InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Dog Bite [Lime Version] ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I must sincerely apologize to Rinseternalsoul. I accidentally left her name out of the credits when originally posting Chapter Twenty-Five. For some reason, my brain clicked off while writing ‘Lemon, Character of Wepwawet Written By: Rinseternalsoul’. Geez. It has now been corrected.

Dedication: Forthright (wonderful author with a beautifully perfect SessKag collection) and Fenikkusuken (wonderful author with an awe inspiring InuKag story).

WARNING: [LIME CONTENT] There is an alternate version of this chapter. This chapter is rated NC-17. For the alternate version, please visit: . If you continue to read this page, you are responsible for your own actions, and you are guaranteeing this Site and this Author that you are of the appropriate age to read the contents. No one under the age of seventeen is permitted.

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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Chapter Twenty-Six: Dog Bite

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There had been many times that she enjoyed the quiet. There were places where she could smile softly into a darkened room and like the way the warm silence caressed her. And, there were many things that she enjoyed about the peaceful hush that sometimes crept over her.

Now was not one of those times.

At this very moment, she hated, loathed, despised everything about the un-noise that encased her. Smothered her. It was practically stifling in the grand dining room. The space between her body and his was too far, and yet, not far enough.

She felt oddly dizzy.

Raising a hand to her forehead, she wished she could pull the overwhelming heat out of her own skin. A fever. She was sure of it. She had never been prone to sickness. There had been no signs or symptoms beforehand, but still, she was sick.

And they could not go out today because she was sick.

And that made her angry, which, in turn, made her nauseous. Which made her feel even worse. And that sucked.

Letting loose a small whimper, she gave up all pretenses of appearing happy and wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her head in the space between her knees.

“Come, Kagome.” Sesshoumaru materialized at her side with one hand held out toward her. “You should have remained in your rooms.”

For a moment, she contemplated arguing and making him take her to wherever he had planned to take her today, but the urge to crawl back into bed proved to be irresistibly strong. So, with as small a nod as possible, she let him scoop her up and carry her back to her room. Cuddling into him like a child, she fisted the fabric covering his chest with one hand and sighed, content to listen to the beat of his heart while he took care of her.

“You were foolish to rise this morning.” He chided, pushing back the screen with his foot. Settling her on the floor by the entryway, he moved deeper into the room.

Kagome watched him in strange fascination as he unfolded the futon and spread it across the floor, fussing with the blankets until they were to his liking. From the chest in the corner, he pulled several more blankets and arranged them over the top of the feather filled mattress substitute. Her lips quirked in a low giggle.

“You are amused.” He paused and turned to her with a little smile of his own.

“Yes,” she answered, even though she knew there was no need. “You look so…so domestic.”

He raised an eyebrow in unspoken inquiry.

“I just never would’ve imagined you doing something so…ordinary. Sometimes I forget that you do normal stuff too.” Kagome explained.

Nodding, he agreed. “It is not often that I find the task worthy enough to do.” Lifting her from the floor, he slid her into the covers before taking a seat in front of her pallet.

Kagome smiled and relaxed into the comfort of her haven. “I’m sorry I ruined your day.” She whispered. “You can go do something else if you want.”

“I am here, am I not?” He asked in that no nonsense tone he sometimes used when he didn’t want her to argue.

“Yeah, but-.”

She was stopped by a quick kiss. “Then one would assume that I am enjoying my present activity to the fullest.” He interrupted, brushing his lips against her forehead when he leaned away.

Blushing, she twisted to lay on her back and stare up at the ceiling. “I guess so.”

“Sleep, Kagome.” He ordered. “You will be well soon, and when I return we will have another day to go out, but this day, it will suffice to spend our time indoors.”

Kagome frowned. “I’m not sleepy.”

“Sleep, Kagome.” He repeated, ignoring her comment.

“I’m not sleepy.” She said more fervently.

“You will sleep.” He demanded.

Sitting up, Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. “I’m not tired.”

“You are,” he argued, giving her a slight nudge to indicate that she was to lay back down.

“No,” she denied and resisted his urgings. “I’m not.”

“You will go to sleep.”

“I will not.”


“Will not,” she stuck her tongue out and gave him an unrepentant smile.

Sesshoumaru sighed. “If you do not sleep, your body cannot heal.”

“Oh,” her face fell. “I didn’t think about it that way.”

“I would not insist it unnecessarily.” He pointed out.

Flopping back into the covers, she exhaled loudly. “Okay.”

The young demon lord nodded and stared at the paintings on the wall behind her futon.

“Hey Sesshoumaru,” she whispered, gathering the blankets up around her neck.

“Yes Kagome,” he looked at her again.

She grinned. “I’m not sleepy.”

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“Play a game with me.” She urged.

Sesshoumaru shook his head. “You are ill. You need sleep.”

“Fine,” she groused, turning away from him to face the wall. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

A few minutes of silence filled the room.

Flipping over, Kagome glared at him with one eye through a curtain of wild black hair. “I don’t want to sleep.”

- - - - -

“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru sighed. “Why are you not sleeping?”

“I don’t know.” Kagome pouted. “I feel better now. I just felt a little queasy this morning, I guess.”

