InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ And Twenty-Nine More ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Embracing Ice

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Wiccan

Chapter Twenty-Nine: And Twenty-Nine More

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Day Twenty

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His body was being destroyed from the inside out. Each breath he took caused his ribcage to quiver painfully. In his head, the voices of Sight that he so often struggled to suppress laughed and mocked his impending doom. They would revel in his death, as would the koi who attempted to slaughter his father.

But, the Inu no Taisho had not failed. The Inu no Taisho was an impenetrable fortress of strength and resolve. His fortitude could not be toppled by mere fish nipping at his toes.

He did not give up.

Only Sesshoumaru, the young, weak son of the great demon lord would be lost to blood of the battlefield this day.

'No,' Sesshoumaru’s thoughts roared. 'I will not die.’

The searing heat in his chest multiplied to a nearly unbearable height. He could feel his skin melting away, shedding the mortal shell that he wore. 'I will not fail her.' His claws lengthened and sharpened, struggling against the bonds of death. 'I will not die.'

Slowly, his heart settled into a steady beat - the pain in his back throbbing in time with it. He could feel the flesh there growing and stretching to accommodate a power he had never before known. A new surge of youki coursed through his body and replenished what he had lost.

The wound on his chest was gone.

Sesshoumaru, fledgling apprentice to the great demon, Lord Konton, was no more.

Clutching the newly sprouted tail on his back, Sesshoumaru smirked maliciously at the koi who had dared to attack him and stayed to watch his Turning.

Sesshoumaru was a daiyoukai.

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Day Thirty-Five

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“It’s kicking!” Kagome exclaiming, placing her hand over Ikris’ swollen stomach.

Ikris smiled and soothingly rubbed her belly. “Yes, I will have a very feisty pup.”

“When will the pup be born?” the younger miko asked, still adjusting to the ways of the youkai. “It’s already been longer than a normal human pregnancy.”

“Soon,” her mentor assured. “Youkai births are very different. The growth of youki determines when the pup will be born. Some youkai develop more slowly than others, and the stronger the youkai, the longer it takes. Bird youkai are known for relatively short development stages, while frog youkai have the longest. Though an inu pregnancy is longer than a human one, it is not the most extensive.”

“That’s good,” Kagome commented.

Nodding, Ikris agreed. “Yes, it is. I am ready for the young one to be delivered. I am sorry that I was unable to assist with your training this morn.”

“That’s okay,” Kagome placated. “Ishi and I managed to do all right on our own. She’s really fast for an old woman.”

Gaily, Ikris responded, “That she is. Ishi is a very good teacher. She has trained many warriors throughout her years. She has done well with you.”

Though she wanted to stay, Kagome knew that her lunch was over and Ishi would come looking for her if she did not appear on the temple steps soon. “I think I’m finally getting the hang of the Kamas. She hasn’t taught me how to manipulate the chains yet, but I think we’ll start on that soon.”

“You are doing well, Kagome. You have come far since your first lesson,” Ikris complimented.

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Day Forty

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“Do you wish to please my son?” Bishou questioned.

Kagome frowned and put down her tea. “Of course I do, you know this.”

“There will come a time when my son will show his true nature around you. Will you become afraid?” the demoness continued.

Twisting a stray lock of hair, Kagome pondered the question before responding. “I could never be truly afraid of Sesshoumaru but, sometimes, I could be afraid of what I do not understand.”

“Precisely,” Bishou smiled. “You do not wish to fear him, and yet, it is likely that you would if you do not understand his ways. Ours ways. And how could we resolve your fear, Kagome?”

“By,” she hesitated. “By teaching me what it means… to be a youkai.”

“There are many things you must learn to recognize in order to fully appreciate the spirit of a youkai. We speak with gestures where a human would often speak a word. We utilize our bodies to send messages. Words are tedious, and they often do not properly convey what the speaker wants. Actions, however, are strong and unmistakable when one knows what one is looking for,” Bishou explained. “When you are presented to my son at your mating ceremony, you will be expected to not only reciprocate his words, but you must also react to his actions. Will you learn this, Kagome? Are you willing to alter yourself in order to become the perfect mate for Lord Sesshoumaru? Will you accept his youkai nature for what it is? Or, will he be forced to relate to you only in the ways of a mortal being?”

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Day Fifty-Five

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“I had thought you honorable,” Lord Konton growled, dragging his claws through another onslaught. “How dare you shame your great father’s name? He would not stand for such treachery.”

With a wide, sweeping gesture, his opponent laughed. “As you can see, my Lord, my great father is no longer the leader of these lands. He fell too easily. I am hoping that you will prove to be more of a challenge.”

