InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For the Love of a Child ❯ KiKyo's Surprise ( Chapter 16 )
After leaving Kagome, InuYasha drives home. He’s driving along the interstate back to KiKyo all the while attempting keep his spirits up by thinking happy thoughts of his and Kagome’s possible future together. However, the closer he gets to his destination his pleasant demeanor, his relaxed state of mind slowly changes, showing him to be quite depressed and anxious. With knuckles stiff and white from gripping his steering wheel so hard, he finally enters the underground parking garage of his apartment building, and parks his car. Leaning his head back, InuYasha closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
(Damn it, how the fuck am I supposed to do this shit? It’s not like I can have both KiKyo and Kagome. I need to choose. My obvious choice should be to be with Kagome, the woman I love. I want to have her as my wife and mate. But KiKyo…well, I owe her something don’t I? KiKyo and I have been living together for four fucking years now. She’s comfortable with me. I can’t just suddenly break it off with her like this. KiKyo will be devastated not to mention pissed. She’ll probably accuse me of all kinds of shit, like I’ve been fucking around on her, being disloyal and that I’ve been fucking using her all this time. I don’t want our relationship to end like that!
I mean, it's not like mine and KiKyo’s relationship is all that important to me. Quite the opposite. Despite what others may say, our relationship’s been nothing more than a sham. Not the kind of relationship I want.
KiKyo’s a good friend who needed me. But now she doesn’t need me at all. The only thing I’m good for where she’s concerned is in the bedroom. And I’ve lost interest in that aspect of our relationship a long time ago. It’s time I was freed from her shit. Freed from this miserable existence… freed to live the life I want and, to be happy. And that happiness means being with Kagome. She’s everything, I want and need, but to have her means I must leave KiKyo. It’s as simple as that. Still, can I actually do it to her? Leave without any regrets?)
InuYasha gives a quizzical look. (So KiKyo has some big ass surprise for me, huh? Something I’ve been begging for. Been so long since I’ve asked the bitch for anything, much less beg. Maybe KiKyo’s finally given up and is going to tell me to move out. I wouldn’t care. KiKyo would be out of my life for good, and I can move in with Kagome without feeling any guilt about leaving KiKyo. A win, win situation for everyone if you ask me.) Opening his car door, InuYasha steps out of his vehicle, to slowly walk to the elevator. He presses the button and waits. (Let’s see. Shouldn’t take too long to get my shit together. I’ll take some of it with me now and store the rest down at the garage. Maybe later I’ll buy us a house somewhere, out in the country. Kagome would like it, I think. She seems like the country type, and living outside the city would be great for me.)
The hanyou stares at the elevator door and frowns. (But maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. I haven’t even talked to KiKyo, yet I’m already planning my future with Kagome who I haven’t even asked to marry me yet. Shows how fucking anxious I am about it.
Sure, hope what KiKyo has planned doesn’t take too long. She did say something about us going out somewhere and that it was time sensitive, whatever the hell that means. She’s being so damn mysterious about the whole thing. She’s hasn’t gone out with me for such a long time, it’s got me wondering why the hell she wants to go out with me now. Whenever I asked her to go out, she always gave me some damn excuse why she couldn’t. So why now? It’s not my fucking birthday or an anniversary. What’s so fucking important about tonight? No. KiKyo’s up to something alright. Something, I know, I’m damn well not going to like.) When the elevator doors part, InuYasha steps in, pressing the button to send him up to his floor. The doors slowly close and the elevator begins its ascent. (What’s the point in us going out anyway? We’d only end up arguing about something. If that damn bitch tells me we’re going to visit her uncle tonight, then she’ll just have to count me out. That bastard always pisses me off. Every time we’re in public, he talks down to me, insults me by saying stupid shit about being a hanyou. Always complaining about my job, my life style, that I’m not taking care of his precious niece properly. My demon is chomping at the bit and I’m only thinking about him. There’s no fucking way in hell I’d ever work for that son of a bitch, no matter what KiKyo or anyone else has to say about it.)
InuYasha narrows his eyes, considering his situation. (Hmm. I’ve been begging for it, huh? Begging? The only time I’ve ever begged that bitch for anything was when I asked her about having children. That we should get married and start our family. KiKyo refused but what if by some cruel twist of fate, she’s somehow found herself pregnant? No form of birth control is completely infallible. And the way KiKyo fucks around she could very well be pregnant. If she is then it couldn’t have come at a worse time. It would mean a life with Kagome would be completely out of the question. But if KiKyo’s baby belonged to someone else, maybe to a client of hers or someone she’s been fucking around with... that would mean KiKyo only wants me for my name and everything that comes with it. Her baby won’t be mine. And if that’s the case I won’t be bound to my promise to stay with her. I can walk away, start my life, a new life with Kagome. But what if it turns out the baby is mine?) InuYasha begins pulling on his hair. (Damn it, my whole future depends on whether KiKyo’s child is mine or not! How the fuck am I supposed to know?)
“Damn, this shit bites!” He nervously rubs his hands along his pant leg. (I’m only here to talk to KiKyo, yet I feel as if I’m being sent to the fucking gas chamber. I’m so fucking nervous now my damn palms are sweating. I haven’t a clue how I’m going to get through this shit. A baby? What the hell do I do?)
InuYasha stops and takes a deep breath then shakes his head. (Ok. This second-guessing shit has to stop. I’m getting ahead of myself here, losing my cool. I’m here for Kagome, right? My goal is to have a life with Kagome, to have a home, a family with her.) The doors slide open for the hanyou and he exits, slowly making his way down the long-carpeted corridor toward his apartment. (I’m just too nervous about this shit. What if I say the wrong thing to her? What, happens here tonight between KiKyo and me, will affect mine and Kagome’s future together. No, this shit is too fucking important to mess up. I’d better wait, think about it more before going in there. There’s really no rush, is there? It could be KiKyo’s not pregnant, that there’s no baby at all. I’ll just wait till morning. Tell KiKyo I’m leaving, before she goes to work. The extra time would do me good, not only to figure out what to say to KiKyo, but how I’m going to approach Kagome as well.) The hanyou walks to the door and stands looking at it. (It’s finding the right words that’s key here. If I choose my words carefully, tell KiKyo the right way, then she won’t feel so betrayed and start an argument about it. And waiting to ask Kagome would … Would what? Allow someone else to enter her life, that’s what! Maybe even steal her from me! I can’t let that happen to us. Not when I’m so close. I’ve got to deal with this shit now while I can. To have my future with Kagome, I must leave KiKyo… tonight.)
