InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ The Intricacies of the Art of the Inu ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Welcome back! And, enjoy the next chapter of EI!

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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Intricacies of the Art of the Inu

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“You are doing very well, Kagome. Your ki has peaked.” Ikris folded up the younger miko’s work and placed it back inside of the chest. “You may open your eyes.”

“Is that what that was? I thought something felt different.” Kagome questioned, rising from her position on the floor and dusting off her knees. “How much longer do you think it will take?”

Smiling, Ikris led her out of Bishou’s study. “I cannot be sure, but soon, I think.”

“And you still won’t tell me what it looks like?” The shorter woman pouted.

Ikris laughed. “Your curiosity is overwhelming.”

“I can’t help it. How would you feel putting all of your effort into something that you know nothing about?”

“I know much. This is the same method in which I was trained.”

Kagome’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, what did you create?”

“A sword,” Ikris replied.

“Really? That’s awesome.”

Ikris smiled. “I have always been fond of metal work.”

“What happened to the sword?”

“It has been tucked away to be used by my offspring.”

Kagome nodded. “What made you decide to do that?”

The older miko’s eyes twinkled when she responded. “That, I cannot tell you. It is part of the training.”

Kagome sighed and blew the bangs out of her face. “Of course it is.”

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“Ah, Kagome, I am glad you have joined me.” Bishou smiled and gently patted the pillow next to her. “I believe there are some things we should discuss.”

Kagome frowned. “What now? Haven’t I had enough life altering conversations lately?”

Bishou laughed. “No, no, Dear One. This conversation will give my heart joy, and I am most happy that it is with you.”

The young woman smiled back at her and brushed a few unruly strands of black hair out of her face. “Oh? Well then go ahead, I’m all for the good stuff.”

“What are your intentions toward my son?”

Kagome sputtered as her face turned bright red. “What?!”

“I believe you understood the question.” Lady Bishou replied, hiding her smile behind a cup of tea.

“I-er…well,” she stuttered, nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

Bishou gave another small laugh and gently patted her knee. “Do not answer me now, but, Kagome, you must understand that my son loves you as he has no one else. The Inu clan is very special in that way.” She placed the cup on a low table. “There are some things I must tell you for I do not wish that you walk into this territory blindly.”

The miko swallowed her blush and nodded. “Okay.”

“Youkai civilization exisits on a different plane than that of human culture. We do not live as you do, and therefore, we do not think or act as you do. Sesshoumaru, no matter how many of the human traditions of our time that he does understand, is still an Inu, and when it comes to matters of the private sort, he will act as an Inu should.”

“What do you mean?”

Bishou placed a hand against the crook of her elbow. “When an Inu demon takes someone into their care that is not of their own household, they touch them like this. This is the second most basic of scent markings.”
“What’s the first?” Kagome wondered aloud.

“The first is at the wrist. You see, the further away from the body, the less personal they are. A mark at the wrist merely claims you as an acquaintance. A mark at the elbow, however, claims that you are…a guest or an ally. This allows other demons to know that you are under the protection of a certain household.”

“So, when I walked with Sesshoumaru all those times…he was…marking me?” Kagome blushed at the word.

“Yes,” Bishou replied. “He was telling others that you are under the protection of our family.”

“Oh, why didn’t you do that?”

“Because, female scent marks serve a different purpose. We do not mark anyone outside of our family. Our marks show trust and status within the family.”

“And Lord Konton?”

“It was already done by the time you met my Lord.”

“So…are there others…marks I mean?” Kagome blushed again. ‘It seems that I’m doomed to be a tomato today.’

Bishou laughed. “Do not be embarrassed, Kagome. It is only natural that you would wonder about such things. And, yes, there are others. The next would be at the knee. This scent mark is similar to the crook of the arm, except that it marks the receiver as someone who is expected to defend the clan. It is something we often use on our soldiers. It is also considered a secondary scent mark.

“The last four scent marks are only for clan members. The first, behind the ear, is for those whom are considered to be an equals. Underneath the chin is for those whom are submissive to whoever the receiver may be.” Bishou paused. “Now, there are two others.”

“What else could you need?” Kagome asked.

“Scent markings among mates, Dear One, are the most important. For females, the first of the two is beneath the breast, in males, however, this marking is down the middle of the chest. These markings are called preliminary scent markings. They are placed with an intent to claim.”

The young miko swallowed hard. “I see.”

Bishou smiled at her again. “The last scent marking is achieved only when two bodies are joined. The female is marked between her thighs and the male is marked beneath his…well…I’m sure you understand that.”

Kagome nodded quickly. “Yeah. I got it.”

“You need not be ashamed, Kagome. I would not tell you these things if I did not anticipate your need for the knowledge of them.”

“I know.” She sighed. “It’s just not an easy conversation to have.”

“Very well, then shall we continue?”

Kagome gave her an exasperated look. “There’s more?”

Bishou smiled. “We are very complex creatures.”

“What did you mean earlier when you said that stuff about the Inu clan being special?”

“You speak of my son’s love for you?”

