InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ To Be Loved ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Chapter Twenty-Two: To Be Loved

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There were eyes staring at her. To be exact, there were three sets of eyes staring at her with an intensity that could have out-burned the sun. It rather disconcerting to wake up to that many people just glaring at you. Especially when you don't exactly know how you got into bed in the first place, or why that many people should be staring at you. So, Kagome, lacking the morning-person gene that her mother had probably carried from birth, let the first complete sentence that passed through her head to spout between her lips.

"I almost died again, didn't I?"

Lord Konton's nose twitched suspiciously as his mouth turned upward into a smirk. "You speak as if such occurences are a show of normalcy."

Kagome smiled and rubbed the sleep out of her crusty eyes. "You would be surprised."

"With one such as you, Little One, I do not think it any less than ordinary." Lady Bishou's dulcet tones chimed in from beside her mate. "None the less, we are relieved that you suffer no serious malady."

Kagome turned her head to catch sight of the one sitting closest to her. "Sesshoumaru?" She whispered.

His hand clenched beside her head. "Yes, Lady Kagome?" 'You almost died.'

She frowned, but a throbbing headache kept her from examining the situation too thoroughly. "What happened?"

"You were attacked." He replied, attempting not to choke on his own words. 'I almost lost you.'

"Bomani," she gasped. "Ikris, is she all right?"

"All is well, Little One." Lady Bishou lightly grasped her hand. "She is with her mate, Wepwawet, as we speak."

Kagome smiled. "He came. They must really love each other."

"Are you well?" Sesshoumaru whispered.

And that was when she caught his eyes. They were so deep and hollow. It was almost as if she could fall into him and be forever lost to the sea of gold and amber. "Oh, Sesshoumaru," she gave a small grunt as she attempted to push herself into a sitting position.

Her arms began to lift in order to hug him, but a clawed hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Kagome," Bishou's voice held a low and firm tone. "I believe it is time for the truth to be told." She glanced at Sesshoumaru. "Before the situation becomes too difficult to bear."

Kagome paused and looked down at the rumpled bed sheets. "There's so much to tell. I don't know where to start."

Konton grinned and helped her into a more comfortable position against the wall. "The beginning is always a firm place to stand."

Kagome gave him a sad smile in return. "In many years, you will have another son named Inuyasha."

"Another pup? How can this be? Bishou is unable to bear-."

"Lady Bishou will not be the mother." She whispered.

The room grew still like the calm before a storm. A swell of youki forced all the air out of her lungs as she stared, wide-eyed and frightened, into Lord Konton's furious face. "How dare you accuse me of such a trangression! I would never turn away from my beloved mate-!"

"Konton," Lady Bishou's voice quickly cut off his tirade. "She speaks the truth. It will be so."

"But I-."

"I don't know what happens, Lord Konton." Kagome continued in a rush. "I don't know how or even what the name of the woman is, but I know that you will have a second son. And, I know that you will love him. And, I know that you will love his mother with all your heart and soul."

"How?" Konton questioned. "How do you know such things?"

"Because," she continued. "I know that you will give up your own life to save your son and your wife."

"Do you know them, Kagome?" Konton's voice took on a new conotation. "In your future, do you see these people?"

Kagome nodded. "Your son is a very dear friend of mine, but I do not know your wife. She died when he was only a small child."

"Wife? Child? Why do you speak of my mate and offspring in such strange terms?"

"Because your wife is human, and your child is a hanyou."

Konton gravely shook his head. "It is very difficult to believe all that you say. For in my mind, I cannot even bear to think of a world where my dearest is not by my side."

Bishou placed her hand on his arm. "Let us ponder upon this no more. Kagome, continue with your story."

"Well, like I said before, I know your son. In fact, I am from a time very far away from even then. You see, on the day of my fifteenth birthday, I fell down a well." And so she continued to tell the story of how she met the dog hanyou, son of the Great Demon of the Western Lands, and of how she befriended him, until she reached the point in the story where another Great Demon made his entrance. "You know, Lord Konton, I have seen you before, even if you weren't alive."

"How so?"

"Well, a little while after I met Inuyasha we had a...a run-in with an enemy of his, and they fought while standing on the backbone of your demonic skeleton."

This time it was Sesshoumaru who interrupted her. "Who would dare call for battle in such a sacred place?"

