InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgetting Yesterday ❯ From the Start ( Chapter 4 )

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By KagandInu
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha
Chapter Four: From the Start

The blood splattered across the living room wall, as the ringing of a gunshot echoed through the night. Her hand was shaking as she felt the warm metal against her palm, she took a step closer to her mother and grandfather, since Souta had been taken care of. They said nothing, only looking up at her with wide and questioning eyes. “I love you.” Kagome Higurashi said as she quickly shot three bullets into her grandfather’s heart. More blood came from her grandfather‘s body, but now it was all over her clothes and pooling at her feet, soaking through her white socks. “Mom, I love you too.” Three more shots, with a river of blood now gushing out of her deceased mother. Dropping the gun, the raven-haired deftly walked three steps that separated herself and her family, she fell to knees in front of them. “I’m so sorry.” Kagome whispered to all three, as she laid her now blood covered hand over their unseeing eyes, and gently closed their lids.

“Good Kagome, now we can live happily together, you have done so well.” Naraku said cheerily. She didn’t respond, but only looked at her hands, her guilty red hands.

“Darling, come along now, the police will be here soon.” It was him again, trying to get her to stand up. This time, when she didn’t move to follow him, Naraku roughly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to her feet.

“There now, all better, we must leave immediately.” he said, yanking her toward the back door. Kagome began sobbing and shaking her head.

“No, I can’t!” she choked out.

“No, no, NO!”

“NO!” Kagome Higurashi screamed as she sat straight up out of bed. Her eyes were blurry with tears as she only saw darkness around her.

“Kagome?” it was Kaede, the girl’s legal guardian, gingerly opening the door. “What is the matter?” the old woman asked, quickly crossing the room and folding the sobbing girl into her arms.

“M-my family.” was all that Kagome was able to say as she began hiccupping over the vivid nightmare. There was so much blood, so much. Why? I can usually block it out!, she thought to herself. “It’s all right.” the older woman cooed as she rubbed the teenager’s back comfortingly. They sat there for what felt like an eternity. The terrorized girl looked at the alarm clock sitting on her nightstand, it read 4:00 AM.

“I’m sorry I woke you, Kaede, I didn’t mean to scream.” Kagome apologized, managing to find her voice. Her guardian let go of her shoulders and shooed her comment away.

“No need to worry about it, let’s go into the kitchen and I’ll make you some nice, hot tea. That always makes me feel better whenever I’m upset.” the raven-haired girl nodded and followed Kaede into the hallway and down the stairs.

“Do you want to talk about it?” her elder asked as she put a pot of water on the stove.

Kagome shook her head, “But,” she took a deep breath, “Can I talk to you about how this all got started?” The older woman looked at her curiously and dipped her head yes. “Thank you.” the teen whispered.

Looking down at her hands, the brown-eyed girl didn’t know where to start, I guess I’ll just give her an abbreviated version, there are just way too many details.

“It all began about a year ago, it was the last day of school and believe it or not, it was raining like crazy” she started, “To get to the shrine, I had to go on a particularly empty street, in the past I had never seen anyone there, mostly only cars and sometimes motorcycles zoomed by. But that day, there was a man standing in the middle of the road, I thought it was so weird because he was just standing there, with his arms raised, like he was trying to catch the rain in his palms. I was about to walk past the guy, but then he turned his head and saw me, and instead of walking faster, I stopped completely and looked at him. I said, “Can I help you sir?” he closed his eyes and then smiled. But when he opened them back up, he screamed at me and began calling me all of these names. I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do. I began slowly backing away, but he shouting louder now, and he was beginning to walk closer and closer to me. No one was around, but I was still looking for help. I was looking to one side, when the man tackled me to the ground.” Kagome paused as Kaede handed at piping hot cup of tea and sat across from her. “Thanks. Anyway, he was sitting on top of my stomach and he called me more names. I was trying to get out of there, but I couldn’t move my legs out from under him, and I began to panic, I told the guy to get off of me, but he continued to rant. So, I slapped him as hard as I could across the face and tried to push the man off of me; that was when he grabbed my neck and began strangling me. I was so scared, Kaede, I thought that he was going to kill me right there and no one would ever know what happened to me. But suddenly, he was gone, I was free! As I laid there, I wasn’t thinking about where that man had gone, or why I was just so relieved, with the rain soaking my clothes completely, I was grateful. So grateful, that I didn’t even notice someone squatting next to me and talking to me.

“Are you all right?” he had asked me. I didn’t even say anything! I was so shocked at my luck, I mean this man saved my life, after I was stupid and let a psycho almost kill me. My savior was handsome and at that moment, without even saying anything, I felt a connection. He told me his name was Naraku, as he helped me get up, and pulled out an umbrella from no where, shielding me from the rain. After I did manage to tell him that I was OK, he insisted on walking me home. I didn’t object because I considered him my hero.

