InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Thirty Days ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Wiccan

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Thirty Days

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Day Two

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Three mikos knelt in the temple courtyard, hands held in a prayer position, whispering amongst themselves while their auras dueled with one another.

Ikris’s green aura pulsed twice and pressed against Kagome’s blue one. “No one is born with hands like ours,” she commented.

“Huh?” Kagome started, her aura shrinking a few inches.

“Pay attention,” Ishi grumbled, flaring her violet aura and lightly brushing against her trainee’s shrinking energy.

Reinforcing her barrier, Kagome sighed. “Yes, Master Ishi.”

“Hands such as these,” Ikris separated her own fingertips and wiggled them twice before resuming her position, “are earned. We will never have the delicate touch that a Lady possesses because we are not meant to be gentle. The first miko was a warrior, as will be the last. That is the way of our kind. Never forget that, Kagome. Ours hands are rough from years of training and battle.”

“What about healing?” Kagome asked, while maintaining her magic form against a sudden dual assault.

Ishi grunted, “Good. Focus more.” The oldest woman’s gray hair took on a purple hue from the gathering of her forces.

“That is not the way of a miko, Kagome,” Ikris continued. “That is the way of a woman. It is merely a convenience that our magic chooses to bless our healing spells as well. We are nurturing creatures at heart, but we will always be fighters in spirit.”

Winding her power into a spear-like shape, Ishi stabbed at the blue orb and was almost instantly repelled. “Hm. We are done here today. Come.” She stood and opened the door to a small shed off to one side of the temple. “It is time that you learn a different method of protection.”

“What is it?” her student questioned.

Ikris pulled a long staff out of the tiny room and responded, “Attacks.”

“What?” Kagome’s eyes nearly doubled in size. “I can’t… I mean… I’m bad at stuff like that! I use a bow!”

Ishi shook her head and muttered under her breath while grabbing a chain-style weapon. Kagome caught sight of the sharpened ‘r’ styled blade on the end and wondered at its uses.

“This is a shoge,” Ishi informed her.

“And, this,” Ikris held up her own weapon, “is a bo.”

“Choose,” Ishi ordered.

Kagome frowned. “What? Now? Am I stuck with one, or do I get to move around?”

Ishi strode back to the shed and spread the door wider. “You will choose once, and you will choose now.”

Covering her mouth with her hand to hide her smile, Ikris gave Kagome a light pat on the shoulder. “It’s just like your other training, Kagome. Close your eyes and see which one feels right.”

After taking a deep breath, the youngest miko firmly shut her eyes and allowed her magic to seep into the weapons on the wall. A variety of energies swirled around in the small room, but one particular spot drew her closer. There, with a steady hand, she grasped a set of small handles. “Here,” she released the breath she had been holding. “This is it.”

To her surprise, she had selected a very unique set of curved blades mounted on very long, slender handles. They appeared to be rather small versions of a scythe. “What are these?”

Ishi rolled her eyes. “They are kusari-kamas.” Taking the weapon from her hand, Ishi tugged the end of handgrips to reveal hidden chains inside of the hollow tubing. “This is a very difficult weapon. You must master the use of the Kama blade and the extension. It is, however,” she conceded, “an advantageous selection. Let us begin.”

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Day Nine

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“Koi youkai,” Konton growled, staring at the bodies of his clansmen spread out over the valley below.

Sesshoumaru nodded. “The smell of fish is heavy here. What think you, Father? It is not in their nature to cause such an incident.”

With a frown, the great dog lord stepped into the aftermath of the battle and released a blood-curling howl. “Let us find the survivors, my son. They will explain this… skirmish.”

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Day Twelve

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“We will begin your training today, Little One.” Bishou smiled and put her cup of tea to the side.
Kagome groaned and resisted the urge to fall back into the mound of pillows behind her. “What is it with you people?”

Giving a small laugh, the youkai female answered. “It was necessary to see if you would survive the poison and the submission before we could form you.”


