InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Becoming the Immortal Moon ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Another chapter? So soon, you say! Le gaspe! I agree. :P

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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: I’m looking for a beta again…contact me at my listed email address if you are interested…

Chapter Twenty-Four: Becoming the Immortal Moon

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Ikris walked a slow circle around her meditating student. Placing the length of finished cloth in her hands, she whispered. “What is it that calls out to your heart, Kagome? Like the fabric you have made, what does you magic say when it speaks to you?”

Her hands traced a pattern on the younger woman’s shoulders. “When I completed the Blade of Nu, it was my own power that spoke to me and told me of its purpose. Listen to it, Kagome. What does it sing in your soul?”

Kagome, eyes still closed in concentration, focused on the material in her hands. ‘What am I supposed to do?’

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‘Kagome,’ she heard the first faint whispers dance across her body. ‘We are glad that you have accepted. We were saddened when you deviated from the chosen path…and feared our corrections would not be received well. Do you feel the power here?’

“Who are you?”
Kagome mumbled, opening her eyes only to be surrounded in a world of gray. Her spirit floated in the middle of an endless sea of monochromatic colors. “Where am I?”

‘Do not be afraid, miko-child.’
An undistinguishable voice echoed through the atmosphere. ‘Are you in love?’

Kagome turned looking for the source of the voice. “What do you want with me?”

‘Love. Kagome, have you found love?’

Kagome whispered. “Sesshoumaru.”

‘Very well.’
The voice sounded pleased.

“Who are you?” Kagome called out again.

This time the voice laughed. ‘We are Fate and Destiny, Young One. We are those who bind and break that known as the Red String of Fate.’

“What do you want with me?”

‘We have merely come to correct that which was broken.’

“What?! First you take me away from my friends, and now you’re going to take away Sesshoumaru too?!”
Kagome yelled out at the voices. “I won’t let you do this! I love Sesshoumaru, and no one will take him away from me!”

Again, the voice chuckled. ‘We will not take away your mate, Kagome. Calm yourself, Child of Time, for the bond has been made, and never again shall we break your String of Fate.’

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Kagome gasped; sweat poured down between her shoulder blades and covered her brow. Her eyes shot open as she clutched the length of fabric to her chest. “Protect.” She cried out. “Protect Sesshoumaru.”

“And so it is done.” Ikris mumbled, staring at awe at the woman before her who glowed with such an ethereal pink light.

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Lady Bishou raised a hand to brush the long strands of perfectly straight silver hair away from her face. “You saw them today, did you not?”

“Saw who?” Kagome frowned.

Bishou smiled. “You know of whom I speak. Why is it you seek to hide the truth from one such as I?”

“I’m not hiding.” Kagome pouted. “I’m just confused.”

“And what confuses you, Dear One?”

“I finished my project with Ikris today.” She said, nervously rubbing her hand over the length of her arm.

“And your creation did not please you?” Bishou wondered.

Kagome sighed and continued to fidget. “It’s not that. It’s just…well…the thing I made… I’ve seen it before.”

Bishou grinned at her. “I know.”

The young mortal turned at her with a look of amusement. “You know that gets kind of annoying.”

Lady Bishou released a light laugh. “Ah, but allow me to soothe your fears, Dear One. I See your heart, and you are afraid. You are afraid that your weaving was a false one. Do not fear for you have created Truth.” Her arms moved to embrace the girl. “He loves you very much, and now it is up to you to present him with your gift.”

Blushing innocently, Kagome rested her head against the youkai female’s shoulder. “Do you think he’ll like it?”

“He will love it.”

She sighed. “I knew you would say that.”

And in response, Bishou laughed again. “Now to other subjects, let us continue our speech on the Inu culture.”

Kagome groaned. “Great.” Pushing away, she grasped her cup of tea on the low table and brought it to her lips. “What else is there to know?”

Carefully, the demon lifted a small pot of tea and refilled the two bowls in front of her. “You have been marked by Sesshoumaru as his intended.”

Kagome blushed but nodded in reply.

“As such, it is now up to Lord Konton and I to determine if you are worthy of the presence of our future Lord.” Bishou gave her a saddened smile. “There will be tests, Kagome. I cannot tell you how many, and I cannot describe the events that will occur. But please, my Child, remember the love that you hold in your heart. Remember what you see in my Son, and you will not fail.”