Narrowed eyes glared at the fish youkai. “What do you seek to accomplish here?”

“Ah,” the koi smirked. “My goals do not deal with you personally, Konton, for I am a clever creature. No, my strength cannot win over yours.” He paused and held up a clear orb that projected a picture of the Inu no Taisho’s home into the sky. “However, there are certain things that may cause your surrender.”

A thunderous noise echoed through the destroyed stronghold. Konton called out to his son as he transformed into his light orb and darted through the sky.

The newly formed daiyoukai stared at the traitorous koi a moment longer. “I will have your blood on my claws, Muteppou. This I pledge you.”

“Run along after your father, Pup. I have no time for children’s games.” Muteppou sneered. “And, if I were you, I would worry about the condition of your frail, mortal miko.”

Summoning his newly-learned youki cloud, Sesshoumaru took to the skies. ‘Hold on, Kagome.’

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Day Fifty-Six

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“I seek refuge,” the koi youkai stated, gathering her wide skirts in one hand.

“Your name,” Bishou ordered, holding her position at the top of the stairs.

The fish female gave a low bow. “I am Lady Sunao, wife of Lord Muteppou of the Southern Isles.”

Curtly nodding, Bishou stepped back to allow her inside.

“Sunao,” Kagome interrupted. “Your name is Sunao? I met you at the Sesshoumaru’s gathering, didn‘t I?”

Sunao smiled. “The human miko, Kagome. It is good to see you again.”

“My mate has gone to visit Lord Muteppou. Why are you here, Lady Sunao?” Bishou questioned.

Instead of responding, the koi youkai lowered her eyes.

“Where is my mate, Lady Sunao?” Bishou asked more harshly, an edge of worry slipping into her voice.

Softly, Sunao whispered, “My Lord has become a power hungry creature. I no longer recognize him. He seeks to defeat the Clan of the Immortal Moon. It seems that I am destined to ensnare myself with selfish males.”

“You have a very interesting name,” Kagome commented. “It reminds me of one I heard in a story once.”

The koi female blushed. “It would seem that my story travels far in this House. My love is not one who is easily forgotten.” A light flared around Sunao’s feet, and when it subsided, a human woman stood in her place.

“Why were you with Muteppou?” Kagome wondered.

“So long ago, it was, that my love gifted me with a way to stand by his side. I had forgotten what it was like to be one with another. I was… lonely. When I met Muteppou, he was a very kind lord, but he has allowed himself to be consumed with the need for power. Evil and malice now fill his heart.” Sunao replied.

“But what about-?” The young miko attempted.

“Come,” Bishou interrupted, ushering the woman inside. “It matters not as to why you are here. You will remain until my Lord returns; he will know what to do.”

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Day Fifty-Nine

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Bishou stopped suddenly. “That aura,” she whispered, turning toward the gates. An infectious smile tugged at her lips. “They have returned.”

“What?” Kagome paused mid-bite.

A shining white orb jumped the barrier wall and came to settle in front of them. In an instant, the light shifted and morphed into the form of the Inu no Taisho.

Laughing, Lady Bishou launched herself into his arms, nuzzling his chest and releasing a high pitched yip. “You have returned. I am so glad.”

“Where’s Sesshoumaru?” Kagome whispered.

A terrified look entered the female youkai’s eyes. “Where is our son?”

“You know as well as I, my Mate,” Lord Konton rumbled, “that Sesshoumaru cannot contain himself in spirit form.”

“Ah,” Bishou spoke again, her voice harsh from unshed tears. “He is well?”

“He is unscathed,” Konton frowned. “We could expect no less of our son.”

“Kagome!” A shout resounded from the distance.

“Sesshoumaru!” she yelled back, running toward the entrance. Kagome’s heart pounded loudly in her chest, clamoring against her skin to reach the one who had been absent for so long.

Before she could even see him, she felt herself being swept up into his arms and surrounded by his warm embrace. “I have missed you,” she heard him murmur softly into her hair.

“I’ve missed you too,” Kagome cried, “so much.” Skills she had been learning for weeks worked their way to the forefront, and she lightly nudged his jaw with her forehead. Working her way to his ear, she blew a quick breath out though her nose and planted a gentle kiss on his neck.

Sesshoumaru, for his part, was trying very hard not to spread his future mate out on the grass and show her exactly how much he had missed her. Kagome’s Inu greeting had not been expected, but it was more than appreciated. Having her demonstrate her feelings in a way that came naturally to him, he was overwhelmed by the flood of emotions coursing through his body.

