InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fairytales Don't Exist ❯ Stabbing Princes and Bloody Noses ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Wow.

Kouga and Naraku seemed to be popular characters for you guys………..

They got the most mentioning……..


Oh. Nevermind.

And I want some suggestions for some fairytales. I know what I'm going to use, just not really.


That didn't make much sense. So just review and tell me some fairytales……………..


Don't you ever wonder why the hell Kami gave you hell by making you share a room with a pervert?

And then you thank the said Kami because you find out that you aren't sharing a room with Miroku.

And then you curse Kami to the seven hells when you find out who your new roommate is.

The `noble' prince.

These are tears of joy by the way.

Fairytales Don't Exist

Chapter Seven

Stabbing Princes and Bloody Noses


^.~ Inuyasha

I hate this.

I hate this.

Did I mention I hate this?

Oh yeah, by the way, I hate this.

As I walk into the room, guess who's sitting on my bed?

Yeah, the bitch.

She has the nerve to even glare at me. Let alone look at me. I swear, if she wasn't a girl I would…………

"Heeeeeeeeeeello Mr. Asshole."

I hate that sarcastic attitude of hers. Damn her to hell.

Seven times please.

^.~ Mysterious Person Number Two (different from last time……….)

The first thing I see when I arrive is Inuyasha running around the garden chasing Miroku.

This is going to be fun.

After all, Sesshoumaru's here.

Inuyasha's here.

Sango's here.

Rin's here.

Shippou's here.

The whole old gang is here. It outta be fun.

Wait. . .

Isn't Kagome there too?

My, my, this will put a damper on things won't it? And master won't be happy. . .

^.~ Sesshoumaru

I feel the presence of someone here. Someone who is EXTREMELY late.

She promised to be here FOUR days ago.

But then again, Inuyasha is being very amusing.

As I sit here, I can see Miroku being chased by my idiotic half-brother. He's screaming profanities. Rin better not hear.


And other such profane sentences.

Miroku, on the other hand, was saving his breath and sprinting for his life. Quite literally.

After Sango and I had finished arguing, or actually more like Rin found her mother and dragged her away to pick flowers.

But now………. Rin seems to be running towards me, waving a handful of flowers and other such `colorful' items in her hands.

Dear lord.

I hope it isn't that game……….

The `let's weave a bunch of flowers into Sesshoumaru's hair and braid it!' game.

^.~ Inuyasha's mom (Atsuko)

My darling son has finally come to his senses and is marrying Kikyou! Wait. . .

Don't I disapprove of this marriage? Oh yes I do!

As I stood in the hallway to think, a blur of purple flashed before my eyes and I was just about to wonder if a peacock was on fire when Sango's voice came ringing down the halls.

". . . LECHEROUS MONK! GET BACK HERE!" she yelled at the blur. Guess that explains it.

Miroku outta learn to control those hands of his. Even though he's only visited this court. . . five times, yes five times, he's already be slapped and yelled at almost everyone here.

Yes, almost everyone. Including males. Sesshoumaru's was quite a funny incident. . .

^.~ Kagome

Sometimes amiss. Here I am, sitting all alone on the smooth bed of Inuyasi's and he doesn't even come and bother me. He did once, but then left in a rush. . .

Not that I really care. I was sorta hoping it would get on his nerves though. . .

So here I am, wandering the corriders for something interesting to do. . .

Where the hell is Miroku anyway? Suddenly, right in front of me, a purple blur flashed before me and something pink and black with something enormous on that person's back.

What the hell?!

I'm just going to guess that Miroku touched something he shouldn't have. . . AGAIN.

As I was walking along the halls, I noticed the portraits hanging every now and then. I had seen Inuyaha's father, Inuyasi himself, and Inniyasaha's mother. I've also seen others, but I have no idea who they are, so whatever.

I noticed a little girl running in front of me, with a checkered orange and white kimono. An ugly toad thing that looked like it was held too near a cooking pot was chasing her.

Feeling sorry for the little girl, I ran after them. Easily outrunning the huffing and puffing toad frog thing, I scoop up the little girl and start running.

Mind you, I can RUN. . .

^.~ Rin (I can see you going awww. . . right now)

Rin was running from the ugly Jaken-sama because he wanted Rin to take a nap!

Rin hates naps!

Sesshoumaru-sama wanted Rin to take a nap, and he tricked Rin into taking a nap!

But then Uncle Inuyasha woke Rin up and Rin ran away to play with Shippou!

Rin was happy in the garden until Jaken-sama came up and started squawking at me!

Rin was unhappy!

Rin was so unhappy Rin ran!

And then a nice lady grabbed Rin and ran even faster!

Now she is telling me something about that `ugly toad thing'.

Is she talking about Jaken?

^.~ Kagome

That little girl has the attention of a sparrow!

I need to get her to pay attention to me. Maybe she knows a way outta here. . .

"Hey? Little girl?" I ask nicely. She looks up at me with a sweet smile.

"Is pretty lady talking to Rin?"

What? Who's Rin?

"Who's Rin?"

"Rin is right here!" she exclaimed and pointed to herself. Ah. . . she talks in third person.

"Rin, would you like to hear a story?" I ask. Stories are my strong point. Children are not.

"Okay!" and she climbed onto my lap. I can't help but smile when she looks back up at me. It's so adorable! "Rin is ready for story time!"

"Okay. Have you ever heard of the Little Mermaid?"

That was one of my favorites growing up.

When Rin shook her head, I went on. "Well, it's about a mermaid. Mermaids are half people beings and half fish beings. The top part is human, the bottom half. Well, instead of having legs, they have fish tails. Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Atlantis. . ."