InuYasha places his key in the lock and his hand stills. (What if some bastard does manage to take Kagome? If I can’t have her it won’t matter if I left KiKyo or not. I’ll just be miserable for the rest of my fucking life, that’s all.) He shakes his head. (No! This is MY freedom I’m fighting for, MY happiness. I want Kagome and have a life together, to have a home and children. To have those, I can’t be standing around out here like some fucking coward. I have to face KiKyo. I have to go in there and stand up to the bitch. Tear off the bandage and tell KiKyo I’m leaving.) With his back straight, InuYasha turns the lock and walks in. (It’s going to be alright. A good clean break is best for KiKyo and me, anyway, right? She’ll go her way and Kagome can finally be mine. And if all goes well, KiKyo and I will remain friends.) The hanyou slowly lays his keys on the side table. (Just walk right on in there InuYasha,) he thought taking a step towards the bedroom. (Face her like the man you are. Just look the bitch straight in the eyes and tell her you’re moving out. Quick and to the point.) “Yeah, I can do this.”
“Inu?” calls a woman from the bedroom.
InuYasha stops and drops his head. (Oh, what the hell am I thinking? My words will never reach her. They’ll just go in one ear and out the other. Maybe if I stay quiet and sneak out, she won’t…)
“Is that you Inu?”
(Damn it.) “Yeah, KiKyo it’s me,” replies the hanyou uncomfortably. (There’s must be some fucking way to tell her without making her defensive about it. Someway that won’t hurt her so badly. KiKyo and I have a past together, five centuries to be exact. I need this to go smoothly between us. So, I’ll have be tactful, considerate of her feelings. Don’t argue. Be polite and gentle with my words. Think, stay calm and collected. Don’t allow KiKyo to draw me into a fight. I always lose my head, end up saying the wrong things, when we argue. Besides, I’ve put up with her shit the last four years. I’ve kept her happy. I’ve got the right to be happy too, right?) InuYasha slowly walks toward the bedroom, practicing in his mind what he’s going to say to KiKyo.
(I’m leaving KiKyo!) The hanyou shakes his head. (No, no that’s much too blunt. She’ll definitely be hurt by it, not to mention the argument it’ll cause. What about, I’ve decided to be with Kagome, KiKyo. She’s who I want and… No damn it. That won’t work either. If KiKyo gets defensive about it, she’ll zero in on Kagome and seriously try to harm her. I want my future mate protected, so, it’s probably best I don’t mention Kagome’s name at all tonight.) The hanyou walks into the bedroom finding KiKyo busy primping her hair.
“Going out?” he asks angrily.
“I am,” replies KiKyo admiring herself in the mirror.
“Then why am I here for?”
“Because Inu, you’re going with me,” replies KiKyo smiling.
“I am?”
KiKyo looks back at the hanyou and smirks. “Your surprise?”
“Oh…yeah, the surprise,” replies InuYasha looking away and again feeling depressed. “Forgot about that.” (This is going to be a lot harder on me than I thought.)
“Honestly Inu, if it weren’t for me, you’d forget your head if it weren’t attached.”
“Yeah, yeah,” replies the hanyou. (Why can’t we just do this here at home? I don’t want people witnessing it when I finally dump her ass. It would totally embarrass her.)
KiKyo smiles offering her cheek to InuYasha but when the hanyou simply walks away she frowns. KiKyo looks back toward her mirror to apply her lipstick. “I’ve called you several times today, Inu.”
“You have?” replies the hanyou feigning ignorance.
“Yes. You never called me back. Why is that?”
“Well, it was pretty busy today KiKyo and I really didn’t want any more interruptions so I turned my phone off,” he offers.
“I see. You remember we have reservations tonight, don’t you?”
“Reservations for where exactly?”
“The Samurai Club, of course.”
“We’re going to The Samurai Club?” asks the hanyou uneasily. “Tonight?”
“Yes Inu, tonight.”
“Why there though? Why can’t we just stay home, and discuss whatever it is here?” says the hanyou, feeling a strong sense of unease. “It would be a lot easier on us that way and there wouldn’t be anyone to disturb us.”
“I told you Inu tonight is special. The matter we’ll be discussing, requires we be in a place that’s intimate …romantic.”
“Romantic, huh?” (Oh, gods. This shit is sounding more ominous by the minute.)
“Yes, romantic. Besides, you and I haven’t been seen out together in public for quite a while now.”
“It’s not like I haven’t asked, you know,” says the hanyou with a little anger in his voice. “Whenever I suggested we go out, you’ve always refused.”
“Of course, I refused. Your timing was never convenient for me. And your idea of a night out is taking me downtown to that dingy little hole in the wall you call a diner. Not my style at all.”
“I like the diner.”
“Well, I don’t. The people there look shady and are quite crude. They wouldn’t know manners if it stood up and bit them in the ass.” The woman looks in the mirror, at the hanyou, and smiles. “Well, this is new. All cleaned up already. Didn’t know you had bathing facilities at the garage.”
“Yeah, well,” says the hanyou uneasily, rubbing the back of his head. “Sometime we need to clean up for our customers.”
“I see. Then you should use them more often Inu. You look nice and respectable when you’re clean.”
“I’m not that bad, KiKyo. I do clean up when I come home at night.”
“Clean?” says KiKyo skeptically, with a raised eyebrow.
