InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 5 Sesshomaru and his Secret ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6- Sesshomaru

Sorry it took so long for me to update. I was on vacation for three weeks.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, yet. I tried conning the lotto, but it didn't work. So now I'm writing this in juvie while serving my time. Lol. So while I wait to get out of here, you can read my fanfic.

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Chickie heard the sound of rustling bushes. She averted away from Sesshomaru and Jaken to see Inuyasha with a scowl on his face. Her cheeks flushed angrily, and she glared at him defiantly. "Go away Inuyasha! I don't need your help!"

"Yes you do weakling!" he said.

"NO I DON'T! Especially not from an ungrateful Hanyou like you!" she yelled.

"Fine whatever. You try to handle this by yourself. I'll be in the tree watching you

get your butt kicked. Call me if you need me." He said, hopping into a tree to watch. Jaken and Sesshomaru had also been watching for sometime and wondered what she was going to do. Chickie picked up a stick and swung it madly. She heard a crack as it connected with Jaken's thick skull. The little freaky lizard dude jumped.

"Ouch! You'll pay for that dearly heathen!" he said, rubbing the lump on his head. Then she turned on Sesshomaru. She aimed and swung * Snap * the branch laid on the ground in pieces. Sesshomaru had cut it with his claws. "Yay Lord Sesshomaru!" said an overly excited Jaken.

Chickie sweat-dropped. "Inuyasha, a little help please." Inuyasha gave her an I-told-you-so smirk and jumped down from his resting place. Inuyasha pulled out his sword and ran at Sesshomaru. They battled fiercely for awhile. Inuyasha was losing to his full-demon older brother. He was covered in small cuts, and he didn't seem to be moving as fast as usual. The demon they had battled earlier took a lot of strength out of him. Chickie to the rescue. Again. `Geez, I think I'm a jinx. Ever since I've been here he's losing. Oh Well' she thought.

"Hey Sesshomaru!" she called, "Guess what? I know your nickname! And if you don't leave us alone I'll tell everyone what it is!"

"You are a liar! I have no nickname! You are bluffing!" he said a bit nervously.

"Hey! Did you know the word bluff rhymes with f…" she started.

"I hate you. Come Jaken, let's go." He turned his back on them and started walking away.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru. I'm coming," said the little toad. He gave Chickie the meanest glare he could muster, which looked more funny than intimidating. Chickie suppressed a laugh. Then looking at Inuyasha, she cleared her throat.

"What?" said the very ignorant Hanyou.

"I think you owe me an apology," she informed him.

"Well I don't," he started, " I think I owe you a thank you. Thank you for saving me."

"Your welcome. I think we should head back to that village now. We are miles away, and Miroku and Shippo are probably worried. And by the way, thanks for helping me with Sesshomaru. We make a pretty good team, don't we? And I'm not a weakling, am I?" she smiled.

"Speaking of Sesshomaru, what is his nickname?"

"Fluffy." They both doubled over laughing.

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Come nightfall, only one of them was walking, the other was being dragged by a very ticked off Hanyou.

"Stupid girl, it was her stupid idea to walk back to the village today. Stupid woman," he muttered.

"You know, I can here you. I do have ears," he said sleepily.

"Of course I knew that," he said sulkily, " Stand up and walk." He tried to stand her up, but she collapsed against him. He feh'd loudly and carried her into the woods. He laid her in the grass against a tree and hopped up into it. He figured that he might as well rest while he had the chance, for it had been a long day.

"Inuyasha, are you awake?" Chickie called into the night.

"What is it woman? Why are you up so late? It is probably two in the morning," he scolded her.

"I had a really bad dream. Naraku came and it was just really creepy. It seemed so real. Can I sit in the tree with you? I don't think I can go back to sleep." She said. She did seem to be very shaken. Inuyasha groaned but extended his hand to her to pull her up. "Hey, I may not be able to fight a demon one-on-one, but I can climb a tree. I'm not totally helpless you know." She climb up the tree with little effort and hoisted herself onto the branch nearby Inuyasha. "Thank you." She said. She gave him a quick hug.

"It was so scary." She shivered against him.

"Yeah yeah I'm sure it was. Now get off me!" he pushed her off of him and set her down on the branch next to him.

"You know you like the attention, especially from Kagome." She smirked knowingly. Inuyasha sweat dropped.

"Wha, what are you talking about?" he asked apprehensively.

"Inuyasha, who are you trying to deceive? I have seen every episode of the show and I know for a fact you like her. You aren't fooling anyone. Everyone knows you like her."

Inuyasha was silent.

"Anyways, I was thinking tomorrow after we meet back up with Miroku and Shippo we could go to Kagome's side of the well. I need to get a few things from the store." Inuyasha just feh'd

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Chickie eventually fell asleep on her branch. Inuyasha sat awake thinking about what she said to him. Did he like Kagome? He wasn't sure. He couldn't call her a friend, she seemed like more than that, but he didn't know if he liked her or not. He cursed out loud. Why does everyone have to pry into my business anyways? He thought. Stupid people. Why don't they find someone else to eavesdrop on? He thought about tomorrow. Kagome's side of the well. Fun fun fun. What is so great about it? He wondered. He finally fell asleep.

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"Did you know that you snore?" asked Chickie. Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes. `Morning already?' he thought. He yawned loudly. "Glad to see you're awake Mr. Sleepy Puppy."

"Don't call me that wench! What time is it?" he asked. It was eight. "I slept in late!"

"Late? I would hate to see early!" she said.

"Early is only four weakling," He said. Chickie collapsed, anime style. "What is early for you?"

" Six thirty." Inuyasha burst out laughing. "What, do you sleep in so late so you can get your `beauty rest'? Because if that is the reason then you need to sleep in later because it sure hasn't helped you at all."

"You are such a jerk. Did you know that?" she said. She laughed. "Well let's get going. I want to get to the well soon."

"I don't have to carry you again do I?"

"I hope not." They actually weren't to far away from the village. It was about eleven when they got there. They met up with Miroku and Shippo in the temple. They were munching on bowls of rice. They greeted the two warmly, well, at least Chickie did. Inuyasha just feh'd. Miroku got them each a bowl of rice and asked them how it went.

"Oh it was an interesting trip I must say," said Chickie, "We met up with Sesshomaru, defeated that demon, it was very different than where I live. We are going to Kagome's side of the well. Are you coming?"

"I don't want to go!" said Shippo, "I'm tired! Miroku has been dragging me around town all day. He says I'm a `babe magnet'. I haven't gotten any sleep. He talks in his sleep you know. It is really annoying to hear `Will you bear my child' all night after you have heard it all day. Make him stop!"

"I guess you can stay here today. I'll go into the village by myself." Said Miroku. Fine. Inuyasha, will you come with me please?" she asked. He shook his head. "I'll tell Kagome you like her," she whispered.

"Fine. Stupid woman," he mumbled.

"See you later guys," she said to Miroku and Shippo. "Come on Inuyasha, let's go." She dragged him from the temple and they walked alongside the road. They finally reached the well. She looked over the side and jumped.

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Ha! A Cliff hanger! I am so evil! Well, not 100% evil, but still pretty evil. So what do you think? Send me your opinions and suggestions! I would love to hear them! Thank yous to all who reviewed. And thank you to chickie0 (copycat) who took time out of her BUSY schedule to review my story. It took you long enough! Thanks though. Anyways, thanks everyone and please continue to review! -Rockerchickie