InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Endless Battles Of Love ❯ Chapter 20
Chapter 20
I don't have much to say here except I hope you still like it and stuff..................oh yeah and um I don't own Inuyasha but this is chapter 20 so of course you must've figured that out by now (DUH to me). Oh yeah lately my computer monitor's been acting weird and it might take me a while longer to update but I'll do my best to update as fast as I can. Anyway I'll shut up now I promise :-X
"Our lima bean is a fetus now." Rin smiled happily sitting in the diner with Sesshoumaru, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha and Kagome. Rin was wearing jean shorts, a pink tank top and white K-Swiss sneakers.
"How many months are you?" Kagome asked as she sipped her water. She was wearing white Capri's, a pink tube top that exposed her stomach and white sandals.
"4 months." Rin smiled rubbing her stomach. Sango looked at Rin's stomach.
"You're stomach's still flat." Sango said. Sango was wearing a pink tight fitting skirt that stopped at her upper thighs, a white tank top and pink heeled sandals. Rin nodded her head.
"I gained about 10 pounds too and I weighed about 115 before the pregnancy and I'm 125."
"Damn Rin." Sango laughed. Rin nodded her head shrugging.
"I know I'm tiny." Rin giggled biting into her cheeseburger.
"Anyway my birthday is coming up and I have no idea what I wanna do." Sango said putting a French Fry in her mouth.
"Well, how about dinner?" Kagome suggested. Sango nodded her head.
"That can work. I like it. Since my birthday is on a Saturday."
"Ooh dinner. Count me in." Rin laughed along with everyone else.
"Of course you would like anything that involves sitting and eating Rin." Miroku laughed. He was wearing FUBU denim shorts, a red muscle shirt with white Nike sneakers.
"Damn straight." Rin nodded.
"Ooh and why don't we go to the beach earlier that day?" Sango smiled looked at them. They nodded agreeing. Kagome looked at Inuyasha who looked like he was in another world.
"You ok?" Kagome asked him quietly. Inuyasha snapped himself from his thoughts and looked at her.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. He was wearing black shorts with a white muscle shirt and white sneakers.
Rin slammed her fist down on the table getting all their attention.
"I want my damn pickles and ice cream." Rin said and they all made a disgusted face.
"Rin that's nasty as hell." Sango barked. Rin shrugged her shoulders.
"Lima Bean wants it." She smiled. Sango shook her head.
"Say are you guys thinking of any names?" Kagome asked. Sesshoumaru was about to answer when Rin quickly him off.
"Yep if it's boy we're gonna name him Edgar Waldo Sugashita and if it's a girl Beatrice Anna Sugashita." Rin smiled, they table went silent in shock. Sango was the first to speak.
"Um.....that's very um.......interesting." Sango nodded as Kagome, Miroku and Inuyasha still looked shock. Sesshoumaru burst out laughing along with Rin.
"I'm sorry Rin you told me to look serious but I can't their faces." He turned his head the other way trying to control his laughter. He was wearing black shorts, a white muscle with a red short sleeve button down shirt over it and black sandals. Rin couldn't help but laugh.
"Y'all so stupid. Did you all really believe me?" Rin continued to laugh.
"Well you know Rin personally I wouldn't put nothing past you." Kagome laughed. Rin gasped pretending to look hurt.
"How could you Kagome? I hate you." Rin laughed.
"I'm telling you Rin you keep being negative that kid's gonna come out negative." Sango laughed. Rin stuck her tongue out at Sango.
Later that night, Kagome and Rin went over the Sugashita's house for dinner since Izayoi personally invited them. They all sat at the dinner table with Inutaisho at the head of the table Izayoi on his left Shippo sitting across from her, Sesshoumaru was sitting on Izayoi's left with Rin across from him. Inuyasha was sitting next to Sesshoumaru with Kagome across from him.
"Rin how's your pregnancy coming along?" Izayoi asked smiling at her.
"Pretty good although Lima Bean does give me some bizarre cravings." Rin made a face.
"Yeah that happens." Izayoi nodded her head. Inutaisho snorted.
"I'm only 39 and I'm already going to be a Grandparent. Whatever happen to condoms you young kids." He shook his head.
"Oh please Inutaisho you forgot to use the condom twice that's how Sesshoumaru came and Inuyasha came." Izayoi snapped at him.
"HEY!!!!" Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru shouted at the same causing them all to laugh.
"Sorry boys."
"Truth without Compassion is called Brutality." Sesshoumaru told her. Kagome looked in shock Izayoi really wasn't joking when she said that. Izayoi giggled.
"Yeah we all know that way too well."
"Dad can I have my license back now?" Inuyasha asked. Inutaisho looked at him.
"What did I tell you last August?"
"No you said if I get another speeding ticket you would take it away. I didn't get a speeding ticket."
"Hell you mind as well you got your license suspended for two months."
"Two months is over."
"Well I'm adding two more."
"Damnmit I hate you." Inuyasha barked. Inutaisho rolled his eyes.
"Yeah whatever." Sesshoumaru quickly put his head down closing his eyes mumbling a few words to himself. He then looked up only to see curious eyes.
"What was that about?" Rin asked.
"I was just praying if we have a boy he doesn't turn out like Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru smirked causing all but Inuyasha to laugh. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and gave his brother the middle finger. Sesshoumaru just rolled his eyes.
"This is really, really great that we all can sit like this and have a peaceful meal." Izayoi smiled. Inuyasha snorted.
"Feh, I won't be peaceful until I get my license back."
"And you're not getting it back until you learn how to drive like a responsible adult." Inutaisho told him.
"Well how the hell can I learn if I can't drive a damn car?! Smart one old man." Inuyasha smirked knowing his father was going to get pissed off. Inutaisho slammed his fist against the table.
"Damnmit boy why must you be a goddamn pain in the ass?!" Inutaisho yelled looking at Inuyasha.
"Because you're my Dad." Inuyasha barked.
"Inuyasha, Inutaisho please cut it down." Izayoi sighed rubbing her temples maybe she shouldn't have jinxed the silence.
"No, please do continue this is certainly amusing." Rin smiled as she continued to eat looking at them.
"Ah Rin we're not here to amuse you, I'm trying to get my license back."
"Forget it."
Shippo picked his cell phone up talking to "one" of his girlfriends.
"Shippo don't talk at the table." Izayoi told him. Shippo didn't answer her as he continued with his conversation.
"Inuyasha, Inutaisho cut it out." Izayoi told them only to get ignored. "Shippo off the phone." Shippo stilled ignored her.
"Lima bean, Lima bean, Lima bean, I love my little Lima bean." Rin sang from boredom. Sesshoumaru just put his dead down praying his kid doesn't inherit anything this from his messed up side of the family.
"I want my license now!!!"
"You're not getting it!!!"
"So when can I come over? Tomorrow? Dad can I go over Arimi's house."
"Whatever, I don't care. Inuyasha you have to learn responsibility."
"Inutaisho don't tell him you don't care Shippo what time?"
"Please dear lord let my kid be normal and take after only me."
Kagome watched them and giggled to herself. The Sugashita family were definitely from other families and their affection for each other was called Tough Love but once you're accepted into the family you're in. Kagome smiled loving every ounce of it and she hoped that one day she could be legally part of the family with the same last name.