KiKyo,” growls the hanyou becoming impatient. “Don’t start.”
“What? It wasn’t an insult. All I was saying is it’s good to see you’re taking my advice to heart, that’s all,” says KiKyo, oblivious to the hanyou’s discomfort. “Though, I suppose, after night there’ll be quite a few changes we’ll be seeing around here. Our lives can only get better from here on out.”
InuYasha fists his hand and grits his teeth. (Stay calm. Don’t allow her to get under your skin tonight. Remember this is for Kagome. For…Kagome.) “So KiKyo.”
InuYasha sits down on the bed. “What’s all this shit about anyway?”
“You mean your surprise?” KiKyo stands to walk to the closet.
“I guess so,” answers InuYasha with a slight shrug. “What is it?”
“You can wait, till later to hear about it, can’t you?”
“No, I want to hear about it now! So, what are you up to?”
“What’s your fucking surprise KiKyo?! Tell me, so we can get this shit over with!”
“My goodness,” says the woman with a laugh. “I haven’t seen you this anxious, since the night we met. Guess it’s best I tell you now then, or you might start ripping all my clothes off.”
“I’m starting to lose my patience, KiKyo,” says the hanyou with a slight growl. “So out with it.”
“Oh alright. If you really must know I’ve been giving it a lot of thought the last few weeks, and have come to the conclusion, you and I will be getting married this year.”
The hand fists his hands tighter. “What… did you say?” asks the hanyou about to lose his temper.
“We’re getting married!” says KiKyo acting excited. “SURPRISE!!”
“Married?” asks the hanyou. “As in you and me married?”
“Well of course. Who else would I be talking about?”
“Married…huh? Thought someone had to ask first before that happens.”
“You’ve asked me,” asks KiKyo innocently.
“Not recently, I haven’t,” replies the hanyou in a surly tone of voice.
“All the same, Inu you did ask. I just didn’t give you an answer until now. After all, a woman has to be sure about these things. Besides haven’t we been together for four long years, already? I’m sure by now you’ve come to the same conclusion as I have, that it’s time.”
“Time for…?” asks InuYasha slowly shaking his head still stunned with the news.
“For us to be married stupid,” replies KiKyo with a nod. “Haven’t you been listening?”
(Remember Kagome, InuYasha,) thought the hanyou feeling more upset. (You’re doing this for her so don’t lose your head.) “Let me see if, I’ve got this straight KiKyo. You’re saying after all this time YOU want to marry ME? Now?”
“Well not this very moment, of course. Certain preparations need to be made before that happens. Your proposal was only the first step of many.”
“MY proposal?”
“That’s right. You’ve proposed and I’ve so graciously accepted. So as of right now my fine demon lover, you have officially become my fiancé.”
“Your…YOUR WHAT? ” the hanyou’s face turns a little paler as realization finally hits. His eyes are wide and jaw drops. “Fi…fi…fiance?!” (But… Kagome!)
“Well Inu?”
“Huh? What?”
“I’ve finally said yes. Shouldn’t you be a little more excited about it, shouting from the rooftops…dancing or something?”
“I uh… I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed. I mean of all the possibilities of what your surprise could have been…I never once considered marriage to be one of them.”
“That’s why it’s called a surprise Inu. It’s supposed to be unexpected.”
“But…marriage? I don’t think can afford it KiKyo. Not now.”
“Oh don’t worry Inu. I’ve already taken certain steps toward our wedding already.”
“You have, have you?”
“Of course.”
“What steps exactly?”
“Well, this for one,” replies the woman standing and walking around the hanyou. She waves, a large, gold, four carat, diamond ring in his face. “Do you like it? It’s my engagement ring.”
“That’s some rock KiKyo,” InuYasha staring at the object of concern. “Sure, you got one big enough?”
“Oh, I could have gotten a larger one, I suppose. But all the others looked so shabby and…well only the best should come from my Inu. Or to be more precise… My fiancé.” KiKyo pats the hanyou’s head. “And once everyone sees this ring, there’ll be no mistaking the fact you’ve chosen me among all other women to become your bride …your mate.”
“Um, about that,” says InuYasha uneasily.
“You can just see it, can’t you?” says KiKyo with a wave of her hand. “The wedding above all weddings? There’ll be a humongous amount, of flowers of every kind everywhere, and big beautiful dresses, mine being the most beautiful of course. Our wedding will be the biggest ever Inu…huge! We’ll be the envy of all. I simply can’t wait to start planning.”
“KiKyo…I can’t…”
“First, I’ll need to find my dress. I’ll have to get one soon so it can be properly fitted in time. Then there’s the dress for my maid of honor. Oh, and dresses for all my maids in waiting of course. Naturally a large building will be required to hold our ceremony in. Any Ideas?” The hanyou opens his mouth. “And we mustn’t forget to order the invitations,” continues KiKyo. “We’ll need lots of those.”
“Will you just…”
“We’ll need a priest…hire caterers… plan the menu… There’s just so much for me to do. I really should start planning right away. Do you think there’s enough time to get it all done before Christmas? That would be the perfect time for us to marry. We can design the invitations to look like Christmas cards featuring a picture of us together, inside. Of course, everyone will want to attend our wedding so we’ll need to place an announce in the papers as soon as possible. A huge article in the society column should do it, don’t you think.”
“I won’t be able to afford it KiKyo.”
“Oh, don’t go worrying about the expenses Inu. I’m more than aware of how, shall we say, financially inept, you are. My uncle will probably be more than happy to pick up the tab for us.”
(Shit! She would have to bring that bastard into this.) “Why are you so anxious about this marriage shit, KiKyo?” the hanyou says curiously. “You pregnant?”
“Well of course I’m not,” replies KiKyo. “I already told you I wanted to wait awhile before deciding about kids.”
(Whew,) thought the hanyou relieved. (What a relief.) “Then why the marriage? Why have one now?”
