InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Flowers ❯ Flowers I ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unexpected Disappointments & Unbelievable Surprises
By: Ryohko Imai
Konnichiwa minna!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the InuYasha characters, thought I would love to own Sesshoumaru-sama, yet regrettable I don't own him either. They are the sole property of Ms. Rumiko Takahashi, one of the most brilliant women to have graced us with one of the most handsome and intriguing male characters. If it sounds like I'm kissing as, who cares.

U.D. & U.S. I
United Nations University, Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan
July 19, 2005
What can I say… except that life sucks. I know that this is a very bleak view of life, demo… sometimes that is just how life can be. Why do I say this? Well… where do I begin? I guess I should begin at the beginning. That is always a good place to start.
Well, I was born into a regular family. Nothing special. I have two siblings, Kikyo my older sister and Souta my younger brother. Kikyo is alright I guess. She's considered to be one of the most beautiful girls in our school. But believe me, if people ever saw her dark side, they wouldn't be thinking of her as beautiful. They would be thinking more along the lines of spoiled, rotten, conceited, pain in the ass. I will not lie to you. She can be a really nice person at times, but of course, that is only to those she likes and wants around. Demo to others, she's just a bitch. My brother on the other hand is just a doll. I know for a fact that his is going to be a lady killer when he grows up. Why? Easy. He is sweet and caring. He is a big help around the shrine and he is very intelligent. Not to mention, he knows how to cook, clean, and whenever our cousins come over, he works wonders with the little ones. Yep. Definite future lady-killer. My mother's name is Izanami. It means “she who invites you to enter.” It suits her. She is always welcoming people to our family's shrine, not to mention, helping and taking care of any one of our family members who are ill. You see, she is a physician. I am proud of her. It took a lot of effort to run a household, take care of three children and still make time to go to school, and not just for anything, but for her Ph.D. Since receiving her doctorate degree, my mother has become one of the leading physician in all of Tokyo, and because of this, we live a well-off life. We're not wealthy by any means, demo, we have more than enough to make sure that we won't go hungry. This is also due to the fact that before my father died, he owned his own business. Nothing major, just a nice, profitable floral, chocolate, & gift boutique. My father loved flowers. It's how he won my mother when they were younger. Who ever started the whole, flowers and a box of chocolate thing was a freaken genius. Oh, my grandfather also lives with us. He is quite the character. He's always trying to tell us myths about youkais, hanyous, curses, and whatnot. And last but not least, my cat Buyo. He's fat and lazy, demo I still love him.
I know what you are thinking. And what is so bad about you life? You obviously have a stable family, and enough money, so… What's so bad about that?
Just wait a minute. I'll get there. You have to be patient please.
Well, like I was saying. So, I obviously live at home with my family and I seem to have things going for me, demo… just like any other girl my age (by the way, Kikyo and I are both 19, yep, twins, and Souta is 12), I have to deal with school, work, and boys. I know. I know. I sound like your typical girl, demo I can assure you that I am not. While other girls my age are only thinking about hanging out with friends and dealing with their boyfriends along with classes, I'm stuck having to deal with school, work, taking care of the shrine, and dealing with the fact that I can't let my family know what has been happening to me the last couple of months. Not to mention, the latest events which have occurred. Life just sucks…
Especially after today.
My pain in the ass sister has proven just how much of a bitch she truly is. Now we are at the point in which I get to explain why life sucks.
You ready?
Well, whether you're ready or not here it is.
Today, in Chemistry, the only class in which Kikyo, my now ex-boyfriend, and I share a class, things were going alright. We spent all class period writing Yamashita-sensei's notes for next week's pop-quiz. By the end of the third hour, my hand was hurting like crazy. Yamashita-sensei is known for making his students write down a shit load of notes, demo today was ridiculous. Well, anyways, it was just like any other day. Until the end of the period that is. I had turned to my boyfriend and informed him that I was going to make a quick stop at my locker, and that I would return in a short while. So, I ran off to my locker, got my sports bag which contained my track shorts, shirt and track shoes and raced back to Yamashita-sensei's class room. When I entered, I noticed that no one was in the room. That is… until I heard some noise coming from Yamashita-sensei's storage closet. As I was walking towards the closet, one thing kept going through my head. `Please don't let it be what I am thinking. Please, Kami-sama, don't let it be them' was my fierce plea to the heavens. I guess Kami-sama was to busy because when I opened the door, there they were, Kikyo and InuYasha, making out as if there was no tomorrow. You would think that when someone invaded your `private' space, you would react and tell that person to leave, but then again, that only happens when that person or people notice that someone is intruding on their space. Guess they were so absorbed with sucking each other's saliva that they just didn't notice that I was standing there, seeing them suck face. I think I stood there watching for a good long three minutes before I decided that it wasn't worth sticking around. As I was exiting Yamashita-sensei's classroom, one of Kikyo's friends, Yura, was coming down the hall straight for Yamashita-sensei's room. `Grrreeeaaat juuust what I need' I despondently thought to myself as I just continued walking away from them. `One of the biggest gossipers finding out that my boyfriend was making out with my sister!' And to make matters worse, everyone knew that InuYasha and I had been going out for the last three years. As I past by Yura, I completely ignored her and just made my way to the track field.
That was twenty minutes ago.
Now here I am, getting myself ready for track practice and the only thing that is running through my mind is `I wonder how long they've been together behind my back? Man, is today ever going to be a long day.'

Konnichiwa minna - hello everybody
Demo - but
Sensei -- Literally: "Teacher" Usage: (last-name) + sensei; Respect: High, used to address someone who is a teacher, has something to do with educating others as an occupation or an instructor in sports, martial arts, etc.
Sama - Lord, honorific