InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Instincts [Lime Content] ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I must, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, say that I am overwhelmed by the response this story has received thus far. I don’t know if I ever would have been able to get to this point without the continued support of those around me. You are all truly inspiring.

PS. I now have a livejournal where I post all sorts of things (from previews of new chapters) to story insights, etc. If you want to add me, my name is yabou_chan.

WARNING: [LIME CONTENT] There is an alternate version of this chapter. This chapter is rated NC-17. For the alternate version, please visit: . If you continue to read this page, you are responsible for your own actions, and you are guaranteeing this Site and this Author that you are of the appropriate age to read the contents. No one under the age of seventeen is permitted.

Dedication: I’d like to send the most wonderful batch of cookies I could ever make to my new beta, Wiccan. She is trying to single-handedly correct all of the grammatical errors in Sess/Kago fan fiction! (And, she’s the only person who can send you a document riddled with red corrections and make you enjoy it.)

One-Shots for Embracing Ice: I now have a one-shot group for Embracing Ice. It is called Icicles: Embracing Ice One-Shots. It is available in all three of the sites I post at.

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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Wiccan

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Instinctive

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Sesshoumaru lay still in the quiet of the early morning. He could feel Kagome’s ebony tresses tangled in one of his outstretched hands while the other rested on the curve of her hip. It was still hard to believe that she was to become his, never had he imagined that he would find his mate so early in life. Rolling onto his side, he buried his face in the crook of her neck and attempted to memorize the scent of his youki covering her body so thoroughly. It gave him a satisfaction that he had never known was possible.

Lightly sighing in her sleep, Kagome shifted her head to one side to allow him better access to her neck. All ten of her fingers were firmly wrapped around one of his arms, and they gently twitched with each movement he made, as if she were afraid that he would try to leave. Running his hand through her hair, he allowed his claws to trail over the smooth surface of her clothed back.

“Mmm,” she moaned, pushing back into his chest and unintentionally brushing his morning erection.

The young demon lord groaned.
“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome looked over her shoulder to see what could possibly be causing him such agony. “Are you okay?”

With gritted teeth, he endeavored to forget the feeling of her behind pressing into him. “I am well.”

“What’s wrong?” She frowned and turned completely within the circle of his arms.

He resisted the urge to merely feign sleep. “All is well, Kagome.”

“You’re really leaving today, aren’t you?” A certain sadness seeped into her voice, and she buried her head in his chest.

Tightening his arms around her, he answered. “I will return before you are able to miss me, little miko.”

She smiled at his choice of endearment. It was just like him to pick such an ordinary word and give it such an extraordinary meaning. Sesshoumaru was not the type to fawn over her with the usual words of passion. “I already miss you,” she confessed.

Kissing her forehead, he smoothed back her hair and promised. “I will always return to you, Kagome. In this, you can be certain.”

“Sesshoumaru,” she mumbled with a light blush flagging her cheeks. “Is it possible… for me to mark you… even though I’m human?”

“Yes,” he responded.

Leaning into him, she placed a careful trail of small kisses down the middle of his upper body. “Like this?” she asked, unsure of her actions.

“Yes,” he rumbled in a husky tone, closing his eyes and surrendering himself to her touch.

Through lowered lashes, she let her gaze slide over the expression of ecstasy that had overcome his features. She could not completely understand the ways of the Inu yet, but she knew the physical claiming of his body was not something to be taken lightly. She was, in essence, staking her territory. “Tell me you’ll miss me,” she pleaded, continuing her tender caresses over his pale, exposed flesh.

“With all of my soul,” he admitted. “I will not breathe fully until I am, once again, at your side.”

Kagome could feel the strength of his want brushing against her stomach, and she was overtaken by curiosity and fear. Hesitantly, she slid her hand down between them and brushed her fingertips over the straining fabric. Brushing her lips over his navel, she grasped him through his hakama. At his sharp intake, the young miko backed away only to be swept up into a passionate embrace.

Sesshoumaru kissed her firmly and maneuvered their bodies into a standing position in the middle of the bedding. “The sun will soon take its place in the sky, my little miko.” Giving her a look of understanding, he quieted any protests she may have had. “I am yours, Kagome. You have no obligation to return the gifts I give you until you are ready. I would not wish to rush you.”

“I just- ”

“When you are ready,” he interrupted, covering her mouth with his hand. Dipping down, he trailed his tongue over the outer shell of her ear and enjoyed the delicious shiver that raced through her body. His hands roamed her form to the fullest, barely entering the boundaries of her clothing, with fleeting touches that left a fire in their wake.

“Sesshoumaru,” she mumbled, threading her hands into his hair.

“Tell me you will miss me,” he smirked against the curve of her breast.

“Until you return to me,” she promised, “my heart cannot beat.”

Untying her thin sleeping gown, he pushed it off of her shoulders. His mouth devoured her in ways she had never known possible. Even after the previous night’s activities, it seemed as if he was an addicted man reaching out for the next drag.

