InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4: Confrontation

"Inuyasha! Behind you!"

Inuyasha moved just in time as the bear youkai slammed his paw down.

"Kagome, where's the shard?!"

She squinted, then spotted a purple sparkle.

"In his right paw!"

Inuyasha dodged another attack then flew to the air.


He cut of the bear's right paw. The bear reduced to it's normal size, just slightly bigger than it's

human brothers. With a kaze no kizu, the youkai was reduced to just dust. Kagome picked up

the shard hidden in the palm of the paw.

"Got it!"

Sango put down her huge boomerang while Miroku inched closer.

"Sango! We got another shard! What a joyous moment!"

Miroku put his arms around her hip and grabbed lower.


"Hai, Houshi-sama, a joyous moment indeed. Come on Kagome, let's go take a bath. I saw one

earlier, we'll leave the boys to set up camp."


The girls left, leaving two men to do all the dirty work.

"Mmmm, feels good. Hot baths are the greatest way to relieve stress, neh, Sango?"

"Hai, but it all comes back the second we get back into camp. That dumb houshi!"

Kagome chuckled, "Well, I'd say he likes you."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, he grabs you more than any other girl he's met."

"Hmph. It's not as if I enjoy it." Sango replied, but she looked a little more thoughtful after


"It's getting a little too hot Kagome-chan. I'm going to go back to camp."

"I'll be there in a while. I just want to relax a little bit more."

Sighing, Kagome slid down into the water till her nose was just a little above the water. With

Sango gone, she could drop the cheery face she had been wearing. It took a lot of effort to

keep up a happy face when deep down, she was feeling miserable. But lately, she found it

getting easier and easier. With Inuyasha's secret rendezvous with Kikyo, she had to keep one

on almost all the time. Relaxing her face she bathed in silence. Inuyasha, who do you see? Do

you see me, or Kikyo? Every soft word that comes out of your mouth, who is it for? Me? Or

Kikyo? Am I just a replacement? Who do you really see? Just thinking of the endless

questions gave Kagome a slight headache. But she couldn't stop thinking about it, who did

Inuyasha really see? Sighing again, she tried to push the thoughts out of her head and just

enjoy a hot bath. Tilting her head up, she could see the stars. Numerous and always giving a

cheery shine,they never seem to have a problem. Never a worry, never a tear, never a


"Never a heartache." Kagome breathed.

He was flying around aimlessly, again, and it frustrated him. He was thinking about her again.

That pathetic, weak human...that...that wench. Beautiful though. He almost hit himself for

that stray thought. Beautiful, never, there are hundreds of youkai women that could surpass

her in beauty. Determined to get her out of his system Sesshoumaru picked up her scent and

followed it, which led him to the hot spring. Staying the shadows, he watched the girl from the


"Never a heartache." She said.

What is she thinking about?

Kagome smiled, life as a star seemed tempting. She sighed again. She had been doing that

lately, and it seemed the source was Inuyasha. And maybe someone else. Haven't seen

Sesshoumaru lately. Maybe he's trying to ponder matters of the heart. Lots of luck to him. I'm

surprised he hasn't come back to ask what a heart is. Maybe thats a little harsh. Mou, why am

I even thinking about him?

Noticing her silence, Sesshoumaru stepped out from the shadows. Shrieking, Kagome tried to

cover as much as she could with her hands.

"Hentai!!! What are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything, he just stalked closer and closer. He stopped at the edge of the water

and with his tail, he lifted Kagome out of the water and brought her toward him. She was

angry now, very angry and she stared defiantly, though still trying to cover herself as much

as she could.

"What in the world are you doing, you hentai!!!"

Still silent, the taiyoukai grabbed her neck again but almost gently this time. Looking into her

eyes, he was transfixed. They were a remarkable color, it was blue, but all assorted kinds of

blue. It seemed to change color with her emotions, or with her aura. Right now the eyes were

a stormy blue and her aura was a dark blue. Her eyes trapped him, with their anger,

embarrassment, and, again, sadness. It seemed the sadness was permanently stained to her

soul, but it didn't dominate her aura, like it would have to most humans. More to the fact that

it became part of her. And instead of making her appear pathetic, it made her only more

beautiful. Like someone to comfort, hold, and cherish. He wasn't the only person trapped by

eyes. Kagome had stopped yelling at the youkai after looking at the youkai's golden eyes.

They seem like the sun, they were almost blinding in their brightness. But the usual arrogance

and coldness wasn't there. It looked at her with sadness and...longing? Can it be? His eyes...

Sesshoumaru snapped out of his daze and took a small step back from her. Something that he

had never done, not even to a powerful youkai had he stepped back. But this little girl? There

is something to her. What is it? And what is this strange feeling in my chest? I must know.

"Wench, you will come home with me and teach me about the heart. "

"Ah, um, Sesshoumaru-sama, do you think we could talk about this when I have some clothes


"Get dressed, we're leaving."

Kagome stared at him for a while with a blush on her cheeks.

"Could you turn around please?"

He gave her an uncomfortable look before turning his back. She scrambled to get her clothes

on and tapped his shoulder when she was done.

"I can't..."

"I'm not asking."

Before she could say another word he grabbed her and took to the air.