“Your sickness,” Bishou clarified, “was caused by a dose of my venom. Sesshoumaru possesses the corruptive nature of my blood, and you must be able to withstand it to be with him.”

Kagome sputtered indignantly. “You poisoned me?!”

“It was a vital test, Little One,” she placated, tossing her long mane of white hair over one shoulder, stark magenta stripes prominent in the low light of the small library.

“What are those things on your face for?” Kagome wondered, distracted from her tirade at the sight of them.

Sliding a single finger against the colored skin, Bishou answered, “Heritage. The ability to produce and resist poisons is passed from mother to pup. One line represents the capability of resisting the venom, and the second reveals the capacity to produce and contain it.”

“So that’s why Lord Konton only has one on each side?” Kagome guessed.

“Yes,” Bishou gave a brief nod. “Before we were mated, he ingested some of my poison and was able to resist its denaturing abilities. Thereafter, the stripes appeared on his face. The moon,” she tapped the dark blue emblem in the middle of her forehead, “was given to me by my Lord. It was bestowed on him by the Moon God, Tsukiyomi.”

“Really? Why did he give him that? In the myths I’ve heard, Tsukiyomi was banished by the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, after he killed Uki Mochi,” Kagome responded.

A mysterious smile settled over the female youkai’s face. “That is a very interesting story.”

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“Youkai,” a tall, dark male with pale gray hair appeared in the night sky.

Scrambling to his feet in shock, Konton stared at the apparition in fear. “W-who are you?”

“Not yet matured,” the god sneered. “You will have to suit me, Pup. You will honor this Tsukiyomi with a favor.”

The young inu youkai clutched the sword at his side. “What do you want of me, Moon God?”

“There is a female in a cave two days south of here. She resides on the coast and only comes out of her home when Amaterasu, my Sun Sister, takes to the sky,” he explained, producing a small red box from his robes. “You will give this to her. I will reward you well for your loyalty, Inu. Do not fail this Tsukiyomi.”

With that, the god-form faded from the sky, leaving Konton alone in the field once again.

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“Was Tsukiyomi in love with the woman?” Kagome inqured.

Smiling softly, Bishou nodded. “Yes, his heart was won by a human priestess who had captured immortality in a white copper mirror. How did you know?”

Laughing, Kagome answered, “All the best stories are about love. So, what happened?”

“My Lord found the woman, Sunao, and gave her the gift.”

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Deep inside the cave, Konton spoke to Tsukiyomi’s lover. “He wished that you have this,” he informed her, handing her the long, thin red box.

Shaking her head, Sunao opened the present and grasped the hilt of a tiny dagger. “My love is a selfish god,” she whispered.

“You do not appreciate his offering?” Konton wondered. “With this, he seeks to protect you. Surely, this makes you happy.”

“No,” she corrected him. “My love wishes that I would sacrifice my immortal life to join him in the sky, but there are already too many stars with him. I would be lost among them.” A certain sadness leaked into her soft voice.

“I think you are wrong,” Konton said, giving her a reassuring grin. “How could anyone forget such a beautiful creature?”

Giggling at his audacity, she nodded. “Thank you, Gentle Inu. Perhaps I will visit my love this eve.”

Later that night, Tsukiyomi visited Konton. “You have presented her with my token?” the Moon God inquired.

“I have,” Konton assured him. “This very night, your Lady will lay her eyes on you.”

Pleased, Tsukiyomi moved forward and touched the dog demon’s forehead. “You have done well, Young Inu. For this, I will give you the ability to see with the strength of my own eyes.”

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“Why give him good eyesight?” Kagome questioned, curious.

Bishou easily explained. “Inus, like their animal counterparts, do not possess strong sight. They must rely on their other senses to guide them when there is no light. Tsukiyomi’s blessing gave my Lord the power of a god. And, in return, when we mated it was passed on through our bonds.”

