InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Last Battle ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Last Battle

Her whole body was enveloped in a soft glowing light that cushioned her from the ground.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha threw up their hands to cover their eyes from the light. But in a

few seconds it was all over. When the light had died down the two looked around amazed.

There was not a sign of the enormous youkai army anywhere. What was around was a

beautiful meadow full of healthy grass and flowers. Sesshoumaru scanned his eyes frantically

along the grass to look for Kagome. Her body was covered by long swaying grass and he ran

to see if she was hurt. She was unconscious but not harmed at all. He looked down at his own

body to survey his damages but was astounded when he found all his wounds healed.

Kagome's other friends had crowded around her, apparently their wounds were healed as

well. Long lashes fluttered to look up at the circle of worried faces. She rubbed her eyes as if

all she had done was taken a nap. Sango kneeled down to help her up. Inuyasha was the first

to ask questions in his usual blunt way.

"What the hell was that?"

"Ah....I'm not sure what happened. Something just....pulled itself out of me. I couldn't help it,

I didn't want to see you guys hurt at all!"

Sango patted her back.

"Don't worry Kagome-chan. I think you helped us a lot. All the youkai are gone and somehow

you managed to make this once dead field healthy again."

Kaogme looked around her for the first time and gave a look of shock.


"I believe Kagome's power comes out full force when she is in mortal danger or when she is

feeling very strong emotions." Miroku explained.

"Why doesn't she feel any repercussions?" Sesshoumaru said cooly. He had gained his usual

posture back after seeing Kagome safe.

Miroku took on a thinking pose, eyebrows furrowed and his whole face in concentration.

"You are right, Sesshoumaru-sama. Most beings, youkai and human alike, feel effects after

using an immense amount of power. Perhaps...."

"Perhaps her power does not only come from inside but from the shikon shards as well?"

Inuyasha said. Miroku gave a look of amazement.

"Inuyasha, so your mind can hold intelligent thoughts!"

A second later Inuyasha was turning away with an angry red face and Miroku was on the

ground sporting a large lump on his head. Kagome took this time to ask more questions.

"Do you think Inuyasha might be right? I don't feel tired at all, almost refreshed to tell you the

truth. Do you think I might feel it later?" she said fearfully.

Miroku, meanwhile, had regained his composure.

"No, I believe you won't Kagome. You usually feel the effects right after, not later on."

"What about Naraku?" she asked.

The atmosphere, which had just been relief, suddenly turned to caution. Sesshoumaru sniffed

the air with his nose.

"He is still around, though I can't pinpoint where. He is somewhere on this mountain, he is

just letting his jaki out to confuse us."

"Meaning, he is waiting till we let down our guard and then he's gonna attack us?" said


Sesshoumaru ignored his brother and turned to Kagome.

"Can you let out your senses and feel around for him?"

Kagome was taken back.

"Me? But your senses are much better than mine since you are a youkai."

"True, but Naraku also has the shikon shards with him. So feel around for those."


She closed her eyes and opened her soul out. Her eyes flew open.

"He's all around us!"

The group immediatly got into a defensive stance around Kagome as she stood up.

"What do you mean all around us? Didn't we destroy his youkai army?" asked Sango.

"No, I meant the aura of Naraku himself is surrounding us. It feels like there's twenty of him

around this field. Look at the flowers."

Sango looked and noticed how the once beautiful meadow was slowly deteriorating into the

corrupt field before. A hideous laugh cackled in the air from all directions. Dark clouds

blocked the sun and threw the field into a shadowy light.

"So you have been able to overcome one hurdle. Now you are mine. Your powers, your

strength, your soul, I will take. And soon, I will forge a new Naraku, one made of every one of


The trees shook in anger and Naraku exploded from everywhere. There were eight of him,

with tentacles waving around. They were completely surrounded by eight identical Naraku's.

He attacked at once and at a two to one ratio, our friends were not doing well. Kagome was

helpless without her bow and all she could do was put up a protective shield around Shippo

and her. All she could do was watch. But her friends prevailed despite the odds. One by one,

each of Naraku's fake puppets were cut to pieces. But each time it did, the pieces squirmed it's

way towards one body.

"Sesshoumaru! It's that one!" she yelled, pointing at the one Sango and Miroku were fighting.

He sliced the one he was fighting into nothing and sped towards Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha,

overhearing Kagome, finished his opponent as well and raced his brother towards the two.

