InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1-Wish Upon a Star

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha!!! (Opens closet door, stuffs sock in his mouth,


This is my first fan fiction, so please don't laugh. (I see you laughing ChickGurl and Evil

Elf, meanies!) I dedicate this chapter to me because I'm selfish and conceited.

Okay, here we go…

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Chickie sat in her room, looking at her Inuyasha doll. "I wish you were real. I

wish Kagome and I could trade places for awhile, like a month or maybe two," she

daydreamed, "yeah, that would be so cool!"

She didn't mind playing with dolls, well, at least not Inuyasha dolls. She

constantly thought about what it would be like to live in Inuyasha's world. Facing

demons, hunting jewel shards, it would be so exciting!!! She wondered if Miroku was

more perverted than her friend Jman. `No,' she thought, `no one is more lecherous than

he is.' There would be so many laughs, so much adventure! She loved to imagine herself

in Kagome's shoes.

She loved to think about Inuyasha and the world he lived in. One night, she saw a falling star. She wished, "I wish I could trade places with Kagome for two months. Please. Thank you." She laid down in here bed thinking about the wish she had just made. She wondered if she should have asked for something simpler. She wondered if a dream that complicated could actually come true.

As she drifted off to sleep, she prayed for a miracle to occur. Up above, the heavens twinkled as if they were winking at the girl.

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Chickie woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and a soft, warm breeze blowing gently through her hair. `Odd,' she thought, `my bed feels so much more lumpy than usual.'

Suddenly she heard a strangely familiar voice …

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So, what did you think for starters??? REVIEW!!!!!