“That is so cool!” the young miko exclaimed excitedly.

“Now,” Bishou continued. “We must see to your lessons.”

Groaning, Kagome leaned back into the pillows.

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Kagome felt the flames lick her cheeks from the most extreme case of embarrassment she had ever had. "So I have to-"Bishou nodded, a small evil smile twisting her lips."Just to get him to..."Her instructor smirked. "Yes, Kagome. Of course you do. What do mortals do when they want to-""That's okay!" the miko blurted out, doing anything to interrupt the older female's line of thought. "I just can't believe that you... you know... just to say hello.""It is the most intimate form," Bishou conceded. "It is only performed between mates.""Yeah, but still!" Kagome whined, trying to tamp down the urge to cry. "I mean, I'd be so close to his... to his...""Kagome," Bishou grinned. "One would hope that you would become accustomed to such acts after mating.""But you do it in front of other people!"Laughing, Bishou responded, "The flesh of ouris very sensitive, Kagome. The lower regions are... the most receptive - to allow a mate so near a... delicate area shows trust and acceptance."

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Day Sixteen

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With one hand desperately clutching the fabric covering her heart, Bishou stumbled out of bed and into her meditation corner. After settling into the proper position, she closed her swirling amber eyes and allowed the visions to consume her.

‘Sesshoumaru.’ The voices in her head screamed his name over and over. ‘The time is near, and danger is clear.’ Several of their calls became a slow, steady chant. ‘The time is near. Sesshoumaru. The time is near. Danger clear.’

Resisting the urge to dig deeper into the thoughts of danger for her son, she allowed them to speak to her as they wanted, free and uninhibited. “Consume me,” she commanded them. “Take my mind as your own. I am yours to lead.”

Vain creatures rested at the heart of all Sight. They would only perform when the Seer sacrificed their own spirit to the tangled web of the calls.

The time is near,
and danger is clear.
Young Master breathes.
Young Master seethes.’

As their power manifested, they began to form stronger sentences.

‘Feel you, his anger, Seer?
Feel you, his power?
Time is near, Seer.
The danger corrodes his mortal shell.
The human-like form he holds cannot contain…
He will try for Her…It is She who causes him to resist…
Fear… Fear’

The voices broke to echo a decrepit chuckle through her head.

‘Afraid, afraid,
We drink his worries.
Wonderful, wonderful, yes…
Death… death…
So fulfilling…
His paltry control is meddlesome,
But he cannot keep them from Us.
His fear. His worries.
We swallow them.
We bred them.
He will not control Us.
He cannot resist Our calls the way you do.
And yet, it is you who now writhes in agony because of Us.
Yes, yes,
are powerful.
But it is only time…
Only time, and he will die if he does not relent to the call to transform.
Superior beings!
You fall beneath Us.
We will mock the death of your precious Sesshoumaru.’

Locking them away when she could no longer take their criticism, she lasted only a few seconds longer before fainting, falling into an unorganized heap on the floor.

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Day Twenty

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Sesshoumaru snarled at his attacker and sliced the Koi youkai in half. Their clansmen had been assaulted by a large faction of fish demons who were determined to wipe the influence of the dogs from the Southern Islands. For purity, they claimed. And now, Sesshoumaru and his father had been ambushed on the way to have a diplomatic meeting with the leader of the Isles, Muteppou. Sesshoumaru was beginning to suspect foul play on the part of their supposed ally.

Ignoring the growing pain in his back, he twisted a moment too late and was caught by a deadly blow to the heart.

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Kagome yawned and leaned against a stone wall on the outer edges of the garden proper. As much as she wanted to sleep, it continued to elude her, so she finally gave up, seeking out the peaceful serenity of the outdoors. With one arm over her chest, she slid down into a sitting position at the base of the partition. ‘I miss you, Sesshoumaru. You’ve been gone for twenty days. You were supposed to be back by now. What’s happening where you are?’