Kagome watched as tears rolled down the older female’s cheeks. “What’s wrong, Bishou?”

“You have become the daughter I was not able to birth.” She admitted in a hushed tone. “But if you fall short, you must leave the home of the Immortal Moon and never return. My heart is heavy because I do not wish to speak of these things that would cause you grief. I have meditated for many hours to clear my Eyes of Vision so that I might See the future, but the kamis have not granted me this. My Sight is hindered.”

“What do you mean?” Kagome questioned.

“Upon my birth, my Inu clan rejoiced for they believed that I was a gift from the heavens. Before my presence, the Clan of the Moon was believed to be cursed. The pups were few and far between, and the numbers that survived the primary years were even less.” Bishou spoke in a calm, low voice, but a painful look stretched across her face. “However, my mother was gifted with a vision after my conception. A goddess in the form of a human female came to her and spoke of the power I would possess. She told my mother that all was forgiven for their transgressions, and that I was a gift of redemption.”

“What transgressions?”

“In the years when the world was still rough, a member of my clan slaughtered a young demoness from the Clan of Immortal.”

Kagome gasped. “That’s Lord Konton’s clan, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Bishou continued. “That is the origin of my Lord. The stipulation of my birth was that I must be sacrificed to the Clan of Immortal upon my Turning.”

“Turning?” The miko questioned, rolling the unfamiliar word over her tongue.

Smiling, the youkai teased. “Do you wish me to continue? Or shall I be silent so that you might speak?”

“Sorry,” Kagome mumbled with embarrassment. “Continue, please.”

“Very well. As I said, I was to be sacrificed upon my turning. And, although they were not pleased, the leaders of my clan would not face the wrath of the kamis again, so, upon turning, I was brought before the leader of the Clan of Immortal.” A devious smile overtook her face. “The leader was my Lord. He placed my small body on the altar and ran his claws over my hands.” At this point, Bishou raised her hands up to reveal a single line that ran horizontally through each hand. “Returning me to my mother, he claimed that it was not time, and that he would seek me out when the kamis called upon him to do so.”

“Wow,” Kagome whispered. “So what happened?”

Bishou laughed. “Many lunar cycles passed before my Lord returned. It happened one day that I was out in the gardens of the home of my ancestors that I saw a very tall inu male gliding through the skies above our home. You see, the ability to form a youkai cloud is only possessed by the Clan of Immortal, and as such, I had never before seen one. So enthralled, I was that I followed him out into the forest until I was lost and confused. The forests surrounding my homeland are very magical places where even the trees may move if they choose to do so.

“Crying out, I called to my mother and father, but it was of no use. I could not be found by them. And then a voice called to me in the darkness…”

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“I am afraid you are lost, Little One.” A male voice sounded from behind her.

Turning quickly, Bishou hid behind the tree that separated them. “I am not lost. Leave me be. I merely enjoy wandering through the forest.”

The strange inu male laughed at her, tossing his abundant silver mane over his shoulder. “Well then, I am mistaken, my Lady. Please, continue your journey. I do not wish to interfere with the activities of such a beautiful creature.”

“I cannot continue until you are no longer here. Your presence disrupts my thought.” Bishou frowned at him.

“Ah,” Konton grinned. “I am a distraction to you then.”

She scowled. “I meant nothing of the sort. Now, I must take leave of you for the night begins to grow.”

“I will walk with you.” Konton continued as if he had not heard her proclamations.

Bishou sighed. “If I admit that I may be disoriented, will you help me home?”

Taking her hand in his, his only reply was a jubilant laugh.

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Bishou smiled in remembrance. “The next day I found myself thinking of his face as I walked through the gardens, and so, for many days I would venture out into the depths of the forest and become lost. And, every day he was there willing to lead me home. Eventually, he asked me to be mated to him, and when I told my mother and father they informed me that I could not because I had been called upon by the Clan of Immortal. I was so saddened that I ran to my Lord in secret late one night…”

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“Konton, my love, it is terrible what they wish of me.” She whispered, burying her tear streaked face into his chest. “Why am I to be slaughtered only now that I have found love?”

Holding her close, he whispered into my ear. “Do not fear, Bishou. I will never let you die. This is not the way it is meant to be. Can you not See that?”

