanted to go out but now that she was here, she had wished that it would just burn down. Kagome shuffled down the walkway then glanced over as she heard someone crying. A little boy, standing alone, was bawling his eyes out. Since no one else was helping him, and Kagome needed something to do, she walked up to him, putting her hand on his head. “Hey.” She said softly.
The little boy looked up, sniffling. His eyes were a bright blue. So pretty.
Kagome smiled at the boy. “What's wrong?” She kneeled down so she was the same height as him. The boy had red hair and beautiful blue eyes. Kagome couldn't understand why anyone would want to leave him. He was just so cute.
The boy sniffled again before whispering. “My cousin left me..” Then he started bawling again.
Kagome sighed and grabbed his hand. “How about you stay with me? And what's you name little boy?”
The boy slightly glared at Kagome. “I'm not little!” He pouted. “And I'm Shippo.”
“So, Shippo would you? I'm Kagome.”
“Yes, Kagome! Thanks!” Shippo jumped onto her, making her fall back.
“Okay then. Let's go.” Kagome stood, grabbed Shippo's hand again before walking to her car. When they got home, she introduced him to her family. They all loved him.
The next day, Kagome and friends (And not Kikyo. O_o;) were all behind the school.
“So, Kagome. What about the little boy you found at the mall?” Sango asked, slurping the rest of her drink.
Kagome shrugged. “He is staying with us until we find his parents.” She looked down. “The poor thing.”
Miroku sighed. “Yeah. Being left behind in the mall by a cousin.”
Through the whole conversion, Inuyasha was tense. Kagome looked over to him. “What's wrong?”
Inuyasha tensed up more. “N-nothing. What's his name?” He tried to act as if nothing were different.
“Oh.” Then he got an idea. “How about I come over your house today? To study?” Inuyasha prayed his little plan would work.
Kagome blinked then shrugged. “Sure.”
After school, Inuyasha and Kagome walked home together. When they got to her house, Kagome threw open the door then was tackled by a red hair boy. She giggled.
“Hello Kagome-san!” the boy giggled.
“Hello Shippo-chan.” She kneeled down to be his height. “I want you to meet someone.” Right before she said Inuyasha's name, Shippo did.
“Inuyasha!” Shippo jumped on to his leg, clinging to it. He was sobbing again.
Kagome raised a brow, standing up. “You know each other?”
“No!” Inuyasha shook his head, holding out his hands for defense.
“Yes! Inuyasha is my cousin!” Kagome glared at Inuyasha before picking up Shippo. “Go inside Shippo.” Shippo did what he was told and Inuyasha gulped.
“You…YOU JERK!” She smacked him before slamming the door in his face.
Inuyasha stood there, his hand on his cheek, eyes wide. He messed up again. He sighed, before turning to walk home. How was he ever going to get her to forgive him?
._.; Anyway…<<;….>>;;…