InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Only Memories ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: 7/13/05

Question: Why isn’t Sesshoumaru acting cold and uncaring?


Answer: Well, I can’t give you a specific answer about that right now, but let’s just say that “Things happen. Everything changes.”


NOTE! There will be an…“OMAKE” at the end of this chapter…heehee.


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Nine: Only Memories

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Swasdiva & FireAngel8723

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Kagome sighed impatiently. They had taken another day to wait for Sesshoumaru’s leg to heal sufficiently, and they had currently been traveling for an additional six days at a slightly slower pace. Night’s beautiful silk curtains were draping heavily upon the midnight sky, but the young demon had refused to stop their torturous journey until they were only a few hours distance away from her final destination.


She was almost tempted to jump up from her spot beside the warm fire to run the rest of the way. She missed her family. She missed her friends.


She sighed again.


Her mind refused to let go of the images it could draw from the recesses of her brain. Pictures of the ones she had traveled with for four years - all smiling happily as they teased one another about some insignificant thing or another. She even smiled at the thought of their smiles. ‘How corny is that?’ She sighed again.


“Woman,” Sesshoumaru nearly growled. “Cease your useless noises and sleep. The sooner you are at peace, the sooner we will be able to continue on our way.”


Kagome gave an undignified huff and turned away, clutching the soft fabric of her bedding.

The silence of a four minute span nearly killed her.




This time it was his turn to sigh. “Yes?”


She smiled at his lack of patience. “How are your injuries?”


“I am well.” He frowned. “Why do you continue to find yourself at fault?”


She blushed profusely. “I don’t.” ‘Not much anyway…’


He snorted. “Yes, you do.”


“Stop reading my mind!” She scowled and crossed her arms under her breasts.


Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. “I do not possess the ability to read one’s thoughts. You are simply very predictable.”


She stuck her tongue out when he moved to grab another piece of wood for the fire. The young demon chuckled and commented. “I would not suggest such childish actions. Your face may freeze as such.”


“Grr.” Kagome managed and burrowed into the non-judgmental haven of her blankets.


Much later into the darkness, the woman-child found herself staring at the beautiful patterns of diamonds scattered through the inky black. “I miss you.” She whispered.


‘I feel so lost without them. Is this what it will feel like one day, when I have to go home?’ She frowned.


“Where is home?”


‘Can I pick one time period over the other? I love my friends, but I love my family, too. What am I supposed to do?’


Her hands fiddled with the incomplete jewel’s necklace clasped around her neck.


What will I do with the jewel? Can I even wish for anything? Will anyone be able to make an uncorrupted wish that will free me from this duty?’


She let out a weary breath. “Will I even complete the Shikon no Tama?” ‘Will I survive it all?’


“I wish…” She whispered quietly into the darkness. “I just want to see my friends again.”


Her eyelids closed slowly, no longer able to withstand their heavy weight. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she registered an unfamiliar tingling that died away to nothing in less than a second’s time.


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She stood still, making sure the old, dilapidated form in front of her wasn’t some sort of whimsical illusion. Her fingers dug into the decaying wood.


No, it was real.




She smiled and nearly cried out in joy.


Sesshoumaru was eyeing her strangely. “Kagome?”


“Yes?” She merrily laughed.


“Where are your companions?” He silently examined the surrounding area and found absolutely nothing, not even the distant pulse of a mortal.


“Oh,” her hands grasped the frame harder. “Well, I guess I can tell you… maybe, you’ll remember me when we meet again.”


“Remember you?”


“This well,” she happily spoke, filling the meadow with her floating soprano tones. “This is my companion, of sorts.”


“Are you ill?” He moved to pull her arm, but she held a hand out in a silent request to listen. He uneasily complied.


“My home exists through a portal.” She turned to face him now, wanting to gauge his reaction to the information.


“A portal?” He thought she was daft.


“Yes, you see…I’m from…” ‘What to say, what to say?’ “I accidentally fell through this well about three months ago, but I went in nearly eight hundred years after I came out.”


“You,” he paused. This woman was clearly insane. “Believe that you are from a time far removed from the one we reside in?”


“Yes.” Her smile grew wider. “I’m not crazy, Sesshoumaru. You’ll know that as soon as I leave.”


Her heart paused.


Sesshoumaru gave a low chuckle.


Her eyes widened slightly. She was leaving. Leaving this time. Leaving these people. Leaving this Sesshoumaru.


“Sesshoumaru,” she turned her gaze toward the grass, her slipper creating a small dent in the dirt. “Promise me something?”


“What?” he asked, still questioning her thinking capacity.


She gave him a gentle smile. “Don’t forget me, okay?”


He returned it with a half-smile of his own. “I do not think I am able.”


Kagome nodded. “Good.”


Turning to the ancient fixture, she braced her feet on the ledge and closed her eyes.


One calm breath later, she jumped.


She blinked rapidly, clearing the offending dust and looked up. The air she gasped caught in her throat as she stared at the beautiful blue sky being blocked by a wide body with shocking silver hair and striking golden eyes.


