InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Eight ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Um. . . Do I own Inu-Yasha? ::looks towards reviewers, who shake their head profusely:: Oh. . . Guess I don't.

Author's Note: Wow! ^_^ I think I got the most reviews ever for a chapter in this fic for last chapter! (Did that make sense? Oh well, whatever. ^_~)

Glad you all liked the part with Shippo, I thought it was extremely kawaii, if I may say so about my own writing. ^_~

Well, there weren't really any questions, so. . .

Enjoy this chapter! ^_^


~Chapter Eight: Together ~

~Kagome's PoV~

I slowly blink my eyes open, adjusting my blurry sight as I return to conciseness.

Ugh. . .

Gotta go to the bathroom. . .

Sighing quietly so as not to wake the others, I carefully wiggle out from underneath the protective arm Inu-Yasha has placed around me- whispering that he should go back to sleep when he begins to awaken. Then I cautiously step over Shippo, who's sleeping next to us; curled near my stomach.

You know, it's funny-

Around two weeks ago, something must have happened between those two, because they're been acting really- - -

Really- - -

Really civil to one another.

Inu-chan's even letting the kitsune sleep near us again- something the young fox hasn't been `allowed' to do since I became Inu-Yasha's mate.

But I don't really care *what* happened as long as it stays like this. We're like a family, now- and I love it.

Tip toeing quietly into the woods, I find a suitable spot for relieving my aching bladder.

. . . I hope the weather stays nice as long as possible, `cause having to come out here in the cold to go is gonna suck. . .

As I finish, I readjust my baggy green sweater and sit on the edge of a tree stump, looking up at the few stars that are visible though the trees and allowing my thoughts to drift back to their previous topic.

Yes, Inu-Yasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, Kaguya, Kaede- they're all my family.

But. . .

I still can't help but wonder what's going on back in my time. . .

Did Grandpa tell Mama?

Was she disappointed?



I push a strand of defiant ebony hair behind my ear as a soft wind blows though.

Well. . .

If she is. . .

I hope she can forgive me.


In the long run-

I really don't care what she thinks.

This is my life, and I'm gonna live it my way.

I love Inu-Yasha.

I love our unborn pup.

And if she doesn't like it- tough!

. . .

Though speaking of `she's. . .

What about the `she' I've forgotten about until now?

What about the woman still out for Inu-Yasha's love?

What about Kikyo?


I jump slightly as I feel a beaded hand rest upon my shoulder.

"Miroku!" I gasp, looking up at him in surprise.

He smiles kindly as he takes a seat next to me on the stump, smoothing out his robes as he, too, takes a moment to glance at the heavens.

"What's wrong?" he then asks, looking concerned as his eyes fall upon me. "Really-Early-In-The-Morning sickness?"

"No," I chuckle softly, twisting a strand of hair around my finger. "Just had to go to the bathroom."

He nods in understanding. "Ah. Well, I was just making sure you were all right- and I was going to see if you needed a hand in holding your hair back."

"Aw, you're sweet," I smile. "But I'm sure you just wanted a nice view of my rear while I was throwing up."

He glances innocently at the sky. Laugh, I push him playfully and gently smacking his beaded hand. "You're terrible."

"I thought you said I was sweet!"

"Until your motive shone through."

"Damn," he pretended to pout, winking at me.

Then his face became quite solemn.

"But in all seriousness, Kagome-sama- are you okay?"

*Am* I okay. . . ?

I wish I knew.

What with Mama's potential reactions replaying through my mind and the though of Kikyo poisoning any of my remaining thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a little ill.

Maybe I would need Miroku to hold my hair back. . .

Sighing, I wrap my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees.

"Yeah," I reply quietly. "I guess I am. . . I'm just worried about my mother. . . and the future. . ."

"And Kikyo," he fills in, his gaze cool as I wince.

"Her too," I grumble, my eyes cast upon the ground.

"Don't worry, Kagome-sama," he smiles gently. "Inu-Yasha loves you- not her."

I know that.

It's not his love I'm questioning-

It's his actions.

I know he still feels responsible.

Responsible for her death.

What will that make him do. . .?

"He's showed you his adoration in more ways then I would have thought possible. You know how romantically challenged he is."

I nod once, only because my voice is stuck.

That- and Miroku doesn't need to know all the sweet things my hanyou's done for me over the years. . .

Still. . .

"For example," the monk continues, seeing that I'm not yet consoled. "After the last battle with Naraku, he didn't run off with Kikyo."

"No," I agree darkly, my gut twisting into a knot of dislike for my incarnation, "but he didn't tell her to leave him alone, either. He just said he wasn't going go to hell with her yet."

"The point remains, he chose to stay with you. And don't even try to say it was because you had the Shikon no Tama. If I remember correctly, the Jewel disappeared soon after Naraku died."

I grunt in response, stiffening slightly.

He's right.

Inu-Yasha chose to be with me- even after Kikyo, even after the disappearance of the Jewel.

I'm his mate.

He loves me.

I love him.

But still!

That doesn't mean Kikyo's purged from his thoughts. . .

She's still walking the earth, even if Naraku isn't.


. . .

She won't try to hurt our pup, will she?!

Miroku seems to notice the fright that awakens behind my eyes because he suddenly places a comforting arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, don't fret so much," he smiles, shaking me gently. "What's coming will come. And we'll all just have to meet it when it does."

I sit there for a moment, letting that sink in.

Wait a minute. . .

Blinking, I look curiously up at him.

"Er- Miroku. . . ? Have you. . .?"

"Eh heh heh." He looks away, a little red in the face as he laughs nervously. "All right, all right- so I took that from the big book in your bag. That `Harry Potter' one or whatever."

Shrugging, he glances back at me, his usual grin plastered cheerfully on his face. "But hey- wise words are meant to be quoted, hm?"

I giggle softly, feeling a bit better. "Yeah, I guess."

"Well," he grins, "we should get going."

He stands, beating invisible dust out of his clothes before holding out a hand for me.

"Coming to bed?"

I give him a dry look.

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"You better not have," I smirk, allowing him to help me up. "Or else I'll tattle to Sango."

He laughs as we make our way back to camp, the leaves rustling softly in the warm breeze as we enter the clearing.

"Oh- by the way," he adds as we walk back to our respective beds; me with Inu and Shippo, he with Sango and Kaguya- "it's your and Inu-Yasha's turn to give Kaguya a bath tomorrow."

He beams happily at me as I groan, burring my face in my hands in anticipation.

But as Inu-Yasha snuggles into me, muttering something about dancing Buyos in his sleep, I can't help but smile.

Aw. . .

Who cares about washing Kaguya tomorrow, even though I know it'll be an excruciating experience?

Who cares about tomorrow in general?

Or the day after that?

With our friends, we'll get though.

No matter how corny it sounds.

No matter what happens.

No matter what anyone else thinks.


Who cares what anyone else thinks?

Whether it be Grandpa or Mama *or* Kikyo!

Inu-Yasha and I love each other, and that's what counts.

Miroku- or Hagrid, whoever- is right.

What's going to happen to us will happen.

But we'll get though it.

We all ways do.

All of us.



Woo! ::waves a flag::

Lol, I hope y'all enjoyed it.

I'll be going back to more humor in the next chapter. ^_^

Inu and Kag are gonna give Kaguya a bath!


(Great practice for when they need to wash their own pup, ne? ::evil grin::)

Anyway, please R&R!

Ja ne!