“You should rest.”

“I know.” She gave him a thoughtful look. “Would you lay down beside me? Maybe I can’t sleep because I know you’re just going to be watching me.”

“You will try to sleep?” He asked.

Nodding, she scooted back toward the wall and lifted the covers. “I will if you will.”

“Very well.” After he placed the short dagger hidden in his sash on the floor next to the pallet, he slipped underneath the blankets and pulled her close, spooning into her back and looping an arm around her waist.

Kagome made a happy noise in the back of her throat and snuggled into his embrace. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru.”

“You are welcome, Kagome.” He softly smiled into her hair.

- - - - -

She yawned and squinted her eyes, preparing for the dull rays of early morning sunshine that usually filtered into her room, but the room was pitch black. ‘Why did I wake up so early?’

“Kagome,” a husky voice whispered over her shoulder.

Twisting her head, she saw his silver hair pooling around them. “Sesshoumaru…oh, that’s right. I forgot that we stayed in today.”

“Hn,” he replied, nuzzling into her neck.

“Did you have a nice nap, Sesshoumaru?” She giggled when his breath tickled her throat.

In response, he dropped a line of kisses down the length of her neck before speaking again. “I did. It was most enjoyable to spend the day with you.”

“But we wasted the whole day,” she rejoined. “We didn’t do any of the things you had planned.”

“It is of no consequence.” He soothed. “My only wish was to spend this day with you.”

Within the circle of his arms, she turned to lay on her back and smiled up at him. “You’re so sweet sometimes that I don’t know what to do with you.”

“I am sure I could think of a few suggestions.” The young youkai lord answered, his eyes twinkling with unspoken amusement.

“Oh really?” She smirked. “Dare I ask?”

Sesshoumaru propped himself up on one arm and let the other dance across her stomach over the fabric of her kimono. “You are beautiful.” He breathed, staring into her darkened blue eyes.

Winding her hands behind his head, she ran her fingers through his hair and tugged him closer.

If someone had told her nearly a year ago that she would be tangled in the sheets with an inu youkai one day, she would’ve laughed. If they had went so far as to tell her that it would be Sesshoumaru, she would have had them committed to the nearest insane asylum for some serious therapy. And, if they would have told her that she would be as desperately in love with him as he was with her, she would have taken herself to the hospital because it would most definitely all be a dream.

A nightmare.

A beautiful nightmare.

And she never wanted to wake up.

Molding her lips against his, she felt the sparks skate through her body like they did every time she touched him. Every time he looked at her. Every time she saw him. Every time she thought about him.

If she had not already been so far gone, she might have attempted to step away from the fire, but there was no going back now. There was no turning away. Her life would belong to Sesshoumaru, and he would belong to her. She realized now, in reflection, that she had probably belonged to him ever since the first night he had kissed her in the darkness of his own bedroom.

His hand worked on the ties to her clothing. “Kagome,” she heard him whisper against her ear.

“Ah,” she gasped when his cold fingertips brushed over the warm skin of her stomach.

And then he was above her, moving hungrily, his lips branding the skin on her chest. She could feel the heat of his youki licking against her skin, trying to consume her completely - body and soul. Kissing a path up to his ear, she flicked her tongue over the pointed tip before gently biting down.

Sesshoumaru went still in her arms, his muscles tensed.

“Sesshoumaru? Are you okay?” She questioned, sliding her hand over his ear. “Did I hurt-umph?”

A feral growl erupted from his chest, and he struck. His previously loose and gentle touches became urgent and lusty. Quickly freeing her from the rest of her clothing, he slipped his hand inside the fabric and palmed one of her breasts while his mouth manipulated the other.

Kagome felt a blade of heat sink into her skin with each pass his tongue made over the tightened peak. Fumbling through his hair, she found one of his ears and ran her fingernail over the outer shell. She smiled at his answering growl. ‘Apparently, that’s a very good spot.’

He marked the underside of her breast once more and drew himself back up to her face. An eyebrow raised at the devilish grin twisting her lips. “You seem to be amused about something, little miko.”

Nodding in reply, she tightened her grip on his shoulders and pulled him closer. Running her tongue along the curve of his throat, she nibbled on the skin beneath his ear before raining it in a series of small nips and kisses that made him groan into the curve of her neck. “I am,” she seductively whispered against his overheated flesh.

“Hmm,” he shivered and pushed her back into the bedding. “I believe you are attempting to take advantage of me.”

Kagome giggled, running her hands down his chest to wrap around his waist.

“Let us see how you respond to such treatment.” Settling his knee between her thighs, he ran his tongue over her ear and followed with a soft exhalation that left her trembling. Slowly, he worked his way back down her body, exploring each curve and indentation with great care. His claws traced the curve of her hip and lightly gripped her thigh.

Kagome panted into the dark room, mewling in reply to movements. Her legs quivered under his touch, and she felt like she was being burned alive from the small, rolling coil of heat in the pit of her stomach.

Sesshoumaru continued stroking her thigh while his mouth memorized the planes of her lower torso. Running his hand down to her knee, he slid it up her inner thigh. Checking her expression for any sign of disapproval, he ran his thumb along the line between her undergarments and the bare skin of her leg.