Kagome bit her lower lip. 'Oh crap, now how do I get out of this one?'

"The truth, Kagome." Lady Bishou answered her silent thoughts aloud. "The truth must be presented so that you can be seen as you really are."

Kagome sighed. "It was you, Sesshoumaru. In the future, you and he are mortal enemies. Almost every time you cross paths you try to kill each other."

"Why would I harm someone of my own blood?" Sesshoumaru responded, sounding disgusted by the mere thought of turning against his own kin.

Kagome shook her head. "I really don't know." Her eyes closed in thought. "All I know is that on the few occasions where we did meet, Inuyasha always walked away injured. But," she brightened. "You did save us a few times too. Inuyasha, being a hanyou and all, doesn't have very good control over the demon half of himself, and there were a few times when he was overtaken with bloodlust. But, somehow, you were always there, and you always brought him out of it." 'I'll just not mention that most of the time he had to beat the crap out of him to get him to come around.'

Sesshoumaru gave her a puzzled look. "Then perhaps you are confused, and our disagreements are merely sibling rivalry."

"Err...maybe." Kagome wondered.

Sesshoumaru shrugged in return. "I do not believe that I would seek such bloodshed from my own brother when he has done no transgression against me."

"Half-brother," Kagome corrected, and then she laughed at the way it reminded her so much of Inuyasha. 'Inuyasha. I miss you.' Her gazed returned to Sesshoumaru. 'But if I returned to the future,' her brow furrowed. 'I would miss Sesshoumaru more.'

"You love him." Sesshoumaru growled.

"What?" Kagome shook her head to clear away the fog that had settled over her brain. "W-what are you talking about?"

"You love the hanyou."

"No, I don't." She denied.

His eyes narrowed as his face drew closer to hers. "I can see it. You love the hanyou. This is why you speak of him so fondly."

"He is a friend." Her hands clenched at her side, and she pulled away from the wall scream her anger in his face. 'How dare he?' "That's how you speak of friends."

"Nay, you speak of him as if he were your lover." He nearly spat the word at her. 'How dare she?' After all he had done. After all he had said.

"You-, you-, you're a baboon! How can you believe that?!" One of her tiny fists weakly pounded against his chest. "I can't believe you!"

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Lady Bishou smiled and pulled her mate back as he attempted to stop the fight. 'It is time for us to go. You can ask the rest of your inquiries later.'

Konton gave her a puzzled look. 'They will kill each other if left alone.'

A light laughter rang out through his head as she tugged him from the room.

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"Baboon? Is that the most scathing insult you can create at a time such as this?"

Kagome frowned up at him. "I can't believe you! How dare you think that of me?"

"Baboon." He repeated the word with a slightly amused tone.

"Agh!" She screamed. "You're so infuriating! I can't believe you! Now, you can't even stick to the argument!"

He sighed and gazed down into her flushed face. "Do you love him?" He repeated with less ardor and more sorrow.

Kagome swallowed her angry response. He sounded so...'broken.' "I did, at one time."

His head tilted forward, allowing his bangs to cover his eyes.

"But things between us are difficult. We could never fully love each other. Not the way I used to want. Not the way I need to be loved."

"Why?" His curiousity got the best of him, and the word was out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop it. Even to himself, he sounded sad, yet hopeful. 'I am a pitiful excuse for a hang on the story of a mere mortal woman and her love.'

"Because we fear. I know, its a stupid human emotion, but we are both afraid. I am afraid that to him, I will always be the reincarnation of someone he once part or in whole. And he is afraid that he will always be someone who cannot give me his whole heart because he still holds on to the memory of someone he once loved."

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes in thought. "Fear is not a human emotion. Everyone experiences fear....even demons."

Kagome slipped her arms around his neck. "Are you ever afraid, Sesshoumaru?"

"Yes," he whispered, placing his cheek against her hair. "You put fear into me."

She attempted to draw back, but he held her close. "Why do I make you afraid?"

"Because I could lose you." He kept his voice low, as if saying it too loud would make it a reality. "Because I can't always protect you when you aren't by my side. Because...I love you."

Her heart caught up in her throat. 'Love...he loves me?' As her heartbeat exploded into a furious rhythm, she couldn't help but remember...