All the pieces had come together into that one body, forming an enormous teeming mass

with giant tentacles. But even with the large tentacles, Naraku was able to move them

quickly. He was putting his whole being into this one last battle. Kagome knew he had no intentions what so ever

in losing this. For in losing this battle, would mean losing his life. Naraku had underestimated

his enemies and was now fighting desperatly. But still, he put up a good front, harrying the

group from every direction. With all of his tentacles working everywhere, her friends were

hard put fighting them off. Each time one limb was cut off, more replaced it. It was getting

more and more desperate for both sides. The tide of the battle was slowly turning. Kagome

could see Miroku and Sango struggling with Naraku's tentacles. Kirara was doing her best to

protect Kagome. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were fighting desperatly to hit Naraku's vital

points. She couldn't bear to see everybody fighting except her. All her arrows were spent and

the only weapon she had left was her shield, which she was using to protect Shippo. But time

was pressing and she could see her friends getting tired. She bit her lip, she needed to do

something! Then, her heart pulsed. She could feel the Shikon shards on her necklace pulsing

with it, along with the Shikon ball that Naraku had. In that instant she knew what to do.

Gently putting Shippo on the ground, she told him to stay put. Focusing her energy she put a

shield around Shippo, preventing any harm towards him. Then she started walking to Naraku.

Naraku could feel the Shikon pulsing and looked at the young miko walking with a strange

purple glow surrounding her. Her movements were graceful and she had her hands cupped

around a glowing spot in the center of her chest. His tentacles, quick as lightning, sped to the

young girl. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru saw the tentacles rushing to Kagome. They mustered

up their last energy to run and save her, but they were too slow. Just as Naraku touched

Kagome, there was a blast of light that threw everybody away from her. A bright purple light

engulfed Kagome and Naraku. Everybody shielded their eyes from the blinding rays, falling

to their knees. Kagome felt her soul rise up, covering Naraku, and she released everything

inside. Anger, pain, fear, hope, love, determination. Each emotion had a different color and it

spun into a ball that covered Naraku. The colors were dazzling and swirled into a tornado of

pure color and emotion till nothing but dust was left. Then the purple light that had

surrounded her became brighter and she relaxed in the light. Kagome opened her eyes to a

foggy place and could see the figure of a miko in armor. Midoriko.


The beautiful and powerful priestess gave a gentle smile.

"What do you wish for, young miko?"


Kagome looked around, she could see the whole world. The battlefield was in ruins and she

could see her friends were injured. Because of Naraku most of the land had become tainted

with his evil doings. She could feel the sadness of the people and the anguished crying of the


"Save the world. Make it healthy again. Let the people live in happiness and without fear.

And...and let my friends lead content lives."

"Nothing for you?"

"I have nothing to wish for."

"The Shikon's power is not limitless. It does have it's boundaries. To let your friends live a

happy life, it can do. But saving the world, the Shikon alone is not enough."

"There is no way?" Kagome despaired.

"There is."

Midoriko paused.

"Do you know what you need to do?"

Kagome thought for a moment, then determination fired in her eyes, lighting up her aura.

"Yes. You need my soul, don't you?"

"Your soul is larger than any other being in this world, and with it's purity and miko power it

can help save the world. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"If it saves my friends and the world, I have no hesitiations. But, can I say goodbye to one


"I'll give you enough time to do so. Hurry."

Sesshoumaru lifted his hand, the light was becoming softer. And when he opened his eyes, he

saw a glowing figure walking to him.

"Kagome!" He ran to her, enfolding her in his arms without a thought.

"Are you unharmed? Did Naraku do anything?"

"He's gone."

"Then why is your face troubled?"

"I have to go."

"Why? You said you would stay if there was a reason."

"I have a reason to stay in this world, but I can't."

Sesshoumaru hesitated.

"What about me? Am I reason enough to stay in this world?"

Kagome gave a smile and softly touched his cheek.

"I'm not exactly staying in this world."

"Are you going to yours then?"


"Then where are you going?"

"I don't have a lot of time. I came to say good bye."

Sesshoumaru shook her.

"What happened? Tell me."

"I wished to save the world. But with the Shikon, it is not enough. So I gave my soul. One soul

for the lives of the world. I think I got the better end of the deal, neh?"

"You have already done so much for the world, why do you have to give your soul away? I'll

bring you back with Tenseiga!"

"No, you can't. My soul is already given. I've decided to remain as a spirit in this world, so

don't worry, I'll always be with you."

"No, don't, not for me. Don't wander in this world forever because of me."

"No, I will stay with you. I would rather be a spirit in this world then enter heaven without

you. I have to go, there is not much time, I just wanted to make something clear..... I love


With that, she began to disappear. Sesshoumaru's hands were already going through her


"No! Don't leave!"

She gave him a sad smile and gently brushed a kiss on his lips before disappearing

completely. The light disappeared and everybody on the battelfield were slightly dazed.

Sesshoumaru was the only one able to stand on his feet. He lifted his hand to his lips. The only

part of her left. No. Not the only one. He wouldn't forget her. She had once asked him,

"Could you forget? Can you forget someone that you love so much, that you would die for


She was right. He would never forget her. Never.

~Ok minna, don't get angry, this isn't the end yet! I've got one or two more chapters left!