^.~ Inuyasha

Damn Sesshoumaru. Why do I have to look for Rin anyway? It's not like she's mine.

Catching her scent, I quicky chase after it to a room. Peeking inside to see if she is there, I see something strange.

That wench my father `bought' was telling Rin a story.

". . . and her sister's called out to her `Please, stab the man in the heart whilst he sleeps!' We have sacrificed our hair for the dagger! The moment the cold steel blade touches his blood, you will be returned your fins!" she spoke with such knowledge, I couldn't help but get tangled into the story web she wove.

Strangely enough, her story was about stabbing men. How typical.

". . . she looked at her sister's and smiled, as if she was almost sorry. Slowly, she crept towards the prince's room. . ."

Prince's room? Damn. . . that woman better not get ideas from this. . .

". . . and hesitated. She couldn't bear to kill him. Watching him be so peaceful there, sleeping with his new wife, she couldn't kill him. So, she walked back to the railing of the ship, where her sister's awaited her. `Where are you fins?' they cried. She nodded towards them, and her eyes held apologies that would never be spoken. . . slowly. She plunged the knife into her heart. . ."

What the hell was she telling Rin? Suicide? This bitch is twisted.

"Auntie Kagome?" Rin asked. Woah. . . when had she learned of this `Auntie Kagome'?

"Yes Rin?" she asked back smiling.

"Did she really love that prince?"

I smelt a scent with salt. She was crying! "No. . . Rin. She loved him more than life."

Rin huffed. "No she didn't! If she loved him, then why couldn't she kill him after seeing him with some other girl?"

Rin was too smart for her age. . . I'm gonna have to talk to Sesshoumaru about that. . .

"No. That's not how it is Rin." Kagome's voice was so quiet, I could barely hear it anymore. . . "She loved him so much, all she wanted for him was happiness. With or without her. . ."

Rin furrowed her brow. And then kissed Kagome on the cheek. "What was that for?" Kagome asked, puzzled by the random gesture.

"The guy who left you was an asshole." Rin nodded knowingly.

Kagome gasped. "Where did you learn that word?" she shrieked.

"Uncle Inu!" Groaning, I slapped a hand to my forehead, forgetting to keep silent.

In a flash, I was standing in front of Rin and Kagome. Rin was waving and smiling at me. I shot her a weak smile. Looking at Kagome, I could tell she was less than happy to see me.

Instead of doing something painful, all she did was put Rin in my arms. "What?"

She sniffed in contempt. "That's what you were here for right?" I nodded. "Teaching children such language is so cruel, it's emotional abuse." She spat at me as she stormed out of the room.

Woah. . . mood swings anyone?

As I stare at Rin, she smiles at me. Pointing a finger at me she asks me something. "What does bullshit mean?"

Coughing, I look at her hand. She flicked me off!

^.~ Kagome

Chuckling to myself, I walked out of the building and into the sun. That girl was fun to teach.

Maybe. . .

But it was worth telling her what `damn you all to hell' meant. Imagine what will happen when she tells her father. . .

That prince is dead. Hip hip hooray!

As I was cheering to myself, a huge book flew out of nowhere and slammed right into my face.

The impact of the book on my face caused me to fly backwards. Literally.

As I slammed into the wall, the book slowly slid onto the floor. I, too, followed it.

"Bitch. . ." I muttered as I put my hand up to my nose, only to find it bleeding.

Damn it.

^.~ Sango

As the book flew out of the window, I see that it hit someone.

"OH MY GOD!" I squawked as I ran over towards the girl. She was rendered unconscious!

Miroku was standing next to me. When he got there, I have no idea.

"Kagome?" he asked gently as he lifted her bridal style. "I'm taking her back to her room." He nodded in my direction. I turned my head, blushing.

Wait. . . how did he know where she slept?

Sighing, I rub my face with the palms of my hand and go to retrieve the book.

Taking one look at the cover, which I had forgotten, I dropped it.

"Damn monk and their fuckin' `holy' books. If he's a virgin, I'll sleep with him!" I roar. What a stupid thought.

"Ok. Let's see if you'll still hold to that." A voice growled.

Slapping my hand to my forehead I answer him. "Go mind your own business. . ."

^.~ Inuyasha

". . . business Inuyasha!" Oh. . . feisty!

I smirk at her, waves of evilness coming off of me. Sango, sensing the evilness in my smirk, decides to run.

"Oi! SO IT'S A DEAL RIGHT? RIGHT!" I yelled after her retreating back.

This was really fun.

"So it's been awhile Inuyasha. This is what you're up to?" a voice asked from behind. "I'm amused at how you act to seeing me."

I gawk at her.

What the hell was she doing here? Didn't she say it would be. . . she's late! Four fuckin' days late!

"Kagura, do you know how much we've been fuckin' stressing over this?" I growl.

She only smirks.


AN: She's mysterious person numba two! Numba one (the one from the last chapter) will be revealed in due time.

Yeah. I'm a bitch.

Who cares?

I want to know something. Does anyone read my bio?

::shrugs:: just curious. . .

Oh, and I told Sumi! (my friend who'se name I shortened into Sumi.) about me writing fanfiction^^

She thought it was cool. . .

Hm. . . check out my bio for something fun.

And that tale of the little mermaid is in fact true. Disney freakin' screwed it up! Read Mermaids!

And. . . this is really REALLY important.

Would you like me to change the perspectives from FIRST person to AUTHOR'S point of view?

::Shrugs:: it's okay either way with me. Probably will be better if it was. . .

CAN'T TELL! That'll actually influence your choice! ^^

Ta ta~ bs~ (yes bullshit)