InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 2 Chickie Meets Miroku ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3 Chickie Meets Miroku

Hey! What do you think? I dedicate this chapter to my friend Jman, because of the little lecher he is!!!! Maybe he is the reincarnation of Miroku!!!!

Please review! Just in case you haven't guessed, Chickie is me!

DISCLAIMER: I may not own Inuyasha, but I own Chickie, and I own this fanfic!!!

Back to MY fanfic…

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Chickie walked back to the clearing. Back at the campsite, Miroku and Shippo still laid sleeping softly. She opened up Kagome's backpack. She figured that after all of the confusion she had caused Inuyasha, she at least owed him breakfast. She pulled out Ramen (what else?) and started cooking it over a small fire. As she was preparing the Ramen, a certain monk woke up to see the perfect opportunity to be lecherous. He crept up behind her silently as he could and was about to grope her when he got acquainted with dirt. Dirt, Miroku, Miroku, Dirt.

"Don't try that again!" scolded an extremely angry teenager.

"Lady Kagome, your voice, has it changed? And your hair…" he reached up again, only to find himself face to face with the furious girl.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME!!!!!!" she screeched, knocking the unfortunate monk to the ground. `This is just not my day,' thought the poor, lecherous monk.

Back in the tree, Inuyasha heard the screams of both the angry girl and the perverted monk. "Hehehe, stupid lecher," he chuckled. Then he smelled it on the air. He sprinted toward camp. "RAMEN!!!!!!!!" he shouted with pleasure. He jogged over to the pot Chickie was stirring. A few feet away lay an unconscious Miroku. Inuyasha counted 6, no 7 bumps on his head. Not to mention some bruises. `She's tougher than I thought,' considered Inuyasha. He couldn't help but chortle at the pitiful sight.

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I apologize for going against your wishes and not respecting you," said a nervous Miroku, "I do not think we have had the pleasure of meeting. I am Miroku, a simple monk. Who are you? And where is Lady Kagome?"

`Umm, well, she is… taking a break from shard hunting for awhile. I am her, err… temporary replacement. My name is Chickie," she told him, "Inuyasha! The ramen is just about ready. Will you please wake Shippo up?"

"I am not going to wake up that brat wench. Do it yourself!" he said. Chickie walked over to him.

"Come on Inuyasha!" He shook his head. Chickie grabbed him by the ears and yanked him off the ground. He yelped in pain. She dragged him over to Shippo. "Wake him up!" he shook his head again. "Fine Inuyasha. Be stubborn. If I have to wake Shippo up the Ramen will burn. But if you don't want Ramen, I understand. I'll just wake Shippo up for you."

Inuyasha growled, "Fine, I'll wake up the little brat. Just don't burn my Ramen!"

He walked over to the little Kitsune, mumbling, "Stupid wench, pulling my ears. Who does she think she is? Feh." He slowly picked Shippo up by the tail, and dropped him suddenly, yelling, "TIME TO WAKE UP BRAT!!!"

Shippo woke up with a jolt. "Stupid Inuyasha. I'll teach him to hurt me! You know it's kind of funny that I was having a dream about Inuyasha having his butt kicked. KAGOME!!! Inuyasha hurt… HEY you're not Kagome! Who are you?"

"I'm Chickie. I'm Kagome temporary replacement while she's on vacation," she explained.

"Aw crap. Now Inuyasha can't get sat for hurting me. Darn," he sulked.

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After eating the Ramen, Inuyasha was still pouting over his ears. "Inuyasha?"

She asked.

"What is it woman?"

"Umm, I'm sorry I pulled your ears." He feh'd in response.

"Chickie," he said, "you can come shard hunting with us." A smile lit up her face. She ran over to the Hanyou.

"Thank you oh thank you Inuyasha! I won't let you down!!! I promise!" she said hugging him.

"Don't I get a hug too?" Chickie turned to see Miroku with outspread arms.

"Fine, but if you try any of the crap you pulled earlier, you'll have eight bumps!"

She walked over to him and quickly embraced. But his hands were quicker. The next thing he knew he was having a lovely conversation with his good friend dirt. Shippo shook his head and Inuyasha snickered.

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So what did you think? This chapter is longer than my first two. REVIEW!!!! I'll give every1 who reviews a cookie!!!! HI!!! Thanks for reading this story