Tears began to roll down her cheeks as the cold and dampness of the musty well set in to her bones.


“Sesshoumaru.” She cried.


There was no magic here.


“Kagome?” His molten orbs softened. “Give me your hand.” He instructed, reaching for her.


“No.” She sobbed again. It wasn’t possible. She wasn’t meant to be here. Why would Fate carry her even further back in time.


She clung to the old wood, a weak reminder of what once was. ‘Why?’


“Why?!” She screamed out into the darkness. “Take me, home! Damn you!” Her hands pounded the earthen, unforgiving floor, casting dust and dirt up into the air which quickly clung to her hair, skin, and clothing. Her face became streaked with smudges of dirt and tear tracks. “No, no, no, no!”


“Kagome?” Sesshoumaru worried, jumping down into the small space beside her. “Control yourself.” His hands seized her shoulders and gave her a slight shake.


“Control myself?” She gave a weak laugh. “My family, my friends. It won’t give them back!” Her fists clenched and pounded feebly against his chest as she wept.


For the second time in only a few short days, Sesshoumaru found himself being the comforter, and it was still very disturbing. He didn’t understand quite what to do, but she seemed not to care. Her sobs slowly formed whimpers which quieted to moans. Finally, several hours later, her breathing even with only a few unsteady hitches.


She slept. Tired and worn.


Sesshoumaru silently mourned her loss, still uncertain as to what it was. Was this woman-child really from some distant future? It was unbelievable.


Clearing the dirt from her face, he lept out of the well and back toward their campsite from the night before, unsure of what to do with his fragile package.


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“Kagome?” A voice called to her from the enveloping gray.


“What?” She hiccupped, grieving her failure.


“I am sorry.”


She hiccupped again. “Aren’t we all.”


“Your fate has deviated too greatly from the Chosen Path.” The voice warned. “It must be altered.”


“I want to go home.” She wept.


“Where is home, Kagome?”


“Home?” Kagome reflected on the fact that she had been attempting to answer that question the day before.


“I don’t know.”


“Exactly.” The voice seemed pleased, but regretful. “You must know.”


“Know what?”


“Where home is.”


“Home.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to be here.”


“You will. You want to be home, do you not?”


“Home…” She sighed.


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Lady Bishou turned silently to her husband. “It is done.”


“Is she the one?” Lord Konton questioned.


“Yes,” the youkai woman replied. “And her time portal has failed her.”


“Will she come back?”


“It remains too soon to see.”


Lord Konton placed a comforting hand on his mate’s shoulder. “It is not your fault.”


Lady Bishou sadly lowered her gaze. “She is so unhappy.”


“There is nothing that can be done.” He reminded her.


“I know.” She replied, taking his hand in her own. Her thoughts turned to another matter. “Do the warriors come?”


He frowned. “Yes. They shall shortly be upon our door.” He squeezed her hand. “Will he return in time?”


A tear slid down her cheek. “I am unsure.”


He lifted her chin with his free hand. “You will live. I will allow nothing less than your happiness.”


“My joy will be accomplished through the pleasure of my Son.” She responded with a watery smile.


Lord Konton held his Lady close. “Say no such words.”


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Now, for the special episode, a parody, of sorts, of what you have just read. This starts right after Kagome jumps into the well…enjoy, I feel that laughter is needed at this point in time.

NOTE! This is not what actually happens, it’s just something funny to make people laugh!


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One calm breath later, she jumped.


The well was no longer open. No magic rested in its ancient vestiges.


“Yay!” She squealed in absolute delight, scratching and clawing to pull her way out of the dirty well.


“You returned-” Sesshoumaru stared at her in shock for a moment right before she jumped him. Literally. Her hands wove their way around his neck as she hooked her legs around his waist.


“You’re so hot!” She purred.


“Oh, really?” He questioned, moving to lean against the well.




Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her back and proceeded to kiss the blessed daylights out of her.


…Just as the scary voices interrupted them.


“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” The angry voice rumbled. “This isn’t your scene! I’m supposed to be talking to a disturbed and overwrought Kagome! Not watching a dog demon stick his tongue down her throat!”


The angry voice manifested itself in a tree and attempted to beat the crap out of the now angry inu youkai.


“Oh no!” Kagome shrieked, watching Sesshoumaru being battered by a tree, his arms spread around its width. “Sesshoumaru’s a tree hugger! Ahhhh…”


Suddenly, Lady Bishou and Lord Konton popped out of the well. Kagome’s eyes widened considerably as she helped the female youkai stand. “What are you two doing here?”


Lord Konton flipped his script. “This is our scene…”


Kagome blinked innocently. “When do Sesshoumaru and I get some ‘alone’ time?” She asked, her hands grabbing the large blue booklet from the older demon.


Lord Konton gave a knowing chuckle. “Keep your shirt on, Kagome. It’s not time for that yet.”




“By the way,” Lady Bishou asked. “What is Sesshoumaru doing?”


Kagome shrugged. “Making paper?”




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