“I simply want to become your wife, Inu. To become Mrs. Takahashe.” The hanyou cringes. “Before someone else comes along and snatches you, away from me.”
“Snatch me away? Have you heard something?”
“No. Just being cautious. After all you have been known to have a wondering eye from time to time, and I want a feeling of security in our relationship. This marriage is just the thing to assure that.”
“I see.” (For a moment, I was afraid she found out about Kagome.)
“Now. As for the guests, everyone who’s anyone in society, will want to attend the ceremony, including those who are important in the demonic sector, like your brother, Sesshomaru.”
“Of course.”
“Why him?”
“He’s part of your family, Inu. Your brother. We most certainly don’t wish to anger him by excluding him.”
“I don’t think inviting Sesshomaru would be a good idea KiKyo.”
“Why? Sure, the two of you aren’t quite on friendly terms now, but that will all change. Besides, the fact your brother heads the demonic council and is very important which means he’ll become a great asset to our family once we’re married. We simply must invite him.”
“There will be no arguing about this, Inu,” says KiKyo with a little authoritative anger in her voice. “Sesshomaru WILL be invited and will be, in fact, your best man.”
“Best man. Being your one and only brother, Sesshomaru’s the logical choice to stand by your side. No one else will do. Now, as for the announcements. I’m having a bit of trouble deciding on how it should be worded in the paper. What do you think? My name or yours? Which should come first?”
“Oh, so now, this lowly, insignificant, being is allowed a decision?” asks the hanyou sarcastically placing a hand to his chest. InuYasha narrows his eyes. “There’s something about this shit I just don’t get KiKyo.”
“Why… after all these years are you having a sudden change of heart? What’s your angle?”
“My angle?” replies KiKyo looking innocent. “I don’t understand.”
“Then I’ll make it plainer for you. Why…do you want to marry me? Why now?
“Why not? Haven’t you asked, begged me several times to marry you.”
“Years ago, maybe. And back then your answer was always the same… no. In fact, if I recall it correctly KiKyo, the last time, I asked, you compared me to some lowlife not fit to lick your damn shoes. So, I’ll ask you again… why?”
“I’m quite sure you misunderstood, lover.”
“Really KiKyo? You really want to play that card?”
“I love you, Inu. I always have. Back then, you…you must have heard wrong cause there’s no way I could have said such a thing to you.”
“There’s no fucking way I could have heard wrong bitch. You see these things on top my head aren’t there just for show. I heard your answer, your fucking words were loud and clear, each and every damn time I’ve asked.”
“I see. Well if I did say such a thing Inu, I said it only in jest. I never meant a word of it. Fact is, you’re very special to me.”
“Special!” quips the hanyou with a slight laugh. “Keh! Yeah right. I’m no more special to you, KiKyo than last year’s shoes.”
“Ah! Now you’re just being mean Inu,” says KiKyo looking shocked. “Trampling down my feelings like that. I said I love you and I meant it. If…if something were to ever happen to you, I…I just don’t know what I’d do.” She reaches and lightly takes the hanyou’s chin raising it to look into his eyes. “Besides, Inu, isn’t it about time you start thinking about making an honest woman of me?”
“Honest? You? Keh!”
“I simply don’t understand why you’re being this way Inu! This marriage isn’t just for me you know. It’s for you as well. Just think how so very beneficial this will all be for you. Once you and I have tied the knot… made it all official, you’ll have absolutely everything your heart truly desires. Me, me and…me.” KiKyo leans in to kiss InuYasha.
“I’m…” InuYasha jerks his chin from her grasp. “I’m not working for your damn uncle KiKyo if that’s what all this, marriage shit, is about.”
“My uncle? I don’t recall mentioning him,” replies KiKyo walking away.”
“Not yet, but I’ll bet he’s involved in this shit somehow.”
“He’ll only be picking up the tab, that’s all. But now that you’ve mentioned it, once we’re married, where you’ll be working should be something for you to consider. You just can’t be a lay-about anymore Inu. You’ll need to improve your working status if you’re going to properly take care of me.”
“I love being a mechanic.”
“I’m sure you do. You’ve been doing it for so long now, you don’t know how to do anything else. But I’m quite certain, given enough time, you’ll become bored, tinkering with your little toys and...”
“Little toys?!” growls InuYasha, feeling his anger rising. “KiKyo!”
“Face it, Inu, I’m your woman now,” continues KiKyo, picking up her comb to place it in her hair. “Your fiancée and future mate. It will be your responsibility, your duty to care for me in the manner in which I’m accustomed. Working where you are now, simply won’t do anymore. You’ll simply have to forget about being a mechanic and find a more suitable job.”
“I don’t want another job.”
“Of course, you don’t. Not now, at least. But once we’re married, you’ll have no other choice but to find you another one. One where the pay is much better and has decent benefits.”
InuYasha gives a quiet growl. “You…can’t make…”
“Don’t get so angry about it, Inu. Really. I mean you do want to take care of me, don’t you?” continues KiKyo, “Besides, there’s a code among demons, if I’m not mistaken, about taking care of one’s mate.”
“Yeah, well I’m quite sure I’ll be exempt from that particular law KiKyo,” says the hanyou haughtily, “given our circumstances.”
“What circumstances? You are a demon aren’t you; well, half of one anyway.”
The hanyou narrows his eyes and gives a slight growl of anger. “What did you …”
“And as for me, I’m the reincarnation of your beautiful, beloved priestess. Given those qualification, we should meet each and every one of the demonic world’s criteria for marriage, don’t you think?”
“I… have to think about it,” says InuYasha in a shaky tone of voice.
“What’s there to think about?” asks KiKyo. “You love me. I love you.”
“I said I’ll fucking think about it, damn it!” growls the hanyou becoming angrier.
“Oh, alright Inu. Think about it if you must. Take all the time you need, in fact. The answer will always be the same.” KiKyo places the dangling diamond earrings in her ears. “Planning the perfect wedding will take a lot of my time as well.”