After returning her gesture, Sesshoumaru let her slide down to the ground, still holding her close.

“You’re taller,” Kagome frowned. “A lot taller. And your youki… it’s so big. What happened?”

“Sesshoumaru has Turned.” Bishou appeared at their side, a tender smile on her face.

“Turned?” Kagome wondered at the odd phrase. “Turned into what?”

“A daiyoukai,” Lord Konton answered.

“Daiyoukai… but in the Feu-,” she gasped. “Oh! You’re a daiyoukai. That’s wonderful, Sesshoumaru. Is that why you’re so much… bigger?” Kagome tilted her head back to look into his eyes. Formerly, the top of her head was about an inch higher than his chin, but now, the young miko only reached his shoulders. His chest was slightly broader, and his face had lost some of the boyish charm she had found so odd the very first day they met in this new era.

Sesshoumaru chuckled. “Yes, after a youkai reaches initial maturity, they no longer grow at a steady rate. Instead, we have power surges every few hundred years.”

“We had not yet reached that point in our lessons,” Lady Bishou interjected. “I am surprised and proud that you have reached this point so young, Sesshoumaru. It is truly an honor to be your mother.”

“As it is to be your son,” he responded, a softhearted sheen in his gaze. “I have missed you as well, Mother.”

Stepping back, Kagome allowed the female youkai to claim a hug from her son.

“You have begun your weapons training,” Lord Konton noted.

Kagome nodded. “I have. I started just after you left.”

“Very good. I am glad to see you are still with us, Kagome,” he complimented.

She beamed at his praise. “I am happy to be here.”

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Bishou waved over the newest member of their entourage. “I must introduce you to the Lady Sunao, my Lord.”

A threatening growl slipped from the demon lord’s lips. “Why do you smell of fish, Priestess?”

The woman bowed before answering. “I had hidden my form in that of a koi youkai, Young Inu. Surely, you remember me.”

“Sunao,” he paused. “Why are you here? I had thought that you would return to Tsukiyomi many years ago.”

“It was not to be so,” she admitted. “His selfishness ensnared his soul, and he would not have me if I would not give up this plane of existence.”

“And you allowed yourself to be taken by Muteppou?” he wondered, curiosity overtaking him.

A bittersweet sigh escaped her. “He was not always as he is now, my Lord. I no longer recognize the demon called Muteppou.”

“Does the koi know that you are not of his kind?” Konton questioned.

“Yes,” she blushed. “It was simply easier to maintain the form of his nature in order to avoid the inquiring stare of his subjects.”

A loud crackling echoed through the courtyard, and its occupants watched in fascination as the moon darkened to a pale yellow. “Sunao,” a bodiless voice floated through the cool night air. “You have betrayed me.”

Anger filled the human woman. “I would never betray you, Tsukiyomi.”

“And yet, you lay with the fish,” he sneered, a drifting form of black manifesting in the space in front of her. “Your ideas on infidelity are skewed, my love.”

“As are yours,” she challenged. “You wished me to take my own life. Who would ask such of the one they loved?”

“It is the only way,” The Moon God responded.

“You cannot be happy with your nightly visits?” Sunao asked with tears rolling down her tanned cheeks. “I am torn between my love for you and my love for Amaterasu. If I were to go with you, I would never see your sister. Would you take away my dearest friend, Tsukiyomi?”

“She has banished me!” he roared. “Why do you hold your loyalty to her when she has betrayed me?”

“You killed Uki Mochi! She was upset and what she has done cannot be taken back!” Sunao argued.
“Uki Mochi dishonored me by presenting her fodder in such a disgusting manner. Who would accept a meal spat from the mouth of their hostess?” Tsukiyomi countered.

Sunao shook her head. “I will not give up Amaterasu for you.”

“Even now that your fish husband is dead?” Tsukiyomi smirked.

Bitter tears continued to make their way down her face. “I care not for Muteppou,” she said disparagingly. “Who could love a creature capable of murdering his own child?”

“So you move from one assassin to another?” Tsukiyomi mocked. “There is no need to fear your lover. His pursuit of the dog led him to distraction. His lifeblood now resides in my hands.”

“Good!” Sunao cried out. “It is only suitable that you should be his executioner. After all, he wanted me dead as well. You have now prevented my own death. Are you satisfied with the consequences of your actions?”

An ear-splitting whirlwind wrapped around the god’s form, and he swept himself away in a violent storm without giving his former lover an answer.

Sunao buckled under the weight of her grief and wept into the cold, hard ground.

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