InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter 7 Embrace Our Faults ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 8- Embrace Our Faults

Hello everyone! I know that you are all ecstatic that I finally updated aren't you? Lucky

bunch of monkeys! Aren't you feeling special? I know I am! Well, as you know, I just

recently got out of juvie for trying to con the lottery (lol) but this time, I did something

that was actually smart! I traded my little brother in for a one-eyed, three legged llama.

The dealer didn't think it was a very fair trade, so I had two give him some pixie sticks

too. You will see how that contributes to my plan next chapter! HaHaHa I am so evil!

Anyways, please read and review my story. Here we go…

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The sun was dawning over a new day. Inuyasha paced back and forth. Kaede was

working in the garden picking more herbs. She had informed Inuyasha that Chickie had

suffered a severe amount of blood loss and was lucky to have made it through the night.

He heard a slight rustling and curved to see Chickie looking at him sleepily. He

sauntered over and took a seat beside her bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"I'm doing okay, it just stings a little," she assured him. She let out a small groan.

"Really, I'm fine." She gave him a weak smile then winced. This tugged at Inuyasha's


"What happened?" he asked. "Well, I picked up the things we needed, and I got

lost trying to find my way back to the shrine. Instead, I ended up in a bad part of the



`Where am I?' wondered Chickie. All of a sudden, a large group of young men,

probably in their late teens, early twenties, came up from behind her. "Excuse me," she

said, "do you know the way to…" They stuffed a sock in her mouth. Before she could try

to escape, they grabbed her tightly by the arms. She kicked and struggled to get out of

their grasp, but it was too strong. They led her into an alley and shoved her against a wall.

She spit out the disgusting sock.

"What, what do you want?" she stuttered. They instructed her to give them her

money. She refused and threatened to call the police. They advanced on her. One man

pulled out a small knife, while others cracked their knuckles. She tried to fight them off

and get away, but there were too many.


"I called out for you, Inuyasha, and then everything went black." Inuyasha's

blood ran cold. Those words pierced his heart like one of Kagome's magic arrows. She

had asked for his help, and he hadn't come. She had been in danger, and he had not done

anything to prevent her from being hurt. He felt as though it was his fault. He let her go

there all alone. If he had only gone with her, she would not be lying there on that bed,

looking so weak and helpless. This hurt more than when Kikyo had sealed him to the

sacred tree 50 years before. To see someone he cared about hurt because of him made

him want to cry. He would have never let this happen to Kagome. He stood up and

walked out of the hut, wiping a tear from his eye.

"What is wrong Inuyasha?" asked Kaede as he walked past. "None of your

business old hag," he said scornfully. He stormed off toward the God's tree. He sat there

staring up into the cloudless sky. Accusations against himself ran through his brain. He

felt so ashamed. What would Kagome say? What would everyone else say? What did

Chickie think of him now? Did she think him a coward? Or did she think him to be a

cold, cruel soul with no heart? He then made a vow to never hurt someone he cared for.

He slowly ambled back to the hut. Chickie was eating a bowl of miso soup.

"What's wrong Inuyasha?" she asked. He stared at the floor. "Come here Inuyasha; tell

me what is on your mind." He walked over to her.

"Chickie," he asked, "do you hate me?"

"Inuyasha, how could you ask me such a stupid question like that? Of course I

don't hate you. You are a dear friend to me, and I could never hate you, no matter what.

What ever gave you that idea?"

"You called for my help, and I didn't come. If I was there with you, it never

would have happened. If I wasn't so stubborn… I'm so sorry." he said.

"Don't be," she said, "I am not angry at you, so don't be angry at yourself. I am

going to be fine, and that's what matters. So don't beat yourself up for it. Please don't. It

would hurt me more to see you blame yourself. I'm going to be alright, don't you worry.

And you did help me. You came looking for me and carried me here so Kaede could take

care of me. This situation made me realize what a great friend you are and how much I

cared about you. Thank you Inuyasha. I never really had someone other than family care

that much about my safety. You are a true friend." She sat up and embraced him.

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The next morning, Miroku and Shippo came to see her. With them, they brought

Sango, the demon exterminator. Inuyasha was outside working in the garden with Kaede.

Miroku insisted on checking Chickie's wounds. She agreed reluctantly as he started to

examine her. Chickie felt his hand move across her posterior, and *Smack* her hand

connected with his cheek. "Yup. Her arm is just fine," he said.

"Hentai!" said Sango and whacked him over the head with her boomerang.

"Will he ever learn?" the two girls said in unison. They giggled and introduced


"Now get out of here lecher!" Sango shooed him out the door. "Serves him right.


Miroku rubbed the sore bump atop his cranium and strolled off toward the garden.

There Inuyasha was pulling out weeds. His red outer kimono lay across the wooden

fence, blowing in the wind. Inuyasha looked up and smirked slightly. "What did you do

this time Miroku? Grope Sango again?" He said, shaking his head.

"What I do in private is none of your business. You do not hear me asking what

you and Kagome do, or you and Chickie did, when I was not there to see."

Inuyasha's face turned from amusement to anger. "You want to know what

happened? Isn't it obvious? Look at her in there! That is what happened!" He carelessly

tossed all of the weeds that he had accumulated and walked off toward the cottage. He

walked in, scowling.

"What's wrong with you Inuyasha?" asked Sango. He ignored her question and

started digging through Kagome's backpack. He pulled out the CDs she had purchased,

sniffed them, and continued searching. He extracted the package of instant ramen and

started preparing it. Once it was finally cooked, he selected three bowls and filled them

up. He gave one to each of the girls. All they could manage to say was thanks. They ate

their meals in silence. It was Chickie who made the first attempt at conversation.

"Ummm… nice weather we're having. Bright and sunny skies. What do you think

Sango?" she said, pleading her to play along.

"Yes, quite lovely indeed. What do you think Inuyasha?" she asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I guess so," was all he said. `What's wrong with him? Is he still

upset? Is he PHSing? (pre-human syndrome) I hope he'll be alright. He looks so sad.' she

considered. Sango cleared the dishes. Inuyasha just stared into space. `Kagome, where

are you?' he wondered.

A/N Hey! I basically wrote this chapter because some of my readers were starting to

think that there was something going on between Inuyasha and Chickie. To tell you the

truth, I really don't know yet, but for right now they are just FRIENDS!!! Do you hear

me? Friends!!!!! Anyways, thanks to all those who have reviewed! Kagome is coming in

soon. r&r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey! so what did ya think? stay tuned for the next adventure of the Chickie chronicles. I

named my llama Fred! YAY!!! so anyways, you know the deal, read and review!!! thanx
