InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Falling ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~ signals a dream


She rubbed her hands against the fire. The nights had been blowing a cold wind lately, though

it was summer. Sesshoumaru sat a few feet away from her, leaning against a tree with his eyes

closed. *Asleep already?* Her look softened, even in his sleep, his face was alert. *Does he

ever really rest? He is always alert because youkai might attack. Wonder if he's ever had a

good night of sleep.* Sighing to herself she wrapped a blanket around her and laid down by

the fire. The cold wind hissed at the fire and made the trees creak and groan. But Kagome was

oblivious to the sounds as she slipped into sleep.

~She was in a nightmare. She was back at Inuyasha forest, and she could feel the same pain in

her heart as she did that night.

"Kikyo, you are my heart. I'll never stop loving you, and I'll always protect you from Naraku.

Don't deny me, please."

He held her in his arms and kissed her. Kikyo never struggled out of his grasp. They stayed in

the embrace which should have been Kagome's. Kagome fell to her knees. *This is a dream, I

know it. Then why do I feel my heart shatter again?* She ran away and when she stopped, she

found herself at the God tree. Sitting in the same place, she pulled her knees to her head.

Covering her head with her hands, she tried to stop her tears.~

~Sesshoumaru found himself in Inuyasha forest. He snorted, his dream led him here? Of all

the places, it took him to his pathetic brother. His legs began to walk on it's own, taking him to

a place he did not know. When he came to the clearing, he saw the God tree, and Kagome. She

was huddled into a ball. His dream was taking him to the time when he saw Kagome a few days

ago. *What significance does this dream have?* He growled. But stopped when he saw the girl

trembling. He walked to her and sat beside her.

"Why do you cry again?"

She looked up in surprise.

"Why are you in my dream?"

"That is what I'm trying to figure out. I rarely sleep, I don't know what came over me. Some

sort of magic must have made me fall asleep."


Wiping her tears with her hands, she tried to stop them. But they kept falling.

"Why do you cry?"

"This is a dream, I know it. But when I saw Inuyasha kissing Kikyo again, I couldn't stop. They

won't stop falling."

Kagome wiped her eyes again, a renegade tear fell on her lip and she could taste her


"Do you still love him?"

"Yes, without a doubt."

"Why? It doesn't make sense. He wants another woman. How can you still love him?"

"You can still love someone, even if they don't love you back. It's not going to make the love

any weaker. just hurts, to the person who is not loved. No blood is shed, but it's


"If it is not a physical wound, how could it hurt?"

"You'll know one day. You'll know exactly how I feel when your heart breaks."

"Pathetic humans. Your heart is weak, that's why it breaks."

"No, a youkai's heart can break too. Every heart can, even yours. You won't believe me now,

but it will hurt one day too."

"At least Inuyasha is with someone more to his taste."

"Don't say that, he is your brother, and I'm sure even you know he can do better than the

dead. I think Inuyasha feels that he owes Kikyo something, but I know Kikyo wants Inuyasha

to go to hell with her. And I can't let that happen. But he won't listen, and he won't see. He is

blind to what is in front of him." *Blind to my heart too*

"For all of his stupidity, I think he does deserve that corpse."

"Kikyo couldn't help being a corpse. You shouldn't hold it against her. A youkai brought her


"How can you defend her?"

"Kikyo and I are not friends, but, I still think there is a little bit of good in her. It's just hidden

from all that anger she has inside. She was a good person once, when she was alive. Nobody

can be completely evil, just as nobody can be completely good. One cannot exist without the

other. I believe Kikyo still has some good. She just hasn't shown it yet."

"You are strange, girl. You love someone who does not love you and defend those who hate

you. Don't you ever get really angry?"

"Of course, but unlike most people, I keep it inside myself. That way, I won't hurt anybody. It

is scary sometimes, to have so much anger at the surface. You don't know what you might do

with that anger. I'm afraid to be angry because I know something bad will happen. Do you like

having so much anger that you can barely control it?"

"Having emotions distracts you."

"I'm sure you've been very angry before."

"Perhaps when I was a child, but I have trained myself to keep my emotions in."

"Then you are bottling everything up, and one day, it will all explode. It's not good to not

show any emotion."

"It won't, I have learned control from my father."

"So you say." she muttered.

They didn't speak and just looked into the forest. A cold wind blew again, and the dream faded


Kagome opened her eyes and got up. It was early morning and the fire had died out. She

didn't see Sesshoumaru anywhere. She folded the blanket up and walked to a nearby stream.

Splashing cold water at her face woke her up and she took a sip of the refreshing liquid. When

she lifted her head up, she saw Sesshoumaru in front of her.

"Geez, I wish you would stop stalking around. You make me jump every time you appear out

of nowhere."

"Come, at this rate, we'll never get to your house. I'll carry you the rest of the way."

Ignoring her protests, Sesshoumaru scooped Kagome up into his arm and sped away. The

trees were a blur and the wind was whipping into her face. But he had wrapped his tail around

Kagome, to keep her warm. Before she could stop herself, she nuzzled against the silky fur.

*So soft, what kind of shampoo does he use?*

"I'm not a pet, stop that."

"Eh, gomen."

*He didn't say anything about the dream last night. We've been talking a lot lately. He is a

good listener, though he asks a lot of questions. Maybe we are friends?* Kagome gave a snort.

*This was the youkai lord who hates all humans. Well, he isn't as bad as everybody thinks he




"Thank you for being there."

"Being where?"

"In my dream. I don't like to be alone in dreams."

He paused, then nodded his head.

He was getting used to her. Her company hadn't been, that annoying. And he found that

insults weren't coming from his mouth often when he was with her. She didn't cower in fear or

obey every one of his wishes. And she was quite intelligent for a female. If she was a youkai,

there would be no doubt that she would have flocks of suitors. He shook his head, he had

done it again. Thinking of her. But lately, his barriers having been getting weaker when it

came to her. The dream made him wake early in the morning to think. Just to think of the

words she had said to him. Would his heart ever break? Was she right? A youkai's heart could

break? She arose so many questions in him. And it was all he could do to not ask her

questions every second of the day. His life was falling. The question is, was it for the better or

for the worst?