“I don’t…,” growls InuYasha.
“Go get changed,” commands the woman as if the hanyou were no more than a child. “Our reservations are at eight sharp. They won’t hold our table for long and you know how I hate to be kept waiting. Wear that dark suit of yours.”
“Yeah, yeah.” The upset hanyou walks over to the closet to find the suit to wear to the club. “Fucking bitch,” he mumbles angrily pushing the jackets from side to side. (Just great! Just when I had everything figured out this shit has to happen. Kagome’s the one I’d planned on taking out tonight, but now I have to take KiKyo instead. And as if things couldn’t get any worse for me, I’m now KiKyo’s damned fiancé! How the hell do I keep getting myself into these fucking messes? I mean, it’s not as if I thought this shit was going to be easy. Nothing I want ever is.) “I shouldn’t have come back here, in the first place,” he grumbles.
“Are you almost ready Inu?” asks KiKyo impatiently standing in the bedroom doorway. She looks at her watch. “It’s almost 7:00 already. It will take at least a half hour for us to get there.”
“Hold you fucking horses, will ya, KiKyo? Damn!” The hanyou bows his head and deeply sighs. (Oh well, got to do what I got to do, I guess. And dinner’s not all that big a deal for me anyway. Shouldn’t last too long… one, maybe two hours at most. And Kagome will still be waiting up for me after that. So, I’ll go ahead and take KiKyo out, then at dinner I’ll tell her I’m leaving, and run back to the one I really want to be with. That’s a simple enough plan, isn’t it? As long as I get to spend the rest of my life with Kagome, I can tolerate one or two hours alone with KiKyo tonight.) InuYasha smiles. (And who knows, tonight, just might end up being my lucky night after all. If everything else goes as planned...I’ll have my maiden and KiKyo can just kiss my ass good bye.)
“Now see, Inu?” says KiKyo still standing in the bedroom doorway. “I knew you’d love my surprise. You’re looking happier already.”
“Oh yeah, KiKyo, I’m very happy.” (Just not for the same reason you seem to think.)
11pm, three hours have passed since their arrival at the Samurai Club. InuYasha, still sitting at the table, is pushing his food around on his plate while trying to ignore KiKyo as she discusses her ideas for their wedding.
(You’re mine Kagome and I…) thought the hanyou. (Nah. Too corny like something that damn wolf would say. What I say to her has to be original…something unique and from the heart. How about…by the way Kagome, I need a mate. What about you? No, no that’s no good either. It makes me sound stupid and conceited.) InuYasha grits his teeth and narrows his eyes. (Damn it! Why is this so fucking hard? How the hell can I ask Kagome one simple question without sounding like a complete ass? Maybe…)
“Inu?” asks KiKyo looking perturbed and she begins tapping her knife against her plate. “Inu! Are you listening to me?!”
“Huh? Oh, um, sorry.” (How much longer are we going to fucking stay here? If this shit drags on much longer Kagome will have already gone to bed before I even get there!) “You were saying?”
“I said you’re not eating,” says KiKyo nodding toward his plate. “Something wrong with your food?”
“Its fine I guess,” answer InuYasha shrugging his shoulders. “Just not very hungry tonight.”
“I see. Butterflies in your stomach I imagine. Guess it’s to be expected when one becomes engaged.”
“Probably. But um say, KiKyo…” InuYasha lays his silverware aside. “…about this marriage business.”
“I know,” replies the woman smiling. “I can tell how really excited you are. You haven’t stopped smiling once since I told you about it. I bet you’re, going to suggest skipping the formalities all together so we can be married tonight, right?”
“That’s not quite…”
“And to think it took us five long centuries just to get to this point. And there won’t be anyone keeping us from tying the knot this time. Right fiancé? Oh, I just love the sound of that title, fiancé. It has a rather royal ring to it, don’t you think?”
“I suppose. But KiKyo, don’t you think we’re kind of jumping the gun a little here?”
“Jumping the gun?”
“Yeah. You know, rushing it? I mean, we’ve already waited five centuries for this. Waiting a…a few more years shouldn’t make any difference.”
“A few more?” ask KiKyo looking surprised. “Inu…I’m surprised at you. This is our one chance for happiness. Your chance to honor all those promises you made … to love and protect me forever and you want us to wait? That’s just ridiculous.”
“I don’t think so. The promises I made KiKyo were made five centuries ago. That’s a hell of a long time to be waiting. And we’ve both changed a lot since then.”
“Time means nothing my love to beings such as ourselves. And as far as changes go, you’re still the same, just as I am.” KiKyo lays her fork aside and looks at the hanyou across from her. “Why do you think we found each other four years ago? Just coincidence? No lover, it’s fate. Pure and simple. It’s our destiny to be together.”
“Still …
KiKyo gives a withering look. “You’re not going to sit there and tell me you no longer intend to honor those promises, are you?”
“No,” says InuYasha with a slight shake of his head. “I won’t say anything of the sort. I know what you did back then KiKyo, and I know the reason for it. It’s just…well I can’t see why you’d suddenly change your mind about marry me, that’s all. I mean we might not even be ready for this yet.”
“I see,” says KiKyo sitting back in her chair. “Sounds to me like someone’s getting cold feet already.”
“It’s not that exactly. Just…”
“I know what you’re going to say. And it’s true. You and I…We’ve had our ups and downs in the past, but not any more than other couples. It’s normal for you to feel anxious about this wedding. I know I am. But just remember that as long as you and I stay together there’s nothing we can’t endure. Agreed?”
“But surely you can see…”
“What I see is a long and happy future for us,” replies KiKyo with a smirk. “A future that will last throughout eternity.” The young hanyou inwardly cringes at the thought. “And what could possibly be better than that? Now the subject is closed. You need to eat your dinner lover so you’ll have your strength for when we get home. I’m feeling particularly frisky tonight.” The music of her cell plays and KiKyo pulls it from her purse to look at the ID. “Oh damn. I really must take this Inu. It’s business.” She stands and leaves the table.
