InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eyes, the Window to Your Suol ❯ Cold heart warm soul ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Bored *yawns*
4) Cold heart Warm soul
Kyoko had been in Feudule Japan for about a week and was already pretty settled in. I was a beautiful spring day. Cherry blossums falling like rain. Kyoko pulled down her long silky strawberry hair. It came now to about mid back and it was wavy. She was wearing a school uniform like the one Kagome wears. She didn't like it though. She said the skirt went to high. She was sitting under a cherry blossum tree thinking. She was remebering things. Like how no one ever really talked to her much and her hyper activity with friends really didn't change much of her repuation. No one could really ever fully break down her barrier. Not even her best friend Cassie ever really knew everything a friend should know about her. Kyoko had never told her any of the really big secrets and she never told Cassie what was on her mind. When she was sad she cried alone never letting anyone know how she felt inside. She didn't trust people enough. She knew that Cassie would never do anything to hurt her but her deep distrust wouldn't let her open up completly. She felt so alone and the thought that maybe she felt alone was because she never let anyone completely in. She always had the door half open. But the door that was closed to new people and half open for even her best friend Inu-yasha was close to getting fully open. She closed all the ways to her from everyone but Inu-yasha was so much like her, rejected, that she couldn't help but like it with him. This confused her. She wanted to let this boy know everything. She wanted him to listen and to know the things that no one knew. She wanted to have him know all the horrible things that had been done to her. But why? She never did before. Why is now any different? She didn't notice it but she was crying. (a/n Jeez I'm weak.)
"Whats wrong" a familar voice said.
"Nothing Kyoko said wiping tears from her eyes.
"I know somethings wrong why else would you be crying?" asked Inu-yasha skeptically while coming out from the trees.
~*the next day*~
Inu-yasha went to see Kyoko early in the morning. As usual she was under her cherry blossum tree. Seeing her in the clearing he thought:
'She looks like a goddess Wait what am I say?! I love Kagome!'
She held her hand out and a buterfly landed on it. It was a monarch. She held it closer to her now. She really did look beautiful. She watched the butterfly as it flew away.
"Inu-yasha I know your watching me." said Kyoko
"Really?" He said blushing at the fact that he forgot her demon senses.
"How are you?" said Kyoko hesitantly because of the fact she never really started a conversation before.
"I'm doing good." Said Inu-yasha a little less cautiously for he himself talked alot.
She was nice and kind and Inu-yasha wondered why anyone would do such horrible things to her. She did have pretty bad mood swings but she was over all very nice. To everyone but him he noticed She was very distant and cold to. She told him things that made her this way. She was once happy and nice to everyone. But it all stopped when one day she just gave up completly. Like walking down the hallway and over hearing her "best friends" saying all the things that hurt so much before. Having her own parents doubt she would ever amount to anything and rubb those doubts in her face. She cried alot due to stress before. She was loosening up now. She was relaxing. All the stress was slowly lifting away.Along the lines of people not being able to be trusted Kyoko let three people half way in. Inu-yasha had made it four but something was different for him. She really did trust him. She didn't realize it yet but she let him have her trust. She felt this feeling around him. It was slightly like a feeling she felt alittle bit before. That feeling she classified as happiness. But something else was there. Something that made it stronger. She was confused. She didn't like the confusion yet she loved it so much when she was with him. She was done telling him something else and once again she had silent tears streaming down her face. Inu-yasha did something very unexspected. He hugged her, and she hugged him back! It felts so right to them. Kyoko looked into Inu-yasha's deep gold eyes. they looked like butter. Inu-yasha looked into her crimson pools. They told him that she really was starting to trust him. That he was melting the icey shell around her heart.
"INU-YASHA" yelled an angery voice from the trees.
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Who was the anonymous screamer. Will I ever kill the anonymous screamer? (that gives you a hint)