InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ The Land's Hope ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: The Land's Hope

Kagome lightly walked down the path that led back to the village. Along the way, there were

flowers here and there and she picked some up. Sighing, she tried to push back painful images

that made her heart ache. A red haori, a black-haired beauty, an embrace that brought her

hands to her heart, and a kiss that left her to her knees. Why? I gave you my heart, but you

didn't see.


"Nani Kagome?"

Kagome nearly jumped. She looked up and there was Inuyasha, crouched in a tree.

"Betsuni. It's nothing."

"Come on, it's getting late. We're going shard hunting tomorrow."

"Mm, wagata. I understand."

"Come on, get on my back, we'll get there faster that way, instead of you plodding along."

"It's ok, I think I'll walk. I need some time to think."

Inuyasha stared at her for a minute. Strange, she isn't arguing with me.

"Nani? I feel like everybody's staring at me tonight."

"Why? Who else has been staring at you?"

"Eh, nobody. Go on ahead Inuyasha, I'll be ok by myself."

"Suit yourself."

Inuyasha jumped, tree to tree, and soon he was gone. Leaving Kagome alone with just the

forest as company.

*Next Morning*

"Kagome!!!!!" Shippo wailed. "Inuyasha is hitting me!!!"

The kawaii kitsune hid behind Kagome while Kagome gave her best evil glare.

"Inuyashaaaa!! Leave Shippo alone. Or I'll say it!"

"Houshi-sama! Don't touch me there!


"Sango, I was just getting a piece of lint off!"

"Keh! You wouldn't dare!"


Kaede looked on as a very grumpy Inuyasha wiped dirt from his clothes, Shippo gazing

adoringly at Kagome, Kagome sending more evil looks at Inuyasha, Miroku sporting a red

handmark on his left cheek, and a flustered Sango. Good grief. Thought the old miko. But they

were the hope for this land. Believe it or not. The ragtag group consisted of the lecherous

monk Miroku, the strong youkai hunter Sango, the kitsune child Shippo, the short-tempered

hanyou Inuyasha, and the reincarnation of Kikyo, Kagome. She waved goodbye to the group

as they left, but only Kagome waved back as the rest of the group continued to argue with

eachother. It seemed that Kagome was the backbone of the group. Without her, everything

up till now would not have come to be. She has a great destiny in front of her. I hope she will

be strong enough to face it. With that said, the old miko turned and went back inside her hut.