“Um hm,” replies InuYasha dismally.
As KiKyo is walking from the table InuYasha looks down at his plate and sighs. (I guess that’s it then. My one and only chance at happiness just flew right out the window and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it except grin and bear it. Why the fuck is KiKyo so hell bent on marriage now? Why me? I’ve asked her plenty of times before and she always said she had no interest in marriage at all…that marriage and family would only interfere with her career. So, what could possibly have happened to make her change her mind? Is she feeling her age maybe, thinking she’s too old? Maybe she’s too comfortable with me, to find anyone else. If so, then where does that leave me? I never wanted this. Never wanted KiKyo. Kagome was who I wanted to marry and mate with. She was to be my anchor, my port in the storm. When I close my eyes, I can almost see our wedding, and mating ritual. I can, see the life we would have shared together with our children. That’s the life I was looking forward to, the life I wanted. But it’s all fucked up now because of some damn promises I made to KiKyo five hundred years ago. Promises I have to honor, no matter how much time has passed. Promises I shouldn’t have made in the first place. Could Kagome really understand that, why I’m even marrying KiKyo? I’m sure she will. Hell, Kagome might even be happy for me.
Besides, it was a far stretch for me to think Kagome would have said yes anyway. If she truly wanted me, Kagome wouldn’t have talked about being with other men or pushed me out of her apartment this afternoon. If those aren’t signs of rejection, I don’t know what is. I’d fight like hell for Kagome, to get her to change her mind about me but now that KiKyo’s in the picture…it’d just be a lost cause. Perhaps it’s best I forget Kagome. Just leave Kagome alone, let her believe this afternoon really was a lesson after all.
Although… I suppose after I’m married, Kagome and I could continue seeing each other. KiKyo’s job sends her all over the world and she’s usually gone for weeks at a time. It’d be like being married to them both only Kagome would become my mate. She and I could pretend to be married and live happily as man and wife as long as KiKyo, doesn’t find out. It’d be great!) The hanyou frowns and shakes his head. (Problem is, as great as it sounds, Kagome would never go for it. She’s told me already she doesn’t go out with married men, much less sleep with them, which was kind of what drew me to her in the first place. I guess we might see each other in passing but that won’t be enough to satisfy me. I’d want more. I would want to touch her, for her to touch me, to make love to me. As it is now, I’d be lucky if I ever got to see or kiss Kagome again.
Why is this shit happening to me anyway? Am I cursed? Are the gods all making fun of me for some reason? All I ever wanted was to be happy. Was it so wrong of me to want that? To have Kagome as my own, as my wife, as a lover to keep me warm at night? To have a woman, I can actually call my own, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. One who only wanted me, just as I am, faults and all. Who wanted me to be her everything and not as some damn prize to show off to her fucking friends. Kagome the kind of woman I really want., not KiKyo. As it stands now, I have no choice but to leave the one woman I truly love just to marry a woman I don’t. It doesn’t seem fair. I love Kagome with all my heart. I wanted time, a chance to make her love me, but because of this marriage shit, that won’t ever happen. And those fucking words Kagome spoke this morning, about a…another man. They’re gripping my heart, like a fucking vice. I feel like I can’t breathe, like I’m dying bit by bit inside and only Kagome can heal me. Just being with her, talking to her, feeling her near me, and making love with her…it was just a tiny glimpse into a glorious future. And damn it, I wanted that future. Only it’s impossible now because KiKyo’s jerked that future right out from under me by saying we’re engaged and shit. Why, now huh? Why me? Couldn’t KiKyo have found some other bastard to marry her? She’s known plenty of men so why the fuck does it have to be me?) InuYasha picks up his butter knife, pushes his plate aside and begins scribbling Kagome’s name on the tablecloth. He slightly smiles at what he’s written. “Hmph! Kagome. (Wonder what she’ll feel about all this. Someone should tell her about this marriage, before she reads about it in the papers. It’ll probably shock the hell out of her, probably think the worst of me, thinking I was just using her this afternoon. Sango or Miroku could talk to her, I guess. At least they’re her friends.) InuYasha suddenly shakes his head. (No! No way! I can’t just leave it at that. News like this has to come from me. I owe her that much. I’ll have to break it to her gently though. Explain the circumstances and tell her good-bye in a way where it wouldn’t hurt her. But can that be possible? For me, it’ll be so fucking hard just to get the fucking words out, perhaps even kill me. And where can I even find the strength to face her, to say goodbye and walk away… to actually let Kagome go and accept the fact she’ll be seeing someone else…maybe giving herself to him?) InuYasha gives a slight growl of anger. (I don’t want another bastard touching her. Don’t even want them to look at her. But Kagome’s not mine anymore. She’s not mine to protect and love. When I let her go, I’ll only be able to love, protect and watch her from a distance. Only in my imagination will I be able to touch and hold Kagome’s body, and I’m just going to have to accept that. Damn it!)
InuYasha wipes tears from his eyes and sadly looks up seeing the subject of his anger standing across the room still talking on her cell. (Yep. Life one, InuYasha zero.) KiKyo smiles and waves. InuYasha sadly smiles, slightly raising his hand to return the gesture. (Once a loser, always a loser, I guess. I’ll never win. Unless the world comes to an end KiKyo won’t budge where this marriage shit is concerned and I know that. There’s no other choice for me now but to marry KiKyo and allow another bastard to take my maiden. I guess in time, Kagome’ll forget all about me and our time together. I know I’ll be miserable about it but maybe at least Kagome’ll be happy. And that’s all that counts.) InuYasha, feeling the pain in his heart worsen, closes his eyes tightly and clinches his fists. (Forgive me Kagome,) he thought sadly as another tear escapes his eyes. (I really do love you. I don’t wish to be with KiKyo. I never want to marry her but what else is there for me to do? I don’t like this shit any more than you will, Kagome but like it or not, good or bad, we’ll both have to accept the cards fate has dealt us. I can only hope I’ll be able to survive it all without you.)