Releasing a restless sigh, she dropped her head onto her knees, pulling her legs to her chest with her arms. ‘Are you hurt? Do you miss me too? My heart… hurts.’

A sudden tingling raced down her spine, settling in her lower back with a slow, pulsing throb. “Ow,” she mumbled. After scooting away from the wall, she twisted as much as she could, but she did not see an injury. “Must’ve been the rocks in the wall.”

In the next instant, she cried out at the overwhelming pain that ripped through her chest. Then, there was nothing.

- - - - -

Bishou struggled to catch her breath, containing her true being was difficult when she knew that her son was in danger. She had hidden her vision from all present within the walls of the Immortal Moon household and that had also taken its toll. As alpha, it had to be believed that she was an unmovable stone, incapable of surrendering to hurt or fear.

But she was afraid.

Moving into the gardens, she caught scent of Kagome and tracked her to the South Wall. She gasped, rushing to the human woman’s collapsed form. “Kagome,” she shook her lightly. “Kagome, you must awaken.”

The young miko groaned and pressed a hand to her forehead. “Anyone catch the number of that train?”

“Why are you sleeping out of doors?” Bishou wondered.

“I,” Kagome frowned when the memory rushed back to her. “I was just out here thinking and my back started to hurt. Then, I got this enormous pain in my chest; I guess I must’ve blacked out.”

“Sesshoumaru,” Bishou mumbled, nervously twisting her hands.

“I miss him,” Kagome whispered. “I miss him so much.”

Standing up, the demoness gestured for Kagome to follow her. “Come. I think it is time I showed you another Inu tradition.”

After stopping by Bishou’s room to collect a few blankets, they made their way to Sesshoumaru’s end of the house. Leading the way into the room, Bishou arranged the coverlets on top of the young lord’s futon. “When one of the pack is away,” she explained, “we often surround ourselves by things that were in their presence. It comforts us to sense things that we know belong to them.”

Closing her eyes, Kagome nodded. She could feel Sesshoumaru here. With a small smile, she settled into the pallet. “Are you going to stay?” she asked Bishou.

“Yes,” the female youkai said. “My youki has been erratic as of late. Since you are a future member of the pack, I hope that my magics will accept the comfort of your presence.”

“Did you… have a vision?” Kagome asked. “I went to visit you the other day, but they told me that you wouldn’t see anyone. The only time I’ve known you to hide yourself away is when you have one of those.”

“I did,” Bishou responded.

Nibbling on her lip, Kagome presented her with one last question. “Will you tell me what it was?”

“No,” Bishou said flatly. “Go to sleep, Kagome.”

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Day Thirty

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Her grip tightened so much that she nearly crushed the missive she held. Finally receiving word from her mate, she had hoped for happy news. There was, however, little within its confines to rejoice over. They were being attacked by the Koi nation, and her Alpha feared that the Koi had overthrown their only ally in the Southern Isles, Lord Muteppou.

Lady Bishou’s strengths as a leader were being tested. Kagome was suffering from a breathing malady, one that the youkai female had only seen in those dealing with extreme fear. The miko’s heartbeat raced and her breaths became short and quick, causing the young human to lose air. While they always passed, sometimes it would take nearly half the day to calm her. According to Kagome, Sesshoumaru was capable of soothing the odd breathing spells, but Sesshoumaru was not there.

Bishou was not sure if her son would return at all.

Kneeling in the tall grass, the normally composed female resisted the urge to cry. With no other option, she began to pray.

She prayed for strength to lead her people in the absence of the Inu no Taisho.

She prayed for Kagome.

She prayed for the safe return of her family.

Then, the Lady of the Western Lands cried out, begging for her son. She pleaded with any being who was reasonable enough to comprehend her words for the wellbeing of her son. ‘Please,’ she thought. And, for the very first time, she wished that she did not possess the gift known as Sight. ‘Please let me be wrong.’

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