InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


They stopped only once, and that was to get lunch for Kagome. She ate a local village and as

soon as she was done, he lifted her into his arm. They said little during the journey, both to

their own thoughts. Kagome was thinking of what was going to happen when they would

arrive at Inuyasha's forest. Sesshoumaru was thinking if he could really go through with his

plan. He was hesitating at going through with it, and yet, the treasured sword that should

have been his. *Should I do this? Why am I hesitating?* He looked down at Kagome. She was

staring at the scenery and had a worried look on her face. *She is worried about what will

happen. Why do I keep hesitating? I need to make up my mind, there will be no time to

change decisions when we get there. I have to do this, the sword should have been mine.* He

was determined, but a small piece of his heart was resisting.

She gripped his tail tightly. He could sense the nervousness in her aura. They were nearing

Inuyasha's forest and with each passing second, her nervousness increased. He smelled his

brother as they passed the village and could feel him running towards the well. Sesshoumaru

picked up his speed and landed near the well. He let Kagome down and awaited his brother's

arrival. Inuyasha and some humans burst into the clearing.


"Kagome! Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?" cried out Sango.

"I'm fine, he didn't do anything to me. Inuyasha, calm down, why are you so angry?"

Kagome's words went unheard while he glared at his brother.

"Kagome! Kagome!" Shippo yelled out.

"I'll never give you the Tessaiga, you bastard!"

Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome's neck with his sharp claws carefully pointed. Kagome froze in

shock, her aura turning to anger and fear.

"The sword or her life. I gave you enough time to choose, so choose wisely Inuyasha."

Inuyasha wildly attacked Sesshoumaru with the sword.

"Inuyasha! Stop!" said Miroku. But Inuyasha didn't listen, clouded by his rage.

Sesshoumaru easily jumped out of Inuyasha's reach and landed on the edge of the well. One of

his claws nicked her neck and a trickle of blood dripped down her throat.

"Choose now Inuyasha! The sword or her life? Attack me again and I'll rip out her throat."

Inuyasha stopped in his tracks.

"Choose. The sword or her life."

Inuyasha looked at Kagome, then at the sword in his hand. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo looked

on as minutes ticked by, Inuyasha still undecided. A cold wind suddenly came, angrily

blowing around, shaking the trees in it's fury. Kagome could see the conflict going on within

Inuyasha. Her face that was frozen with fear slipped into one of sorrow. Her aura died down

into a deep sadness and Sesshoumaru could sense it. Kagome's tense body relaxed and her

eyes held a look of understanding. Kagome lifted her hands and put them on Sesshoumaru's

arm. The wind blew leaves at Sesshoumaru's eyes and for a second he took his arm away to

brush the leaves off his eyes. A second was all she needed. She pushed him away and a purple

shield immediately surrounded her and the well. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stared at her in

disbelief. They could both feel an incredible power radiating from Kagome, but only the older

brother could feel the sadness that the power gave off as well. The wind grew a little gentler,

thought still cold, and blew Kagome's raven hair around her face. Her blue eyes looked at the

brothers sadly. They both tried to get through the barrier but it gently pushed them away.

Powerful, they were, but they could not penetrate the barrier of the girl. Kagome could hear

Inuyasha calling her name. When she looked into Sesshoumaru's eyes, she knew. She knew

what he had done, and why. She had placed her trust in him, and he had deceived her. She

closed her eyes, still perfectly balanced on the edge of the well. Then she jumped.