InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


When she had faded away to nothing, he could only feel a great emptiness inside. She was

gone, gone from his life. No matter how much he had pushed her away in the past, his future

seemed so bleak without her in it. From her smiles, to her determination, to her kindness.

Everything. When her friends started to stand up and look around he took this as his cue to

leave. Before he could take to the air his brother called his name.


He turned around.

"Where's Kagome? What happened to her?!"

"Fool." he whispered.

"What happened to her?!"

Sesshoumaru turned his back.

"She gave her life away to save this world. She's gone."

With that said he flew off to his home, leaving Inuyasha staring at him in shock. Once he got

home he locked himself in his rooms. Pacing up and down. He only opened the door once,

and that was to let Rin know that he was still alive. After sending her away with a demand to

go play, she left without any complaints. He had tried several times to sleep and to see if she

was there. But he dreamed of nothing. All traces of her were gone, confirming that she really

had disappeared from this world. During that time he had received word from his servants on

Inuyasha and his friends. When he had heard of Kagome dying he had sunk into a deep

depression. Finally, after a week he followed Kikyo to hell, while murmuring Kagome's name

the whole time. The monk and the youkai exterminator married and were already waiting for

a child. After a month of pacing, dreaming, and thinking, he finally let himself out. He had to

find her. But all he knew was that she lived 500 years from now. Could he wait 500 years to

see her again? He didn't even have to think twice. 500 years was a long time, but he would

wait. Wait and search.

Kagome fluttered her eyes open and looked up at a white ceiling. She sat up quickly and

looked around. She was in her room, in her own time. She sprang out of the bed and bolted

downstairs to the kitchen. Her whole family was there, eating breakfast. They appeared

surprised to see her awake.

"Kagome, you're finally awake."

" this real?"

"Are you alright? We found you lying down in the courtyard two days ago. You've been

sleeping for a long time. We were about to call the doctor."

"I've been sleeping?"

Kagome pinched herself to make sure it wasn't a dream. Pain cut into her arm. *Dreams.....I

didn't see Sesshoumaru in my dreams...*


Kagome looked up into her mother's worried eyes.

"Ah, don't worry Mama, I'm alright. Just tired, I guess."

"Go back to bed if you're tired. I'm not letting you go back into that well if you're sick."

Kagome trudged upstairs, tears stinging in her eyes. Her hand lifted up automatically to her

neck but found nothing there. *So it's gone. It's really gone. That means....I can't go back. I

won't see Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede, Kouga, and Inuyasha..........and Sesshoumaru.

Maybe I can still see him in my dreams!* She raced into her room and dove into her bed,

forcing herself to sleep. But it wouldn't come, the only thing she could feel was dismay. She

kicked off her covers and walked to her window, flinging it open. She could see the God tree

outside and feel the breeze blowing on her face. Warmth from the sun shone on her body, but

she felt cold. Reality bit at her mind, forcing her to believe that everything was real. Her

choice had condemned her here. A choice for the world. And the knowledge that she could

never take back that choice didn't help the tears falling from her face.

"This was my choice." She whispered to the wind. It swept her hair back and then raced off

into the city. She left her window open and sat on the edge of the windowsill. Suddenly a

purplish light glowed brightly behind her. She turned quickly from her gaze out the window.

Midoriko was standing in the center of her room, a soft light flowing from her.


"Young miko, we meet again."

"How are you here? Didn't the shikon disappear?"

"It is gone from that world, but I stayed to say a few more things to you."

"What do you need to say?"

"I know that you are now regretting your choice."

Kagome drooped her head.

"But I also know that you would not change it even if you had the chance. I'm sorry about

your loss but remember, not all that is lost gone forever. Because of your choice the shikon

chose to let your soul stay."

"But how? Didn't you say the shikon wouldn't be enough?"

"The shikon is not also a giver of great power, but a heart as well. Which is why it changes

when it is in the hands of a unbalanced person. Your decision came from deep inside your

heart and the shikon became something more. The shikon now lives in you, in your soul. You

must understand that now you are different. No longer mortal but the eternal keeper of the

shikon. It will never leave your body but will always stay with you."

".....Then, it is my duty again to be the keeper."

Midoriko nodded her head.

"Eternity is a long time and now time has frozen in your body. You will never grow older but

remain the same forever."

"Am I like a youkai then?"

"Much more but also much less. Eternal life you have, but not their heart. I am sorry to leave

a burden to you, but the shikon must always remain on Earth. Only this time it has become a

part of your soul so you will never have to worry of shattering it."

