InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enlightened Hearts: Miroku & Sango ficlets ❯ Peacemaking Wives ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Written for the “Friendship” theme at mirsan_fics on Livejournal.
Peacemaking Wives
Sango's watched curiously as her husband suddenly bolted inside their house and sighed heavily against the front door. She jumped as she heard a succession of thumps outside.
“What's happening?” she asked.
“Inuyasha is mad at me,” her husband answered sheepishly. Sango became suspicious. “He's throwing food at the house.”
She stood up with fury flushing her cheeks. “What did you do now?”
Miroku put up his hands in surrender. “Now, Sango dear. It's only a misunderstanding between male friends.”
“Misunderstanding? What could you possibly say to Inuyasha where he would throw things at our house?” Sango asked angrily.
“Something…about his male anatomy, perhaps? I don't recall,” Miroku said innocently.
“Oh, brother. I'll take care of this,” Sango snorted with annoyance, and she wrestled past her husband and stomped through the front door, dodging a tomato in her wake.
After a little while, the noises stopped. His wife came back with a serene and collected expression.
“What did you say to him?”
“I didn't say anything to him,” Sango huffed. “I talked to Kagome and she took care of it.”
Miroku nodded with relief awash on his face. “I can only imagine what my dear wife said in my defense.”
“Defense? Don't be silly. We agreed that you two would clean our house,” she said sternly, and Miroku wilted. “And no sex for a week, until you both learn not to feud like silly children.”
“Yes, dear,” Miroku said lamely, and it was the smartest phrase he said all day.