InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 4 Demons and Hanyous, an Unwanted Sacrifice ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5- Demons and Hanyous, an Unwanted Sacrifice

DISCLAIMER: I DON"T OWN INUYASHA!!! Well at least not until I become a billionaire, then I shall own it. Too bad I'm not old enough to purchase a lotto ticket. Darn. Oh well, while I'm plotting how to get my hands on a lotto ticket and think of a way to con the lottery, you can read my fanfic.

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They treaded silently through the village, searching for the youkai. Chickie still hadn't forgiven Inuyasha for calling her a prep and was mumbling angrily to herself under her breath. Inuyasha stopped in his tracks.

Around the corner a silhouette of a female youkai stood. He motioned to Chickie to be very quiet and follow him. She nodded, but before they could move, the great shadow came upon them, and they were confronted by the youkai.

"Chickie, stay back. I can fight her by myself," said Inuyasha.

"But I want to help!!!" she pouted. Inuyasha gave her an `I'm going to kill you if you don't listen to me' look. Chickie backed away slowly. Inuyasha turned to face the youkai. He removed the Tetsuiga from its sheath.

He cautiously advanced on her, wary to her every move. She beckoned him forward. He lunged forward and attacked. He missed. Inuyasha growled and lunged again, only to miss her by a few centimeters.

"To quick for you am I?" she laughed. He attacked once again, this time giving her a cut across the cheek. Her face filled with anger. She pulled a small bag out of her pocket and reached into it. She pulled out a fine dust that sparkled in the moonlight. The demon started chanting in a language that neither Inuyasha nor Chickie could understand. The youkai thrusted the powder at the Hanyou. It seemed to have no effect on him, until she started chanting again.

Chickie knew what was going on. And like most Harry Potter book readers, she knew that with trances you must have perfect eye contact. She knew it was up to her to do something to save Inuyasha. She had to break the eye contact. But how? She started dancing crazily around Inuyasha. It didn't help. She screamed his name over and over. The demoness laughed at Chickie and her feeble attempts to save Inuyasha.

He was weakening by the minute. The life was literally being sucked out of him. She had to work fast. Then she realized something. She ran up to him and shook him violently. It didn't work. Time was running out for Inuyasha. `Got to think, got to think got to think'. Then, a disgusted look came over her face. `I know I am going to regret this' she thought.

She stood in front of him and stared into his pupiless eyes. She winced and let out a heavy sigh before locking her lips with his cold blue ones. `Eww eww eww!' she thought. She could feel the warmth coming back to his lips, and saw his pupils had reappeared, wider than usual. He had a stunned look on his face. She let go of him and said, "I'll explain later! Just please kill this demon and get this over with!"

The demon looked just as, or maybe even more surprised than Inuyasha had been. "You know, it's not polite to stare," said Inuyasha. He lifted the Tetsuiga and ran towards her. She was too shocked to notice, or so it seemed. She dodged him in a nick of time. He kept striking at her, and finally hit with a fatal blow. She fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, and turned to dust. By then the sun was dawning over a new day. Inuyasha and Chickie walked into the woods.

"Why did you um, kiss me?" asked a very confused Hanyou.

"You were under a trance, so I knew that I had to help you and break the eye contact between you and the demon. Nothing else was working, so I tried that," she told him.

"I don't need your help wench! You're just a stupid weakling with stupid ideas! I'm not stupid, and I don't need your pity!" he yelled.

"You know what? FINE! I guess I should have just let you die. You know that you needed my help. And by the way, that was my first kiss and I wasted it on the likes of you! It wasn't like kissing you was something I wanted to do. It would me nice if you

at least thanked me for saving your life! You jerk!" she cried and ran deeper into the forest. Inuyasha stood there, looking guilty and dumbfounded.

Chickie ran as fast as she could. She wasn't sure if Inuyasha was following her or not, and frankly, she didn't care. She was so angry at him. It would have been nice to be appreciated.

"I wish I had never come here. I wanted to have fun, and meet my hero. Some hero he is. He doesn't even have the guts to say he is sorry."

She sat against a tree and cried. "I would rather spend the rest of these two horrible months with Sesshoumaru than Inuyasha."

"Be careful of what you wish for," said a voice from behind her.

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Inuyasha heard the scream from miles away. He ran through the forest as fast as he could, following her scent. Not long after, he picked up the trail of another, his full-demon brother, Sesshoumaru. He soon reached the small clearing where the shrieks originated from. Chickie sat there transfixed. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

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So what do you think? Thank yous go to every one who reviewed. Sorry, I ran out of cookies. By the way, if any preps were offended by my joke in chapter four, I apologize. Lighten up! Please Review! Tell me what you think.-Rockerchickie