InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 1 who are you? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2- Who Are You?

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha… yet.

Hey sorry, my first few chapters are kind of short. Don't for get to review!!!

On with the story…

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"Who are you?" the voice hissed into her ear. `That voice sounds so familiar, but no, it couldn't be, could it?' she wondered. Her blue eyes fluttered open to see amber ones staring back at her. It was… `Am I asleep; am I still dreaming?' those questions ran through her head. `Someone pinch me, someone wake me up!' It was Inuyasha!

"Who are you?" he asked again, impatiently, "What have you done with Kagome? Answer Me!!!"

"I haven't done anything! Please let me explain the situation to you" she said hurriedly. Inuyasha was eyeing her warily with one of his hands resting on the Tetsuiga's sheath. "You see, last night, I saw a falling star. I wished that Kagome and I could switch places for awhile and I guess that my wish came true," she explained hastily.

"How long is awhile? And wait! How did you find out about Kagome and me?" he had a suspicious, yet puzzled look on his face.

"Well, you see, I watch the TV show and that is how I know about…"

"What in seven hells is a TV show?" now he was really confused.

"I'll explain it to you later. And secondly, awhile is two months," she told him.

"Two months? What am I going to do with you for two whole months?"

"Can't we go shard hunting? I have always wanted to do that!"

"Heck no, are you crazy? I'm not taking a weakling like you shard hunting! No way in seven hells! No shard hunting for two months, just great. Thanks a lot," he stormed off angrily with a pout on his face, heading into the forest. Chickie followed.

He hopped into a tree, still pouting. `How does she know about all of this? It's so strange.' He looked at the girl. She glanced up at him and smiled. She had a sweetness to her. She had long chestnut hair and bright blue eyes. `Maybe it won't be so bad,' he argued with himself. `Feh,' he replied.

"I'm going back to the clearing Inuyasha," she notified him, "Okay?"

"Sure, he said carelessly, "whatever."

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So what do you think? Is it good or bad? REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!

I'll update soon! I'm really really sorry that this is so short, but like I said, this is my first fanfic, so give me a break. DON'T LAUGH!!!!