Her brain refused to function beyond the recognition of his kiss and embrace. Moaning, her head hit the wall that she could not remember backing into when his mouth cut a simmering pathway down her torso and over her stomach. Her legs were shaking by the time he splayed a hand along her inner thigh.

She felt her underwear being cut away, but she could not manage to gather any sympathy at its passing. Sesshoumaru let his fingertips glide over the trail of wetness forming, and Kagome nearly came undone. Keeping his touch light, he continued to examine her with his mouth and free hand.

Moaning in frustration at his sudden halt, Kagome slightly bent her knees, forcing him beyond the outer barrier. His answering low chuckle caused a corresponding blush to paint her cheeks. But, knowing now what he could do to her body, it almost seemed to make the pain of her arousal worse.

Complying with her unspoken request, the silver-haired youkai started a slow circling pattern. One of her small hands traced the outline of his ear to the curve of his jaw. Hooded eyes watched him as he danced in her body, manipulating her to the fullest; he felt the draw of her arousal, begging him to fill her completely.

Leaning into her stomach, he kissed her there once more and removed his hand. Before she could complain, he replaced his sinful fingers with his torturous tongue and forced a strained cry from her lips. Her hips rocked against him, begging for him to kill the ache.

“Oh gods,” she whispered, bracing herself against the wall as she felt the pit of heat burst and her toes curl. “Oh gods.”

Sesshoumaru’s arms held her close when he stood, “I must go prepare.”

Nodding against his chest, she hid her tears and still-flushed face. “I understand.”

“You will,” he paused, turning to leave, “remember me?”

Smiling, she retied her sleeping gown and kissed his cheek. “How could I forget?”

- - - - -

After bathing, Kagome allowed one of the handmaids to help her dress in a white kimono with layers of violet underneath. As she walked into the courtyard in front of the main house, she saw Bishou and Lord Konton standing off to one side, saying their own goodbyes.

“Kagome,” Lord Konton greeted her with a curt nod of his head.

Making a slight bow, she responded. “My Lord, I hope your trip goes well.”

“As do we all,” he agreed.

“Yes,” Bishou smiled, stepping away from her mate. “I will not sleep properly until you return, my Lord.”

The Inu no Taisho ran his hand over his female’s cheek. “Perhaps you should check on our son. I wish to speak with Kagome.”

“Very well,” Bishou replied and quickly went back into the house.

“My son is very taken with you,” Konton stated.

Kagome blushed. “I care for him very much.”

The demon lord frowned. “Do you know what love is, Kagome?”

She stuttered for a moment before answering, “I… do.”

“There is no time for hesitancy among youkai,” he informed her, his eyes examining her for any sign of insecurity. “We live long, and we do not take such joinings lightly.”

Kagome hissed at his roundabout accusations. “I assure you, my Lord. I may not have lived the vast amount of time you have, but my life has not always been so easy as it is here.” Moving away from him, she shifted her gaze to the landscape. “Once, I had my heart broken; I had believed that it would never heal. I committed myself to a… man who was still bound to another, yet, even after my loss, I stayed by his side.”

“Why would you do such a thing?” he wondered.

“Because he is my friend,” she replied easily, “and that’s what friends do. He needed me, so I was there for him.”

“Ah,” Konton interjected. “Will you leave my son when you are able to return to this man?”

A bittersweet smiled twisted her lips. “No.”

“And how can I be sure?” he asked. “How can my mate and I know that you will not leave our son to return to him?”

“Because I need Sesshoumaru,” she revealed. “It hurts my heart so much more than anything else ever has to know that he will be leaving me this morning. My only hope is that he will return soon.”

“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru appeared in the doorway. “It is time.”

With a small nod, she rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck. “Come back soon,” she whispered fervently. Sliding down his body, she released him and joined Bishou inside the doorway.

“May your journey be prosperous, and may you both return safely,” Bishou smiled sweetly. “I will miss you both.”

The two male youkai bowed and swiftly left the courtyard.

Kagome turned to speak with Bishou, but she was already gone. Frowning in confusion, Kagome glanced over the area once more and headed to breakfast.

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“Ishi will be assisting you today,” Ikris informed her. “I have been called by Lady Bishou to attend a separate matter.”

“Where is Bishou?” Kagome asked. “She disappeared as soon as Sesshoumaru and Lord Konton left this morning, and she wasn’t at breakfast.”

The pregnant woman sighed. “I am not sure, but this is not a day to take lightly, I think.”

“What do you mean?” Kagome questioned.

Shaking her head, Ikris answered. “Something is building, and the Lady is very… upset. Be wary, Kagome. I know the trials that come with mating an Inu.”


“I cannot tell you.” Ikris gave her a quick once over. “But, be careful. Come, Ishi awaits.”

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“Kagome,” Bishou called out, interrupting their meditation. “I have need of you.”

Grunting at the disruption, Ishi nodded her consent. The young miko stood and followed the youkai female. “What’s wrong?” she asked, after a few minutes of walking in silence.