I was attracted to him, and not too long after that, we began dating, since it was the summer, I didn’t have school to interfere with spending time with him. At first, my family welcomed him like a guest, but when I told them that we were beginning to date, they tried to stop me. They had a bad feeling about this new guy, and I thought that they were being too controlling. I ignored my family, and began staying over at Naraku’s place more and more often. We did so many things together that I normally wouldn‘t ever do, and I even began to party a little. There were no rules that I had to follow, or anyone to stop me from being with Naraku. I had never had that kind of freedom before, I didn’t really want it before. I thought that things were perfect, but then I found out that he was the apart of the Terrors, that he was their leader. He sat me down after our first month of being together and told me.”

Kagome shivered, “I considered breaking things off, but I liked him a lot, I even thought that I loved him. So I let him think that I had accepted his position as a gang leader. Instead, I began opposing his actions passively. I began subtly hinting to him to stop the drug deals, the raids, the killing. He never told me when or where there were going to be any shootouts or anything, but his assistant Bankotsu did, in fact I found out a lot more from Bankotsu than I ever did Naraku.
At that point, we had been together for four months, summer was over and I had skipped the entire first month of my junior year. I wanted to go back, but Naraku didn’t like me being gone for so long everyday, he claimed that he felt better with me by his side at all times. Still, I missed my old life. I hardly saw my family anymore, by then, I was living in his home. But, one day I did go home to see my family, and they asked me to come home. I couldn’t, I missed them, but the love that I had for Naraku was stronger. They didn’t understand, and at that time, I didn’t want to listen, so I told them I would visit soon-- and to leave me alone.

A couple of weeks later , I learned about MethEdge, and what it was doing. I was horrified. Naraku told me himself, and he was so happy about it, he was laughing, and so excited about all of the money it would bring in. When I begged him to get it off the streets, and that it was hurting people, he told me that they deserved it, and then he ordered me to stop talking about it. I was shocked. I mean, I guess that I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but I was so hopeful that he would change. He was good to me, and I even thought that he was going to propose to me soon, I was going to tell him that if he wanted to get married, that he would have to quit the gang life.

But I was stupid and naïve, I called my family that night, and apologized and told them that I wanted to go home soon. They were so happy, and I felt so guilty about leaving them. I realized how much I had changed for the worse, and that night I asked Bankotsu how MethEdge was affecting people. He told me that customers were going crazy with it, they were coming back every few days to buy more and more, which was exactly what Naraku wanted. Then, he told me about the increase in superhuman strength for the buyers, I learned that they were beginning to hurt innocent people, policemen, robbing and killing pedestrians in broad daylight. I was so disgusted, but I don’t think that Bankotsu knew what he was doing when he told me that the FBI had traveled all the way to Tokyo to investigate the source of MethEdge.

I decided right then and there, that I had to break up with Naraku and immediately go to the FBI. So, the next night, I waited until Naraku got home from what ever he considered work. I had already sent all of my belongings home earlier that day, and I was ready to give him an ultimatum: me or the Terrors. When Naraku walked in through the door, he already knew, he looked me in the eye and told me “No”. “No what?” I had asked him, “No, as in I will always be the leader of the Japanese Terrors Gang.”

I remember sitting there for a minute and then I told him, “Then, I can‘t be with you.” I got up to leave, but he stopped me with his hand. “I won’t ever leave you though, Kagome, never.” I stepped around him, and as soon as I shut the door, I felt like my heart had been broken into a million pieces.” Kagome paused for a minute, this was the first time that she had ever admitted it out loud, she had loved Naraku so much, at that time she actually felt emotional pain when she left him.

‘That same night, I went to the FBI and I told them everything, about Naraku and his operation. I knew that I was endangering my family, so in exchange for the information, I got my entire family into the witness protection program. We were suppose to leave the next day, I was so relieved, but sad that Naraku and I weren’t going to be with each other anymore. I didn’t have time to worry though, but I did feel that something was wrong as soon as I stepped out of the taxicab that dropped me off in front of the family shrine. By the time I had walked up all the stairs, my instincts were telling me that something was definitely wrong, I called the FBI agent that had handed me his card, he didn’t answer so I left a message, and stepped into the house, only to find that Naraku and m-my family--” Kagome couldn’t talk anymore as she tried holding back a sob.

Kaede just nodded, and held the grieving teenager’s hand. “It’s all right, I’m sure that I know what happened next. You‘re safe here, as long as you don‘t give your identity away, he can‘t find you.”