One week later, Kagome is humming happily, while dusting her living room, when her phone rings. She lifts the receiver and smiles.
“Well now, you sure do sound chipper, this morning.”
The young woman frowns. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Thought over my offer my sweet?”
“No and I don’t intend to,” replies Kagome angrily. “Why the call anyway Houjo? Doesn’t your style usually entail breaking into my home and beating me up?!”
“Oh, my lovely, sweet Kagome,” the man on the phone laughs, “always, the kidder. I’ve always loved that about you, your great sense of humor. It always makes my day seem a little brighter.”
Kagome sighs and closes her eyes. “Will you just tell me what it is you want so I can hang up?”
“Impatient as always, aren’t you? Well, my sweet they called me in early today. There wasn’t time enough for me to drop by. But I’ll be seeing you soon enough.”
“Why? Haven’t I more than paid for my mistake?”
“Not if you’re still refusing to give me a child. Can’t you see my love? A child would be the perfect solution for us both.”
“I don’t think so Houjo. I don’t want you, and I won’t bring a child into this world just for your convenience. I’m surprised you’d even want a child anyway,” says Kagome curiously. “Considering how you couldn’t pay Souta any attention.”
“I want a child, my sweet created from my body and yours.”
“Why me though? You have a wife. Get Tory to give you a child!”
“Out of the question. It has to be you. Most of my life, I’ve done nothing but think about us Kagome…about you.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
“Oh, it’s true. Back when you were in high school, I would sit in my car watching … craving that lovely body of yours. You been my one true obsession ever since.”
“Whoa now, wait a minute here. You’re saying you were stalking me?” asks Kagome surprised. “But Lisa…she…”
“Was, only a distraction, my love. Someone to pass the time with. The only good thing that bitch ever did was to make it possible for me to talk to you. It gave me hope we would someday be together.”
“I never said I wanted to be with you though,” says Kagome. “I don’t love you.”
“Doesn’t matter,” replies Houjo in an offhanded tone of voice. “I have enough love for both of us. My only regret is I didn’t marry you when I had the chance.”
“You never had the chance Houjo. I would never marry you. Don’t know why you’d think I would.”
“It’s simple enough, isn’t it? From the first time I saw you Kagome, I knew our destinies were entwined. Since meeting you, you’ve held both, my heart and soul, right in the palms of your sweet gentle hands.”
“Then take them back! I don’t want them. Besides, Houjo the kind of relationship you’re looking for … it needs love, and lots of it,” says Kagome. “I don’t even like you. And how can you honestly say you’re in love with me when you haven’t known me all that long?”
“Time means nothing my sweet when one’s in love. It’s eternal. While you were in high school, I watched you as you walked home; wearing those frumpy old clothes, trying to hide what was underneath. But you didn’t fool me.”
“You’re really not making any sense, you know?” Kagome begins rubbing her temple. “I was just a school girl back then, just as Lisa was; way too young for you to be having such thoughts about, much less wanting a relationship with.”
“Wrong my sweet,” says Houjo. “Watching you, knowing what you were hiding, only fueled my desire. You became my temptress, Kagome, my goddess.”
“No,” whispers Kagome with a slight shake of her hair. “That can’t be true.”
“As soon as you walked outside the building, my body became so excited from wanting you, I couldn’t contain myself. Oh, what sweet, sweet visions I would have of…”
“Stop it!” cries Kagome. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Oh, I know alright. It’s all I ever think about. And you will too, Kagome, once I get you in my bed. In fact, you’ll be all too happy, anxious, to become my wife, once I have total possession of you.”
“You already have a wife,” says Kagome. “Remember Tory?”
“Awe, jealous?”
“No, I’m…”
“You shouldn’t be,” says Houjo. “I only married her to get Lisa off my back, that’s all. Tory doesn’t mean a thing to me.”
“You’re lying,” says Kagome as she again rubs her temples. “You… told Lisa, Tory was who you were searching for; that you really loved her.”
“Well, part of what I said was true, actually. You see I was searching for someone to get Lisa to stop hounding me. That bitch was just too damn persistent. I hated having to resort to such tactics just to get away from her, but what else could I have done? The bitch just wouldn’t take the hint.”
“You should have been honest with Lisa, from the start Houjo. Told her you weren’t interested,” says Kagome. “You should have broken it off with her before things went too far.”
“And take the chance of losing you?”
“Losing me?”
“All those damn plans you and she were making to leave Tokyo…to leave the country…”
“Lisa did say something about you knowing about it,” says Kagome.
“Damn right I knew about it. When I found out… I went crazy. I had to stop that bitch from tearing you away from me, Kagome. I just had to.”
“What, does that mean Houjo… had to? Was that the real reason you beat Lisa so badly?” asks Kagome feeling her stomach begin to churn. “To keep us here?”
“I had to make her see my love. She had to learn.”
“Lisa didn’t heal for weeks, after what you did to her, Houjo and now you’re saying it was all because of me?”
“I had no choice but to take some kind of action my sweet. I wanted…needed you near where I could still see you, watch and protect you. I wasn’t going to allow some prissy ass American girl like her to take you away from me. No way in hell will anyone ever take you from me!”
“That’s just insane.”
“It’s not insane,” reasons Houjo. “It’s love. Pure, simple, and devoted.”
“But you’re married now,” reasons Kagome anxiously. “You’re with Tory so you really don’t need those kinds of fantasies anymore.”
“Fantasies? Is that what you call them?”
“You’re wrong. They’re not fantasies at all. They’re my dreams Kagome …our dreams for our future.”
“We don’t have a future, Houjo,” insists Kagome. “We never did and never will.”
“Open your eyes, my sweet! You know it’s all true. Our future is almost in my grasp. You’ll see. I’ll make it all happen because I love you so very much. You’re the only one Kagome I have room for. The only one in this lonely heart of mine. I have no desire whatsoever to so much as touch Tory, because I’m still waiting.”
