InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Escape ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5: Escape

For some reason, he couldn't fathom why Kagome hadn't said a word since he took her. She

remained silent in his arms, but he couldn't feel anger from her. She wasn't angry, she wasn't

screaming or yelling at him to put her down? After a few moments of silence she finally said


"Could we go down for a few minutes? I need to make something clear. Please."

It was the please that made him go down into a forest. He dropped his hands and Kagome

landed on her rear.

"Itei! That hurts you know! Can't you be more gentle?"

"So what did you want to make clear? State your point and let's go."

"You didn't let me finish back there."

"Is that all?"

"No, don't get arrogant. When I said I can't, I didn't mean I didn't want to. I still have a

responsibility back there. I need to get all the shards and I can't do that if I'm with you. If I

didn't have my responsibility, then I would go with you. But every day is a reminder of what I

have to do. I can't forget it or put it off. I can't leave someone else to clean up my mess. I can't

leave the land in ruins. I can't escape. That's what I meant when I said I can't. I can't escape

my...duty. I can't..." I can't escape Inuyasha.

Both were silent, Kagome, to her thoughts, and Sesshoumaru to digest what she had just said.

She sat down against a tree, in the same position when Sesshoumaru first saw her by the God

tree. There's no running away. I have to keep going on. I have to fix what I did wrong. Duty, I

really hate that word sometimes. But it's hard not to forget when you have Inuyasha

around. Shard detector, thats all I am to him. My worth is less than the Shikon shards,..and a

rotten corpse.

Sesshoumaru stared down at the girl. Her head was bent as if in deep thought. But her aura

took on a light blue again. Duty. Is that all that keeps her with my hanyou brother? We are not

so different... we are both chained by duty. I feel like I should do something, but what?

He put a hand near her face. Kagome looked at it questioningly. But made up her mind and

took her hand in his. He pulled her up but their hands remained locked. And somehow an

unspoken agreement went between them.Though it could not be physically heard, both

understood each other perfectly.

I'll give you an escape.

How can you? It is my responsibility. I have to finish what I started.

I will help.

Kagome stared at him, as if to ask if he meant what he said, then nodded her head.