Kagome felt her face take on a shade of red. “Yeah, that.”

“Ah, you see, Kagome, Inus, in any form, are very loyal creatures. When we form a bond with another being, we become attached, and we do not easily accept replacements for these bonds. As demons, the Inu clan takes this to the next level. When we find someone that we believe worthy of mating, we will pursue them relentlessly until we are bonded or they have rejected us.”

“That sounds normal,” Kagome responded. “Everyone does that.”

Bishou laughed. “Ah, you do not understand, Kagome. Our minds are built so that once the idea of mating arises, we cannot shake it until we have received an answer. It is a way of securing the continuation of the species.”

“So they become,” she blushed. “Sex machines.”

“No, that’s not what I meant at all. Mating is not all about sex. It is about the bonding of two souls, and there are several ways that it occurs. Sex is the most primitive, and it is also the easiest.”

“Oh,” she continued to practice her tomato face.

“I only wished to warn you that Sesshoumaru may be a little more…forward than he has in the past. It is only his nature. Before he was unsure of your feelings, and as such he would not pursue you. But now,” she smiled. “I suppose the tides will turn.”

Kagome felt her cheeks continue to heat. ‘What am I going to do with an oversexed Sesshoumaru?’ A few thoughts popped into her head. ‘Hentai!’

Bishou continued to laugh. “I do believe my son will arrive soon. Perhaps we should continue our conversation later.”

Releasing a sigh of relief, Kagome nodded and quickly ducked outside.

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Kagome rested her chin in the palm of her hands and took a deep breath. ‘I’m hopeless, aren’t I?’ “I’m in love.”

“Are you?” A baritone voice sounded in her ear.

She gasped as he gently placed a kiss on her clothed shoulder. “I am. Hopelessly.”

“Ah, and who has captured the heart of one so pure?” He questioned as he placed kiss on her cheek.

She gave a small laugh. “Surely, it must be a prince to have whisked me away.”

Turning her in his arms, he captured the gaze of her deep blue eyes. “And, your regrets?”

“Regrets?” She pondered the word. “I have no regrets, Sesshoumaru, only hope for the future.”

He smiled and pulled her into his arms. “Truly?”

Kagome smiled back. “I cannot tell a lie.”

“Good.” He responded, burying his face in her hair. “You should have no secrets from me.”

Her stomach twisted. ‘No secrets. Does he want to know about the future?’ “Sesshoumaru, I can’t-.”

He let his fangs skim over her ear. “The past is the past, Kagome. I speak of the future. As long as the past you hold does not harm you, I will not make any inquiries of it.”

She released a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “You trust me?”

“With all I am.” His hand swept her bangs away from her eyes.

Her smile widened. “I love you, Sesshoumaru. I really do.”

In the next instance, his head swooped down, and his lips had captured hers in a chokehold. She felt the tingles extend all the way down into the tips of her toes. His arms weaved there way around her torso, pulling her closer.

“Sesshoumaru,” she moaned as he made his way down her neck, winding one of her hands into his hair while the other splayed against his chest.

He picked her up and allowed her to sit on top of the low garden wall when her knees could no longer support her. Hands roamed her silk clad body, painting paths of heat in their wake. Her skin became a nuisance – something she wished that she could pull away to meld with him.

A streak of cold skin touched her knee, and she realized that while his tongue had been distracting her mind, his hand had been working its way through the layers of her clothing. “Kagome,” he whispered in a tone so husky it almost made her melt on the spot.

She smiled up at him. ‘No more past. They would want me to move on. They would want me to be happy, and…Sesshoumaru, you make me happy.’

The silk of his hakama brushed against her exposed thighs as he bent down to kiss her again, his hands moving to her shoulders. Sesshoumaru’s fingertips traced the slight v of her neckline while his tongue caressed her ear. “Kagome, I cannot describe what it is that you make me feel, but there is no other that consumes me as you do.” He paused, sliding one hand under the fabric covering her shoulder. “I intend to pursue you.”

Kagome laughed.

He frowned. “I find no humor in this moment.”

Kagome only laughed harder, resting her head against his chest. “It’s so like you to not even ask me. All you did now was proclaim what you’re doing. Don’t you care about my opinion?” She giggled.

He sighed. “You have the right to deny me. That is the way of the Inu.”

“You really care what I want, don’t you?” Her smile softened.

“More than all else.”

“Then, yes, Sesshoumaru, I will accept your suit.”

His lips covered hers once again as his hand slipped the fabric off of her shoulder. “I love you, Kagome.” He whispered, working his way down her shoulder until his lips captured her breast.

Kagome moaned deeply, allowing her head to fall back so that she stared up at the consuming blackness of the night’s sky.

Sesshoumaru’s tongue slid underneath her breast, and just as quickly as it had been there, it was gone. Shakily, his hands readjusted her clothing. “We may continue this later, but now, it is time for you to sleep.”

Kagome stared at him owlishly. ‘He expects me to sleep…now?’ Rolling her eyes, she accepted his hand and allowed him to lead her into the corridor toward her room.

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A/N: Hope you enjoyed it.