InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Second Thoughts ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Second Thoughts

They escaped. Only Kami knew what they were escaping from. But one can take a guess.

Perhaps it's duty, or responsibility, or the pressures of a lost love, or even loneliness. But

they were escaping together. They sped away, faster than any being, but only one thing

caught up with them. A wind, but not cold, no, this time it was warm. It curled around their

hair and their clothes, making it flow out like water in the air. As quick as it had come, it went

away again. Taking their scent with it, it raced off into the quiet night. For what reason, who

knew. Maybe to prevent a certain hanyou to catch the scent of the two escaping. But all that

matters is that they escaped.

She didn't say anything to him, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. I left them, Shippo,

Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha. The Shikon Shard, how am I going to find it without them? I

didn't even tell them where I was going, no letter or anything. Maybe Sesshoumaru will let

me send a message...Sesshoumaru said he would help, but will he really? I told him I would

go with him, but will he keep his word? Maybe I should have thought this through. But, I

need time to think, time away from Inuyasha. And I'm tired of keeping a mask on. Maybe I

should hope for the best. Baka, this is a bloodthirsty youkai lord we're talking about! But, he

wasn't too hostile. Well, there was when he tried to choke me, but he stopped. What

stopped him? Agh, everything is so confusing! I need time alone to think.

"Sesshoumaru? Where are you taking me?"

"My castle in the West. We'll stay there for a while."

"Um, do you think I could send a message to Inuyasha and the others? Just to tell them I'm

safe, don't worry, and that I'll find the Shikon shards?"

"Why would you want to do that? I thought the whole reason you came with me was so that

you could get away from them."

"I know! But I don't want them to worry about me!"

The youkai was silent for a few minutes.

"Very well, when we get to the castle, I'll send a message."

"Arigato. Can I ask another question?"

"What is it now?"

"Did you really mean it? What you said earlier, will you help me find the Shikon shards?"

"Yes, I always keep my word."

Sesshoumaru felt the girl relax in his arms, as if his few words had banished all the tension in

her body. He liked the feel of the girl in his arms, which was annoying him. He didn't like that

thought and moved even faster so he could get her out of his hands. Something was coming

over him. Something in him had changed, and he didn't like the unexpected change. He was

racking his brains to see what the change was but he couldn't figure out what it was. What had

caused it? He felt normal a few days ago, at least up till that night. That night when the cold

wind had brought him to Kagome. The wind? No, it couldn't be. Winds can't do that unless

some powerful youkai was using magic. I would have smelled the magic on it if it did.

Sesshoumaru sighted his castle and landed in the garden. He let go of Kagome, but luckily her

reflexes saved her from landing on her rump again. Looking up, she saw a little girl in an

orange kimono running toward them. Or rather, toward Sesshoumaru. Jaken was running

behind her too. He was trying his hardest to keep up with his short legs.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!!! Sesshoumaru-sama!!!"

The girl ran to the lord and hugged his leg.

"Rin missed Sesshoumaru-sama! But Rin is happy now because Sesshoumaru-sama came


Jaken had finally caught up and toad youkai began bowing to to his master.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! You finally came back! Rin was making me play the most ridiculous

games! Why, if some youkai came by and saw me, my reputation would have been shattered!"

"Jaken, you do not have a reputation."

"Ah, eh, erm. Who is this ningen you brought? Why, it's Inuyasha's wench!"

"Oy! I'm getting really tired of people calling me wench. My name is Kagome, got it? I'm not

answering to both of you if you keep calling me by the name wench!"

Kagome felt a little embaressed at her outburst but she stood her ground and stared down

both youkai. Sesshoumaru casually turned and walked away while Jaken and Kagome stared

each other down with Rin watching. A few minutes later Rin was taking Kagome by the hand

while Jaken was on the ground with a huge lump on his head.

"Rin is happy to have onee-chan come live with us. Now Rin can have someone to play with.

Rin can play with Jaken but Jaken is no fun. He makes ugly faces whenever we play together."

Kagome couldn't help but laugh at Rin's antics. She was imitating Jaken perfectly. Maybe life

here will be ok. Rin is so kawaii! ...Like Shippo. I wish I had thought of bringing Shippo

along. But why does Sesshoumaru have a little human girl with him? I thought he hated

humans. It looks like he treats her well. She seems healthy, and happy. Maybe there's more

to Sesshoumaru than I thought. Kagome looked at the back of the lord's head as they walked

to the entrance of the main building.