Kagome couldn't help but smile and reminisce. Midoriko's spirit floated closer and she

reached out a hand to touch Kagome's heart. Then she was gone, leaving Kagome with the

same duty she had tried to escape.

"So, keeper I am again." she sighed out. She glanced at the clock and saw that she had enough

time to dress and leave for school. Her mother was surprised to see her downstairs and

leaving for school. Kagome left with strict rules on not pushing herself too hard. When she

reached the gates her friends greeted her with the usual questions on her illness. Hojo ran up

to give her more gifts and everything was normal. For the rest of the day Kagome went

through her classes in a daze. For the first time she didn't have to beg from her teachers next

week's homework. But an emptiness grew inside. She was immortal now and what was she

going to do with the rest of her life? Risk falling in love again, only to lose someone she loved?

Just thinking of love made her think of Sesshoumaru. They had such precious time, and they

squandered it by distrust and blindness. Had he grown old these five hundred years? Had he

gotten a mate? Or perhaps...if she dared to think....dead? When school ended Kagome was

walking out the gate with her friends when a a black limosine drove up. They all stared at the

luxurious vehicle and wondered if there was a famous person inside. The driver got out but to

everybody's surprise it was a young man with light brown hair. He approuched the girls in a

confident manner with bright green mischievous eyes. When he saw Kagome he raised one

eyebrow then bowed to her.

"Higurashi Kagome, would you come with me to a meeting with my employer?"

"Who is your employer?"

"He wishes to give you a scholarship for college."

"Oh! Yes, I will."

Kagome blushed as he held the door open for her. She waved good bye to her friends as he

shut the door. Something felt familiar about that driver. And she could feel the presence of

a....youkai? *It couldn't be....there are still youkai in this world? Then the employer must be

one too.*

"Excuse me, driver? What is the name of your employer?"

"You will find out in a few minutes time."

"I'm sorry for not asking before but what is your name?"

"That too, you will find out in a few minutes time."

"Why all the secrecy?"

"We are here miss."

Kagome glanced out the window to look at a tall apartment building. The driver stopped the

car and opened the door for her. He led the way to an elevator and to the top floor, a dizzying

height of 26 stories. When the elevator doors opened it revealed an elegant suite of rooms.

Kagome followed the driver to a pair of familiar looking ornate doors. He stopped at the front

of the door, motioning her to go in alone. When she opened the door and entered the room

the doors clicked shut behind her. The room was filled with windows and purple shadows

from the setting sun darkened the room. There was a man standing with his back towards her,

looking out at one of the windows. He was tall and well built and from the way he was standing

he painfully reminded Kagome of a man she used to know. But he had no long silver hair but

short black hair instead. She walked closer to the man in hopes of seeing his face.

"Welcome." he said. The voice sounded familiar too and Kagome could feel that he was a



He stood still for a second then slowly turned his body. Dark brown eyes pierced her soul that

were questioning. Kagome stepped back for a second. *He looks so much like him, but he

doesn't have golden eyes. Maybe I'm mistaken?* She opened her mouth to say something and

he raised a hand to stop her. Something in the air prickled her senses and she could see the

man starting to glow with a silvery light. Dark hair grew out into silver waves. Brown eyes

turned golden and were filled with love. She ran into his arms before he finished his

transformation. His arms hugged her tight against his chest, his face buried in her air. Her

knees felt weak and she could barely hold herself up. They pulled apart after a few minutes

and just stared at each other. He was the first to talk.

"At last, I've found you."

The End

~Yes, the end to Escape. I'm sorry to disappoint those who wanted more chapters. I like how i ended it, but perhaps if I can come up with some ideas I can make a sequel to it. Some explanations, and yes, I just had to end the chapter like that with little explanations. I liked how I had set it up, so I'll now explain some things to you. First off, the driver is Shippo only older. The man is of course, Sesshoumaru! For those who thought it was Inuyasha, tut tut, Inuyasha went to hell with Kikyo. And Sesshoumaru didn't change much at all over the five hundred years. And he took a long time to find her because he wanted to meet her after she had come back from the well. During the years though (before she ever met Inuyasha) he had kept tabs on her, not interfering with her life. Basically trying not to cause any changes in the past that could affect the future. If he had met Kagome earlier, she might have made a selfish decision to stay forever with him instead of saving the world. So if you have any other questions send your email address in the review that you are sending (reviews pleeeeeease!) and i will answer your question.