“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome moaned, her body arching off of the pallet.

His finger traced the wet section in the fabric, and he was rewarded with another groan of approval. He felt his already taut erection harden further. Carefully, he made a few slow circles around the area and heard Kagome’s responding harsh breaths fill the room. With a little more pressure, he continued his ministrations and started laying small kisses over her inner thigh.

Kagome’s hands sought out the skin underneath his haori, and her blunt, mortal nails scratched across his upper back.

Sesshoumaru gave a low hiss against her leg, nipping her skin and then running his tongue over the light bruise. His hand clenched from the stroke heat that ripped through his body in response to the pain in his back. Accidentally, his claw caught in the delicate fabric and tore through, exposing her body to the cool night air. Sesshoumaru felt a sharp throb of arousal echo through him at the sight of her.

Kagome cried out in pure ecstasy when his hand first touched her dampened flesh.

Dragging away the remnants of her underwear, he manipulated her form beneath him, swirling his finger against her as she rocked her hips in time with his movements.

She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. All she could do was feel the delicious friction he was creating. Her legs thrashed against the bedding, twisting and contorting to drive him closer. While one of her arms still wrapped around his shoulder, the other furiously teased his ear, lightly scratching the outer shell and fondling the elfin peak.

She felt the knot in her stomach growing unbearably strong, and a moment later, she shuddered, her body convulsing with the waves of her orgasm. “Oh gods,” she managed.

Sesshoumaru lay between her legs, his head resting on her stomach, panting.

“Sesshoumaru,” she whispered after a few minutes of silence.

Giving her thigh a tentative squeeze, he raised his gaze to her eyes.

“Um,” a blush raced down her face and over her chest. “Are you okay?”

Closing his eyes again, he nodded. “I will be fine.”

She could feel his harsh breathing. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” he curtly replied.

Wiggling until he released her, she scooted down the bedding until she was level with his face. “What’s wrong?”

“You,” he whispered into the pallet.

“Me?” A horrified expression covered her face. “You didn’t…I mean…you didn’t have to…”

“It is not that, Kagome.” He assured, taking a deep breath and attempted to explain. “It is merely the inability to…”

“Oh,” she giggled nervously.

“Yes, oh.” He gave her a bland look.

She giggled in response and stuck out her tongue.

Sesshoumaru groaned and pressed his head back into futon. “You will be the death of me.”

“Let’s hope so,” she laughed. Quickly sobering, she gently touched his arm. “You have to leave in the morning?”

“Yes,” he answered, finally sitting up.

“Will you…stay tonight?” She asked, fiddling with the edges of the sheets.

He seemed to think it over for a before nodding. “Yes, if that is what you wish.”

“Good,” she smiled. Standing up, Kagome clutched her open robes to her chest. “Will you, um, face the wall for a minute? I need to change.”

Instead of a response, he merely did as she asked.

After washing up from the basin in the corner, she tied the sleeping yukata closed and stepped up to the bed. “Okay, all done.”

Sesshoumaru straightened the blankets and helped her in beside him. “Will you miss me?” He questioned, shrugging out of his top and laying down.

Kagome blushed at the sight of his bare torso and laid a kiss in the middle of his chest. “Of course.”

Pulling her close, he put her head under his chin and whispered, “I will miss you as well.”

“You’ll return quickly?” She sighed against his neck, feeling the first waves of sleepiness wash over her.

Kissing the crown of her hair, he replied in earnest. “As soon as I can, Kagome. As soon as I can.”

- - - - -

“It passed through her system before the sun reached its highest phase.” She stated, still in awe of the woman that would mate her son.

Lord Konton shook his head. “You are sure your bite was deep enough?”

“Yes,” she answered. “It was on the back of the neck. I was not sure she would live. I was afraid I injected too much poison.”

Her mate appeared confused. “Has she been exposed to it before?”

Bishou frowned. “I cannot tell. As I have told you, my Visions have been clouded as of late.”

“It is possible.” He mused. “And, if that is the occurrence, then it is also possible that her magic has managed to build a defense because of the previous encounters.”

“What of the other tests?” Bishou questioned. “Shall we let her through because of her apparent immunities to our poison?”

“No,” he responded. “You will continue. It is simply…convenient that she has developed this…trick.”

Bishou sighed and slumped into his side. “I do not know if I am capable of this, my Lord.”

“You are,” he assured, smoothing her hair away from her face. “It must be done. She must prove herself in every way. We cannot fail Sesshoumaru.”

“She is as a daughter to me. It will be difficult to bear this pain.” She retorted. “How can you show no concern for her?”

“I have many feelings toward the girl,” Konton argued. “But, I will not allow my worry for someone outside of our pack to surpass the care I have for those in it.”

“She will be his,” Bishou hissed. “You know she will be his.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “But, she is not. We must strengthen her, Mate. We must make her strong for our son.”

Bishou whimpered and nuzzled his neck. “I am afraid.”

“All will be well,” he soothed. “Come, leave your worries outside our bed, Mate, for I will be gone with the first rays of morning.”

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A/N: The plot thickens!