Kagome was about to thank her guardian, but suddenly went rigid with agony. The paralyzing sensation was attacking her again, her ears were ringing, and this time the raven-haired girl began screaming. The pain was like an invisible hand, as it began tearing at her throat, and scorching her entire body. There was no stopping, now Kagome’s entire body was throbbing, it felt as if she was burning from the inside out, especially from the trademark scars that were left as reminders.

Meanwhile, Kaede was attempting to figure out what was harming the girl. There weren’t any signs of any physical lacerations that might’ve been the cause-- except for the large black mark on Kagome’s knee! She had only seen that mark once, but the recognition was all that she needed to know what to do. Without wasting any time, the spry old woman dashed into the next room and pulled out a necklace from a desk drawer, she could hear the screams grow louder. Surprisingly fast, the elder threw the sacred amulet around Kagome’s neck, which immediately began relieving the pain, but left her exhausted.

“W-what is this?” the teen enquired in a strained whisper.

“It is a small shard of the Shikon Jewel, I purified it long ago, thank goodness I did! I want you to have the necklace, you’ll be much safer. The jewel itself will lessen the powers of any sort of demon around you, and also their affect on you. I would think that it would come in handy, since you‘re disguising yourself all the time.”

“Wow, thanks Kaede, but are you sure? I mean this looks very valuable.” Kagome said as she gently touched the shard that hung on a thin silver chain.

“It is, my dear, but just wear it under your uniform, and I think you’ll be fine. I want you to have this, for protection if nothing else.” the old woman said earnestly.

Kagome didn’t say anything for a moment, so much trouble in only one morning and now that Kaede was up to speed on her situation; the raven-haired girl felt a little better. She got up to get ready for school, no way was she going to miss her first official day, bad morning or not. Fortunately, she could feel her strength returning, the nausea was almost gone. “Thanks again Kaede, I owe you big time!”

“Nonsense Kagome! But, I must warn you about the Shikon shard, it will help you as long as you wear it around your neck, make sure you never give it to anyone else. The attacks that you’ve been experiencing--from Naraku’s poison?” Kagome nodded a yes. “They will be much more bearable, and you’ll be able to feel an attack coming on ahead of time. There is one thing though.” the old priestess paused.

“What is it?” the brown eyed girl asked curiously.

“I may be wrong, but I must warn you that you might be able to tap into the power of the shard itself. It is only a fraction of the actual jewel, but it holds great power for anyone who is able to harness their inner-self and connect directly with its core. I can sense that your heart is good, but it also still healing; all that sorrow your feeling could eventually turn to hate. Thus, tainting the purity of your heart and the influence that you have on the Shikon jewel. Kagome, you must be careful.” Kaede finished direly.

The teenager blinked for a few moments, “Holy cow. How is this even possible?” she asked almost shrilly.

“Calm down, Kagome, you must understand that there are many things that your grandfather may not have told you, magic included. Trust me on this.”

The undercover girl was stunned. Growing up on a shrine, Kagome definitely believed in spirits and the afterlife, but that was pretty much it. No one had ever told her about magic, that was only in fairytales. “I believe you.” The words had accidentally slipped out of her mouth, but she realized a few moments later that she had meant it.

Kaede smiled, “Are you still planning on going to school then?”

“Yup, can’t have my teachers thinking badly of me before I even get started.”

“Then I suggest that you hurry, you don’t want to be late.”

Kagome laughed, and sprinted up the stairs, changing quickly into her school uniform. Patting her new necklace, under her uniform, she headed back down to the kitchen.

“Any breakfast before you leave?” Kaede asked, as she handed the student a brown paper sack, containing her lunch.

“Nah, I’m full from all that tea!” Kagome said as she opened the back door, “See ya later.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Only one more block to go! Kagome thought to herself encouragingly, as she took in the city around her. At seven’ o’clock in the morning, San Francisco was surprisingly awake. The coffee shops were alive with customers as people got their daily fix of caffeine, and the other office buildings of the city were beginning to light up too.

Out of no where, two men were running manically down the street, toward her. Somehow, everyone had managed to clear off of the sidewalk quickly, unfortunately, Kagome wasn’t one of them.

“Hey you!” it was one of the men, his voice seemed strained and almost giddy. Kagome stopped, and looked up at the two who were quickly approaching her.

“Yo Bitch! My friend is talking to you!” Now they were standing directly in her path, circling around the high school student. It was only then that she could see why everyone had disappeared. They were on MethEdge.

Sorry I didn’t update sooner, but I felt that this chapter just wasn’t right the first few drafts, so of course I had to rewrite it multiple times. I hope that you guys enjoyed it! Let me know, and thanks for the reviews!
