InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 6 The Other Side ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 7- The Other Side of the Well

Hey everyone! Thanks for reviewing. Here is your digilitized cookie-O. Sorry, I ran out of real ones.

DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, I must remind myself and my readers every chapter that I do not own Inuyasha. As you know, I have tried to con the lotto and be rich, but instead I was sent to juvie. I just got out on good behavior. Lol. What should I come up with next? Maybe I should write a fic called `The Chickie Chronicles'. It would be about me and the many ways I tried to own Inuyasha. What do you think? I don't know. Maybe. Anyways, you can read my fanfic while I come up with another scheme to own Inuyasha. By the way, if you have any ideas, please tell me. On with the story…

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Thud. Chickie landed hard on the cold, hard floor of the well on Kagome's side. Inuyasha came next and fell on top of her. She pushed him off. "Geez, how much do you weigh?" she asked rubbing her legs. "That really hurt!"

"It serves you right for making me come along. I didn't want to come but you had to blackmail me. Stupid wench," he complained.

"You're stupider!" she said. "No you!" "You" "You" "You". That went on for about ten minutes.

"Let's get out of this well. I'm freezing," said Chickie, shivering.

"Fine. Weakling," he murmured.

"You know what Inuyasha, you didn't have to come. You can stay here if you want. But if anything happens to me, you'll have to carry the guilt around for the rest of your life." He just shrugged. "Okay," he said, "fine with me." Chickie's face reddened to a deep shade of burgundy.

"Oh Inuyasha, you are so ignorant sometimes! You just wait until Kagome gets back! She's going to sit you a gazillion times before she gets through with you! Then it will be my turn. You just wait!!!" she climbed out of the well and marched off toward the city. `Grrr. He is so unnerving sometimes!!!' she thought to herself. She walked past building after building, searching for what she wanted. She found it. She entered into the small music shop. She quickly headed toward the rock music section. She picked out a few of her favorite punk rock CDs, paid the clerk, and left the store.

After that she found a grocery store to pick up supplies to restock Kagome's backpack for the feudal era. She accumulated ramen, juice boxes, water bottles, a first aid kit, and other necessities to fill it up. She also picked up some stationary so that she could compose a journal and keep her thoughts in order.

She walked outside. It was late in the afternoon, probably about four o'clock. She walked around trying to find her way back to Kagome's house. Approximately two hours later, she found herself in front of the supermarket again. She had been going in circles. The sun was setting, it would be dark soon. That was when she realized… she was lost.

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Inuyasha waited impatiently for Chickie to return. His stomach rumbled with hunger, for he had not eaten all day. He hoped Chickie would bring food upon her arrival. He enjoyed Chickie's company, but he missed Kagome. He wondered how she was doing, if she was alright. He hoped that there weren't any demons in Chickie's world, though she had already assured him there weren't.

Night swept over present-day Japan like a quilt is pulled over a small child's head when they are afraid. And still Inuyasha waited. The seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes ticked by to hours. He worried that something had happened to her. Was she scared, or hurt? An endless amount of questions swam through his mind, taunting him, and making the guilt swell up inside of him. He knew he had to find her. If he didn't come back with Chickie the little brat was sure to tell Kagome when she returned. Then he really would get sat a gazillion times. He sighed and started following Chickie's sent that led into the urban jungle called Tokyo.

He tracked the scent as it crissed-crossed between buildings and around corners. He followed it for hours. With every step he took, the smell grew stronger. The smell was so strong, and he knew he was close so he sped up. He stopped, and dreadful thoughts ran through his mind as he looked up to see Chickie... asleep on a park bench.

He let out a sigh of relief and a low growl of anger and shame. He worried for nothing! She had been fine all of this time! He was so upset with himself for making such a big deal out of nothing! He approached her quietly, and realized that she wasn't alright. She had a black eye. In fact, when he looked closer, he noticed she had bruises up and down her arms. He brushed away the hair from her face, and she had a cut upon her forehead.

Slowly and delicately, he lifted her from her resting place. She tossed and turned in her sleep, beating her fists against him and saying, "no!" repetitively. Still he carried her on. He brought her to the well and dived in without a moment to waste. He struggled to climb out of the well (it's not exactly easy when you have an unconscious, struggling girl in you arms) and ran toward the direction of Kaede's hut. He prayed she would be alright. She had stopped moving now; she seemed so weak. He brought her into Kaede's hut and set her down. He walked hurriedly to the futon on which the old medicine woman lay sleeping. He shook her violently.

Kaede groaned and sat up. She lit a candle and blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room. She yawned. "What is this Inuyasha? For what reason have you woken me up at this hour of the night?"

"I don't need lectures old hag, I need your help. This girl has been severely injured. Can you take care of her?" he asked.

"This girl dresses similar to Kagome, but is of a different identity. Who is this young woman?" she asked while examining Chickie's wounds.

"I'll explain later old woman. Just focus on her right now. Is there anyway I can help?" he asked anxiously. She instructed him to fetch her some herbs from the forest. He exited the hut. Chickie's body shook all over. She had a high fever, and Kaede wondered if this girl would make it through the night.

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So what do ya think? Sorry it took so long to update! REVIEW!!!!!!!! (For those of you who are sango fans, I like her too, but I don't know where she would come in in this story. Ill try to fit her in though . r&r please!