“For what exactly?”
“For you of course,” replies Houjo with a slight laugh. “Haven’t you been listening? The next woman I touch; that I make mine completely, will be you, Kagome. Only you.”
“No,” whispers Kagome disbelievingly, slowly shaking her head. “You can’t…”
“I’ll completely fill your body with mine…make you scream my name over and over with delight,” says Houjo happily. “And I’m so looking forward to hearing it, for the babies we’ll produce.”
“That’s not possible Houjo…you…”
“Oh, it’s been a trial for me, it’s true. Tory’s always clawing at me at night…demanding I make love with her. And thinking of you lying with that…that…! It’s driving me insane. But I still have my dreams, sweetheart. My dreams of taking that which no other man can have… dreams of your satisfied expressions, of you reaching out for me at night, all while I’m lying next to her.”
(This can’t be happening,) thought Kagome feeling sick. (Not to me.)
“There’ve been times, you know… times when I’ve had to leave the bedroom to satisfy my needs. My body gets so hot, so anxious to be with you. It’s pure torture. But I know Kagome, just as you will, in the end, it will all be worth every minute…every second of this waiting, this agonizing craving I’m feeling for you now.”
“You told me I was polluted remember?” says Kagome anxiously. “That I wasn't worth your time.”
“Because I was angry sweetheart. You hurt me. Hurt my heart. But I’m willing to forgive…live with the knowledge of your betrayal, to me, with that thing, if you’ll forgive mine with Lisa.”
“You can’t be serious,” says Kagome disbelievingly.
“I’m quite serious. My marriage to Tory is nothing more than a sham…a business move, for us.”
“Yes. You should be proud of me, you know. I'm climbing the ladder of success as we speak. You see there are rumors going around the office of a possible takeover; a change in management. And it could be happening very soon. You just might be speaking to the next vice president of the company Kagome. Now what do you say to that, eh? Your future husband may even become the CEO, if I play my cards right.”
“That’s really great, Houjo. Great for you and Tory. I’m not interested,” says Kagome.
“How can you not be interested?” asks Houjo disbelievingly. “I’m doing this for us; enduring this hellish marriage, for you and me.”
“I’ll say this just one more time, Houjo. There is no us, no you and me. And what’s more there never will be. I don’t love you now and I won’t later. So, forget about those dreams of yours and leave me alone,” asks Kagome as the pain in her head grows stronger. “Go get counseling or something. It’s just not fair to treat Tory or anyone else like…like some stepping stone or a way to get rid of someone else.”
The man’s voice tinges with anger. “You have no reason to speak to me in that manner, Kagome. Not after all I’ve done for you; what I’m going through now just for us. Instead, you should be proud of me…singing my praises. Look at all I’ve done for you, when you were taking care of our son. I treated you well enough…given you money whenever you needed it.”
“Are you kidding? Honestly Houjo… every time I asked for money it always turned into my having to beg. I really think you got some perverse pleasure in holding the money over me, even though it was needed to take care of your son.”
“Kagomeee,” says Houjo angrily.
“I’m surprised you’d even think of having children at all since, you’ve never wanted Souta,” says Kagome angrily. “You just used him to try and get me into bed with you and that’s just sick! No, it’s more than sick. It’s depraved!”
Houjo’s voice becomes softer, almost condescending. “Oh, now I see what’s going on here. You’re still hurting, aren’t you? You haven’t got over the death of our son.”
“Our son?” asks Kagome disbelievingly.
“That’s right…ours. That’s why you’re attacking me so viciously. You need someone to lash out at,” replies the voice calmly over the phone. “Someone to ease your pain. I understand perfectly what you’re feeling sweetheart…what you’re going through. So go ahead, my sweet lash out, tear me to pieces if it will help you feel better. I’m here for you.”
“Ooooo, Souta was yours and LISA’S child, Houjo!” says Kagome angrily. “But he was MY son! And no, I’m not over his death. I probably never will be, but that’s not why I hate you so much!”
“We really will have a happy life, together, Kagome,” says Houjo in a strange calming voice. “Just picture it, you… me… our baby, all living in the lap of luxury.”
“Luxury?!” says Kagome disbelievingly. “Is that what you call it?”
“You’ll have all the finer things your little heart desires my dear. A big house, furs…the finest jewelry money can buy. And it will all be yours.”
“I don’t need nor want that kind of ‘luxury’, as you put it. My life is just fine without you!”
“Now how can you say such a thing?” questions Houjo. “Living in the slums, like you are, surrounded by miscreants, people who don’t deserve to be in your presence, breathe the same air as you?”
“Why not? It’s a lot better than living with the likes of you, isn’t it?” questions Kagome angrily, as her head begins to swoon. “Now, if you don’t mind, Houjo I have to clean house today. And don’t bother coming over because I won’t be here!”
“I’m warning you, Kagome. Don’t let me find you with him again,” threatens the man on the phone. “I may have forgiven you once but not a second time, you hear me? I will not allow you to be with another man. And that includes that piece of shit I found you with that morning.” The pain in Kagome’s head worsens. “You belong to me,” continues Houjo, “mind and body. Haven’t I taught you that lesson twice already? Do you need me to come over there and remind you a third time?” Kagome remains silent, her body, slightly trembling. “Well?!” barks Houjo. “Answer me! Do you?!”
“I’ve…I’ve got to go, Houjo,” says Kagome trembling. “Someone’s knocking on my door.”
“Next time, it may be me, knocking sweetheart. I’ll be seeing you soon,” says Houjo in a pleasing tone of voice. “So, keep our bed warm for me, will you?”
Kagome slams down the receiver. “Yeah, as if,” she says angrily. “The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is, anyway? Me… with him? Ha!” Her head suddenly begins to throb harder as dark spots appear in her eyes. Kagome raises her hand to sooth the pain when she becomes lightheaded and falls heavily to the floor, unconscious.