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He appeared at the end of the breezeway, and Kagome found herself gasping for air. His body seemed to glow with the after effects of residual sweat, and his hair gleamed in the early afternoon’s sunlight.

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Sesshoumaru gave her a slight bow. “It is an honor to meet you, Lady Kagome.” (Chapter 3)

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He smirked. “It means, Miko, that you are coarsely dressed.” (Chapter 4)

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He held out his arm. “May I escort you to our meal?” (Chapter 5)

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“Sesshoumaru, could you hand me that bowl?” She asked, pointing one hand toward the healing poultice she had created that morning.

Her hand skimmed against his own as she grasped the bowl’s edge. A light blush stained her cheeks. “Thank you.”

- - -

“You are a creature worthy of life, Lady Kagome.” Sesshoumaru complimented. “For the kamis would have stolen your soul from your body long ago if they did not deem it so. You are a being of many foolish actions.”

Kagome gave him a watery smile. “Don’t be too nice, Sesshoumaru. One might think you cared.”

He frowned. “What is the fault in caring?” (Chapter 7)

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“Sesshoumaru.” She cried.

There was no magic here.

“Kagome?” His molten orbs softened. “Give me your hand.” He instructed, reaching for her. (Chapter 9)

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Sesshoumaru clenched a hand she couldn’t see. “Thank you, Kagome. You saved my mother.”

Kagome nodded and looked away. ‘What have I done?’ (Chapter 11)

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“Did you…,” her face flushed a bright shade of pink. “Did you kiss me?”

He gave a slight roll of his eyes. “You could not breathe.”

“Oh.” She looked away, mumbling something else under her breath.

“What? I cannot hear you.”

She blushed brighter. “I said…” She murmured again, but this time, it was just strong enough for his demonic ears to pick up through. “It was my first.”

“Your first?” His eyes widened again.

She turned her face into his yukata. “Yes.”

He frowned. “What a terrible way to experience one’s first.”

Before she could respond to him, he grasped her chin between his forefinger and thumb, forcing her to look at him.

Her face took on a look of complete surprise. ‘He’s not going to…He wouldn’t dare…’ Her thoughts abruptly stopped when she felt the first cool caress of his flesh against hers. She was in shock. Complete and utter shock.

Sesshoumaru, brother to her first companion in the Feudal Era, Inuyasha, and former enemy was kissing the daylights out of her. Her hands moved to push him away, but as he drew her nearer, she found herself merely clutching onto him for dear life. His breath whispered over her face, and she could feel his heart beginning to race. (Chapter 13)

- - -

“You need not be afraid of being alone.”

“Why not?” She muttered, throwing one arm around his waist.

“I will always be here.” He replied, lifting her into his arms. “And I will never turn you away if you are in need of me.” (Chapter 16)

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“I wish this day could last forever.” She mumbled.

Her hand squeezed his. “As do I,” he replied. “But, there will be many other days such as this.”

“Really?” Her voice was no more than a whisper now.

“Yes.” He turned to face her. “If you will allow it to be so.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I don’t think I could stop it even if I wanted to.”

He leaned down and kissed her slowly. She felt her body melt against his and closed her eyes. (Chapter 20)

- - - - -

All the smiles. All the kisses. She really should have seen it before now, but it seemed impossible that the cold-hearted demon that she had fallen in love with could actually love her back. She gave him a soft smile, and his face melted into a look of confusion.

"You worry me, Kagome."

"Worry you? Why?" She frowned. 'What have I done to upset him?'

His arms slipped around her waist. "Now, it is you who is infuriating. Do you love me? Or do you love me not?"

"Oh, Sesshoumaru," she placed a gentle kiss upon his lips. "How could I not?"

His eyes began to glow. "How did you slip into my heart?"

She laid her head against his chest. "I don't know, but its as if I was meant to be here." Another part of brain registered the fact that, once upon a time, in the gray areas of her mind, a small voice had spoken to her of home, and now she could only be thankful that the jewel had not relented to her cries for home. "I love you, Sesshoumaru."

"And I, you, Kagome."

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A/N: Awww! Everybody be happy...for now...tehehehehe. THIS IS NOT THE END OF OUR STORY. We've only finally reached some interesting parts! I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry for the long delay, but I'm afraid I had a bit of writer's block, and I didn't want to post anything that wasn't up to the quality of the rest of the was a terrible plight!