InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Reality ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Sesshoumaru couldn't feel anything from her, her barrier was blocking everything, except for

the expression on her face. One of sadness and.....regret? He reached his hand out to touch

her but was pushed away by her barrier.

"Kagome.....I didn't mean"

"No, you didn't."

"I'm sorry for"

"No, you are not."

Kagome shook her head.

"Save your breath, Sesshoumaru, for I have wasted mine already."

She turned her back on him, it seemed that she was turning her back on the brothers a lot



"For what? For an explanation? For an apology? Or for lies?"

"You have a right to be angry"

"Yes, I do. You have broken two promises."

She walked away again, but stopped for a moment.

"My trust is easily given. But when it is just as easily tossed away, so it is harder to gain back.

Don't try, wasted effort does not become a youkai lord."

Sesshoumaru didn't try to stop her. The words from her mouth laid a heavy guilt on him, and

he still couldn't feel anything from her. Not even sadness. He had never felt more lonely and

apart that night.

Her barrier faded away a little, but it glowed still so that she appeared a goddess in the night.

Kagome didn't know where her feet were taking her, they moved on a life of it's own. When it

stopped Kagome's attention came upon a small cave. Sighing gratifully, she set up a small

camp fire. Laying down, she could feel no need to sleep. Just a need for answers. The wind

was blowing cold again, on a summer night, but gently. Whispering and sighing, it moved and

flowed around Kagome. She felt her eyes slowly closing, the last she remembered was hearing

the wind.

Sesshoumaru walked back and forth in front of his fireplace. Just as sleep wouldn't come to

Kagome, it would not give him rest either. *Maybe some air* He opened his windows and felt

a strong wind in his face. There was nothing peculiar about this wind but he could feel his

consciousness slipping away, the last he remember was sitting back in his chair.

~He was in that place again. Inuyasha's forest. And his feet were once again taking him to the

tree. To her. When he came into the clearing, she wasn't sitting down in her usual place by the

tree. She was sitting on the edge of the well and looking down into it. She looked up, no

emotion on her face, save that of sadness.

"So, you are here again. Just when I thought I escaped you."

"I did not ask to be here."

"Neither did I. But we are here, are we not? But to what purpose...."

"You are still angry at me then?"

"Not now, just tired."

"Tired of what?"


"You are tired of life?"

"No, never, just my reality."

"Your life is reality."

"No, they are different. My life is what burns inside of me, keeping me breathing. My reality, is

my world and yours. My reality is my duty. My reality is loneliness. And I am tired of it. I

cannot escape it, even in my dreams. It is haunting, yet, I cannot let go."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? You have apologized twice already. Your words have no meaning in my ears, for it

is something that I hear often."

"For....betraying your trust."

"You never did took my trust seriously, right? You looked straight past it, only to grab onto


"You do not understand."

"Explain it to me then. Maybe you can give me a little clarity, in this time of confusion."

"My father was everything I lived up to. I became strong, I became intelligent, I became

powerful, just to make him proud. When he died, his lands he gave to me, but his cherished

sword was given to my brother." he spat out.

"You received a sword from your father too."

"My father was a powerful, ruthless youkai. All of that power and ruthlessness was in the

sword Tetsusaiga, which was given to Inuyasha. I, who loved him most, was given a worthless

thing. While my brother thrived in father's memory. You say you tire of your reality? I tire of

mine as well."

"You are nearsighted."

He glowered.

"You dare say that this Sesshoumaru is near sighted?"

"You can't hurt me here, so hear me out. In all your years, did you only see your father's

power? Your father's strength? He loved you just as equally as Inuyasha. And that love was

put into your sword, Tenseiga."

"You make no sense."

"Don't you see? Your father knew you were everything he was, which was why he didn't give

you Tetsusaiga. Instead, he deemed to give you something you didn't have. Inuyasha, lacking

strength and power, was given Tetsusaiga. You, lacking love and compassion, was given

Tenseiga. Don't you get it? Your father knew he didn't need to give you anything powerful,

you already were. He knew you wouldn't need that sword. Instead, he gave you a different

memory, his love. Baka, that's why I called you nearsighted."

Sesshoumaru was stunned. Was she right? He never thought of it that way. He had always felt

he was cheated of his father's love and memory. But her words made sense.

"Sit down, you're clearly in shock."

"This Sesshoumaru is not-"

"Just sit down, and think. That's what dreams are for, isn't?"

He obeyed her words and sat down by the well. Thinking and thinking, he felt a sort of peace

coming over him. *Is that true father?* He started to laugh. Kagome looked down at him, a

confused look on her face. *All this time, I've been fighting for my father's memory, when it

had been at my side the whole time. How ironic.*

"Are you ok? I've never heard you laugh before. No offense, but it's a little...scary."

"No, no, it's nothing. Your-your words make sense. I, an intelligent youkai, couldn't figure it

out for decades. And you made it clear in a few minutes."

She sighed.

"Your father did love you, you know. What parent wouldn't?"

"Does your father?"

"My father died, when I was a child. I can't remember him. So you are lucky to have at least

have your father's memory."

He grew silent.

"I didn't know."

"Well, I've lived with it for years, and it hasn't brought me down yet."

"When we wake up, will we still be enemies?"

"I don't know. I'll have to think about that."