Bishou stopped, her head lowered, and tried to cover her tears. Her leadership had been questioned. It was a deadly error among youkai, and it was time that Kagome learned. Pulling the small sword from the sheath at her waist, she spun and raised her blade. “You have no right to question me,” she stated.

Kagome’s eyes widened in surprised at the sight of the lethal edge pointed toward her throat. “What-?”

Gliding forward, Bishou struck swiftly, landing a blow on her torso and leaping back. “It is not your place to question me.”

“I didn’t mean to-” Kagome mumbled. ‘What’s going on?’

When Bishou attacked the second time, she hit Kagome’s shoulder with the hilt and knocked her to the ground. “Silence! Pay attention, Little One," Bishou demanded, throwing her sword to the side. "You will receive no second chances." Kagome panted, one hand clutching the gash in her side. "Bishou," she whispered. "What are you doing?""You will listen," the demoness hardened her gaze. "Pay attention." Releasing a low whine, the young miko struggled to stand up, ignoring the pain that wracked her body. "What do you want from me?" Bishou growled when the female did not obey her commands. "You will pay attention, miko. Or you will die!" Kagome gasped. "What?"Knocking her to the ground again, Bishou bent down until she was only a breath away from Kagome's face. "I will not hesitate to kill you."

‘Think, Kagome, think.’ In her mind, she cried out in frustration. ‘Why is she attacking me?’

The air around her charged with electricity as the youkai released the bonds on her natural form and, in the next instant, she was facing a giant female inu.

‘Youkai.’ The thought entered her mind like a flashing light bulb. ‘She’s treating me like… a youkai.’

Dodging the following attack, she searched for the answer. ‘What does she want me to do? What would a youkai do?’ As if requested, an image raised itself in her mind from a few weeks previous.
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“Come now, Sesshoumaru,” Konton teased. “You have reached your limit, my son. Submit, and I will not press you.”

“No,” Sesshoumaru returned, drawing a short whip of youki to his fingertips.

His father laughed and easily evaded his attacks. “Do not make me continue this, Sesshoumaru. It is nearly time for the evening meal. Surely you wish to clean yourself first.”

The young youkai grunted and continued his pursuit.

Sighing, Konton escaped once more before throwing himself at his son and rolling them both until he straddled him. “Submit,” he ordered.

Sesshoumaru resisted for only a second longer. Looking away, he let out a low whine and flattened himself into the ground.

Konton gave a responding woof and nudged the side of the younger youkai’s head before standing. “Was it that difficult?” he asked, in joking tone.

- - - - -

Desperately, Kagome sought to imitate what she could remember. Lowering herself to the ground, she looked down and let out what she hoped was an ‘I’m sorry’ whimper. She kept her body completely still as she felt Bishou towering over her in true form. The demoness bumped Kagome’s head with her nose and released a high yip.

Sighing in relief, the miko pushed herself into a sitting position and grunted at the pain caused by her actions. Bishou woofed in apology and brushed her tongue over the wound. Surprisingly, it did not sting as she had expected. Instead, a light tingling erupted throughout the surrounding flesh.

Bishou shrunk into her humanoid form and kneeled at Kagome’s side. “I did not mean to inflict such a deep injury,” she admitted, brushing her hand over the damaged skin. “I have removed the poison, however, I am afraid it will take quite some time to heal completely.”

“Why did you do that?” Kagome asked.

“We are not human, Kagome,” Bishou responded. “You must understand that many of the things you do are not in tradition with the ways of our pack. This was… a test of your instincts. We believe that one must understand the ways of the Inu before they can be allowed into the center of the clan.”

“Why can’t you just explain-?”

“This is our nature, Kagome. We teach by showing. In our natural form, we are not capable of the extensive speech that is allowed in this shape. It was necessary for me to see if you could learn from a being that was completely foreign to you first. If you were not willing to accept the lessons of my alternate appearance, I would deny you the right to learn our innermost secrets because you would not be willing to accept them,” Bishou explained.

“So, you’re going to start… attacking me until I realize what you’re trying to tell me?” Kagome wondered.

Bishou laughed. “No, Little One, I will teach you the ways of our kind in the language you understand first, but there will be times when my family and I are unable to create speech in this way. If you are to join us, then it is necessary that you take my lessons to heart.”

“Okay,” Kagome responded, a relieved expression smoothing her features.

“Now,” the smiling female offered her an arm. “Let us dress your wounds, Little One. I am very proud of what you have accomplished this day.”

“You are?”

Bishou nodded and led her toward the porch. “It is not often that we find one capable of listening to something most humans relate to a common animal. You have great inner strength, Kagome. Never forget this. It is not always the strength of your arm that leads you victorious.”

- - - - -

“She is injured.” Sesshoumaru frowned.

Konton gave him a curt nod. “Your mother is making a show of dominance over your chosen female.”

“Kagome does not know our ways,” Sesshoumaru hissed. “How can you treat her so unjustly?”

“If she is to be a member of our pack, then she will be treated as such, Sesshoumaru.” The youkai lord gained speed.
“She will pass your insipid tests,” his son informed him.

Konton nodded in agreement. “I have no doubt of that.”

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