InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 3 Shard Hunting ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4- Shard Hunting

Disclaimer- I DON'T OWN INUYASHA!!! ("Yes you do" "SHUT UP!!!")

Anyways, while I am busy arguing with myself, you can read my story…

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`I think I'm going to enjoy these two months,' thought Inuyasha. His eyes widened, `Wait, did I just say I mean, think that? I'm starting to get soft. Aw crap!' He stormed of into the woods, furious with himself. As he was striding through the forest, he felt a bite on the back of his neck. He smashed whatever it was and pulled his hand back. It was the flea demon, Myouga.

"Master Inuyasha, it has been to long," he said, bowing, "I have located a jewel shard less than a day away."

"Thanks Myouga," he said, "and stay the hell off my neck!!!" Inuyasha headed back to the clearing, the jewel shard on his mind.

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"Lady Chickie, will you do me the honor of…" Miroku started, but Chickie interrupted him.

"No! I will not bear your child!" she told him. `How did she know? Has news of me really spread that fast? Why, I must be Infamous!' he thought. Inuyasha suddenly appeared out of the woods.

"Myouga says that there is a jewel shard close by," Inuyasha told them, "Let's get going." He waited impatiently as they packed everything up. Finally, they started along the path toward the village where Myouga had located the jewel shard. `Wow, I can't believe this is happening! I'm really here in Inuyasha's world. With Miroku, Shippo, and the Hanyou himself, Inuyasha! It is like a dream come true. Well, actually, when I think about it, it was a dream come true!' she sighed with contentment. She was so excited about shard hunting. She glanced at Inuyasha, and noticed he looked tense.

"What's wrong Inuyasha?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh, err… nothing. Why do you ask?" he looked nervous.

"I was just worried about you, because…"

"Worried? About me? Are you nuts? Ha! You are such an idiot! Don't worry about me. Now quit bugging me and shut up wench! And stop staring at me!" Then he muttered under his breath, "Women. Feh."

"I like women!!!" shouted (Guess who?) Miroku.

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`I wonder why Inuyasha looks so troubled,' pondered Chickie as they entered the village. An elderly man walked up to them.

"You must be Inuyasha! Thank you for coming so soon!" he greeted them.

"Yeah yeah old man, so tell me about this demon that plagues your village." he said. The old man told him of the temptress demon who lured men into dark alleys and murdered them.

"Gross!" said Shippo. `That brat is such a wimp,' thought Inuyasha. He looked at Miroku, and noticed he was sweating.

"Why are you sweating?" Inuyasha pulled Miroku to the side. I don't think I'll be able to fight this one Inuyasha. The way that man talks about the demon, I wouldn't stand a chance if those other men didn't."

"Yeah, ok then you stay in one of the villagers houses tonight, understand?" Miroku nodded to Inuyasha and ran off toward a village maiden. `Stupid lecher. Now all I have is me and the girl. Crap.' Thought the Hanyou. He had sent Shippo over to keep an eye on the monk so he doesn't get into too much trouble. Then he explained to Chickie what was going on. He looked really ticked off at the fact that he had to be stuck with her while battling demons. He would have rather had the brat; at least he had had experience in fighting them.

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad am I?" she looked at him with hurt in her eyes. He feh'd. She glared at him.

"What? Fine, you're not that bad, for a human. Happy now?" he blurted out. She grinned slightly and nodded.

"Yes, I am quite happy now. Thanks Inuyasha." She said.

"I will never understand women," he muttered under his breath. They rested in an old storage house until nightfall. Inuyasha went to stand up when he felt something was holding him down. He gazed to see Chickie snoozing on his shoulder. He gently lifted her up and set her down as not to wake her. `It will be better if I face the demon on my own.' He decided, `I will let her sleep. She looks tired.'

He turned to leave when he heard, "You know, you're nicer than you look, when no one's looking. (How ironic) You should show it more often. Not thinking of leaving without me were you?"

"You snooze you lose," was all he said before he continued walking out the door. Chickie quickly ran to catch up. They walked side by side. Chickie jumped at ever little noise she heard.

"What was that? What's that noise?" she asked paranoid.

"It was just an owl. Sheesh. I should have left you with Miroku and Shippo," he rolled his eyes, "pathetic. You're afraid, aren't you? I really think you should have stayed behind.

"And have that monk grope me again? I think not. I don't think he can suffer anymore. He probably already has suffered brain damage."

"Feh. That was there before you got here," he remarked.

"Anyways, you know you need my help."

"For what? I can handle the demon myself. All I really need is one of those cheer sections Kagome talks about. Maybe you can do that. It's just about all that you are good for right now."

"Are you calling me a cheerleader? How dare you!!! Cheerleaders are preps! I AM NOT A PREP!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CALLED ME A PREP!!! I'M NOT A PREP!!!"

Inuyasha collapsed, anime style. "Umm, sorry. I didn't know," he said. `What the heck is a prep anyways? Must be pretty bad."

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Sorry to all the preps out there, but I just don't like preps. Please Review anyways. So what do you think so far? If I don't get more reviews I'm gonna cry. (I may not be a prep, but I'm as entitled to crying as the next girl!!!) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!!

Thank you to evil 1 of fluff AKA suki chan, soccerchic and sigh for being my first reviewers. I appreciate it!!! Anyways, if you don't review, I won't update!!! So Read and review!!! I'll give you a cookie! (I'm desperate people!!!) Tell me what you think.