InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enlightened Hearts: Miroku & Sango ficlets ❯ Warmer Than the Sun ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Originally written on 8-1-2005.
Warmer Than the Sun
Miroku closed his eyes and smiled serenely, feeling a cool breeze tickle his skin on a comfortable summer day. His head rested on his wife's lap, and he felt her smooth fingers messaging his temples. Her soft even breaths trickled over him as he enjoyed her touch. 

He unconsciously clutched his right hand into a fist, feeling absent of beads and binding. The torrent winds that had simmered within him and had pounded at the gates no longer burdened him. He moved his once cursed hand over his wife's hand as she continued to stroke his temples. She stopped, and then squeezed his hand lovingly. He briefly looked up at her to see her smiling affectionately.

His body stirred in contentment as she smiled for him. 

Then he heard footsteps pitter into the ground as his children giggled playfully and jumped over him as a bridge in their game. His wife's chuckling had followed after theirs.

“Miroku,” she whispered lightly. He shivered as she blew teasingly in his ear. He was pleased when she called him that. There were no more “Houshi-samas” as she addressed him, and he had since abandoned his robes after settling down with her. Hearing her say his name with familiarity was an affirmation to the peace they had finally gained. 

He was suddenly jarred when one of his children had fallen over his chest to rouse him. He snickered, expecting them to giggle in return. 

Instead he felt hands tapping him, and someone began repeating his name like a never-ending echo.

He cracked an eye open, and Shippo stared down at him as he woke. His traveling companions awaited his attention impatiently.

Inuyasha glared at him and then barked with aggravation. “This is no time to be napping, monk. Naraku is still out there, so let's get going.” And like always, he and Kagome turned away as she settled onto his back ready to continue their journey.

He stood up, and Sango waited for him to get onto Kirara. Momentarily, he stole a glance at her face. Her expression was full of anger and sadness as usual, and her eyes were weighted with so much pain. He felt the bindings pinch around his hand as he clutched it into a fist.

Someday, Sango, I will no longer see your frown or the pain in your eyes. He gritted his teeth and made this silent vow. I will free us both from the misfortunes that bind us. And when that time comes, we can enjoy laughter that is warmer than the sun.