InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Double Trouble... plus one ❯ Boys, Seals, and Lies ( Chapter 8 )
A/n: Hello my friends! I feel better… so im not gonna burn your souls now. HAHA!
Sesshomarugrl: Thank you!!! Um… if you give me your email address… I'll tell ya what im planning… well at least part of it. Maybe you'll like it better then, but, I don't think im going to make this ONLY sess/kag…*wink wink nudge nudge * that sounds worse than im planning though….
Sesshomaru Sweetie: See, it's so much easier to use cliffhangers though….. ok…. This chapter won't end on one, just for you! Lol
Lady Maya: Awwwww… gee thanks. I try.
Oh!!! It's not my fault I went to Europe…. The school gave it to me and my friends for our grades and a charity thing we did. Ok…. Sooooo here's this chapter. It's gonna be short cause I still have to go with the person to get the something. He he wish I could tell you guys.
Boys, Seals, and Lies
Same routine. Sesshomaru grabbed her and sprayed poison gas at her nose… except this time, she didn't breath in. She dropped to the ground, fully conscious with the intent on finding out what was going on. This was the perfect opportunity for her, all she had to do was move a little closer to this box, just a little more. If she could get there without being noticed, she would be in the clear.
She scooted her body ever so slightly with her eyes open only slightly. She saw the three demons turn to each other and start to whisper about something… it didn't seem like she needed to hear it. Inuyasha was probably telling Sesshomaru that he should stop knocking her unconscious. She non-chalantly inched her hand into the box and grabbed what she was looking for. As soon as she heard what she was looking for she would be off…
"You guys, she has things to do! She can't just spend a week with each of us! This is rediculous, can't you just stay here in the village with her? Why do you have to take her to your homes?!" Inuyasha shouted, red with anger.
"Because brother, we wouldn't be able to have our way with her." Sesshomaru teased.
`What?! Have their way with me? I'm running now… yeah…' she got up and yelled, "Sit Stay Down!!!"
She ran out of the hut and towards the well, clutching the seals she had taken from the hut. `Bull! There is no way in hell I am going with any of them just so they can have sex with me! Who do they think I am? A fucking hooker?'
She ran into the clearing when she heard footsteps, running footsteps, gaining on her fast. She didn't have time to turn around! She had to reach the well!
"Sit Stay DOWN!!" she yelled, just missing Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, who had just fallen out of two trees up ahead. She knew that she had to do this fast. She hopped over the edge of the well without a second glance. As soon as she hit the ground in her own time she threw the seals on the ground and focused all of her powers into them. They glowed pink for a moment, along with the ground, and then everthing went back to normal.
She sighed with releif. She could remove the seals if she needed to, she just needed to get away from them until she was prepared to face them again. She climbed up the ladder slowly, savouring the fact that she didn't have a due date to go back, she wouldn't end up being dragged to the past by an immature hanyou if she was late.
"I will miss him though." She thought aloud. She peered down at her watch to find that it was morning. `How weird, I thought that it was later in the afternoon when Sesshomaru tried to knock me out… wow am I out of it.'
She ran up to the shrine and greeted everyone. She explained that she wouldn't be going back to the feudal era for a while, but didn't tell them why.
After she grabbed her back-pack she ran out the door, only to be greeted by her friends at the bottom of the shrine. They stared at her with weird looks in their eyes.
"Say Kagome, have you seen that new show Inuyasha? Ya know what's weird about that? WE'RE ALL IN IT!!" Yuka screamed.
"Well guys, you can't honestly thin-" Kagome started
"Actually we can, because unless you know the creator of the show and you told her everything about our lives, than we can honestlybeleive that all of these sick days, you've been in the feudal era!!" Yuka continued.
`How am I gonna get out of this one? There's no way they'll believe me if I tell them I know her… him? Uhgm! Maybe I should just tell them…."
Ok! This is so not a cliffhanger! And if it is… im sorry, but I need to know if ya want her to tell them… and I know that Rumiko is a female, so don't think that im just … I don't know. Whatever. Oh right right…
Disclaimer: Idon't own Inuyasha or Rumiko.
Back to a/n: And ok… I know this was short… but I have to say that most of my chapters will be… because I don't want to wait an extra week to update….. thanks again for the reveiws!