Bishou shook her head furiously. “My gift of Sight is not strong yet. I cannot See the events that are to pass. I can only feel emotions, and I know that my mother will be greatly saddened by these events. Why would she feel such if this sacrifice is not to come to pass?”

“Calm yourself, Bishou. All will be well. I speak Truth. Do not waste your tears over such. I will protect you.”

“If you believe it to be so, I will trust you, Konton. With all my heart, I will accept what you speak as truth.” She declared.

Konton smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. “You will forever be by my side from this day forth.”

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“And the next day, when I was greeted by the Clan of Immortal, you can only imagine the shock written upon my face when I discovered that my Lord and my deliverer were one in the same.”

“But what about your mom being sad?” Kagome asked, completely enthralled in the youkai’s story.

“In my visions, I felt her tears, but I did not realize that they were tears of joy.”

“Oh,” She mumbled. “I forgot what we were talking about.”

Bishou laughed. “I was explaining to you how my Sight has been hindered. Like then, there are times when my Sight is limited to a field of emotions. At this time, the kamis do not grant me the knowledge of what will happen in the immediate future. That is the way of the gift.”

Closing her eyes, Kagome considered the things she had been told and came to one conclusion. “Lord Konton must be very old.”

“He is,” Bishou smiled. “But do not reveal to him that it was I who told you so.”

“Of course not,” Kagome winked.

“If you pass the trials you will face, there are many things about our company that will change, Kagome.” She continued. “As you see us now, we act as we believe that human creatures act. We follow certain customs that are held among mortals. Our nature is only something we reveal in the company of family and friends.”

“What do you mean?”

“By nature, the Inu are a culture directed by the ways of our forefathers. Our instincts are based on many seasons of development and training. We hide them under the pretense of humanity as many youkai civilizations have begun to because while these abilities do bring out our strengths, they also reveal our weaknesses. To show such in front of an enemy would ask for death.” Bishou gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Do not be afraid of our ways for they will not hurt you. They are merely the truth of who and what were are.”

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“Are you well this eve?” Sesshoumaru’s baritone voice caused a shiver to run down her spine as he came to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back into his chest.

Kagome threw a smile up at him over her shoulder. “I am.”

One of his hands slid up her to caress the underside of her breast where he had marked her only a few nights ago. “Then what has caused you to become so wrapped in your own thoughts that you cannot give your intended a proper greeting?”

Giggling, Kagome twisted in his arms and raised her face to him. “Your mother told me of how she and your father met today.”

“Hn.” He replied. “I have heard the story many times.”

“It’s a beautiful story.”

His head leaned down toward her causing masses of silver hair to cascade over her shoulders. “Ah, but there are much more beautiful things which I wish to contemplate this night with you.”

Kagome blushed, “Oh? And what would that be?”

She sighed as he pressed his lips to hers. The tension rolled out of her tightly coiled muscles when she relaxed against him. Pulling back, he gave her a gentle smile. “The Inu clan of the Immortal Moon will welcome you into the pack soon enough, and then you and I will discuss many beautiful things.”

“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome frowned. “Why did your father and mother create a new clan? Why aren’t they just a part of the Clan of Immortal?”

“Observant little miko,” he guided her toward a low bench near the garden wall. “When my father declared to the kamis that he would not sacrifice her, they were outraged, and his elders demanded that he give up her body in order to save the clan. But, he would not, and instead he declared his love for her and bound their souls together so that no one could separate them. In doing so, he angered the kamis and the elders of his clan. The elders knew that they would have to sacrifice both of them in order to make sure that she would die, and they were not willing to give up their own blood because it was their kin that was slaughtered in the beginning.

“In order to prevent angering the kamis, they cast my mother and my father out, but in the end, the kamis revealed that it had been trickery on their part. They did not want my mother to die, and thus, they blessed my father for protecting her when his ancestors were ready to spill her blood for a transgression that was not her own.” He paused, allowing her to soak in the new information. “And so, the kamis created the Clan of the Immortal Moon.”

“Wow,” Kagome responded. “You have a great family history.”

Sesshoumaru laughed and nuzzled his face into her hair. “You will be the greatest part of it, Kagome. You will be my favorite.”

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Hope you enjoyed it! - Yabou