InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgetting Yesterday ❯ A Turn of Events ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

By KagandInu

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha!

Chapter 5: A Turn of Events

“What do you want?” Kagome warily asked as she eyed the stockier man on her right. The two druggies were circling her like vultures, and it didn’t seem like they were about to stop.

“Oh babe, I think you know.” the man replied with a sick smile. He took a step closer toward the raven haired girl.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” she answered, dropping her backpack to the cement and bending her knees slightly.

“Bitch, we’re going to make sure that you’ll have a great time with us!” his friend sneered as he made a grab for Kagome’s arm. The student shifted to the left, allowing the man’s arm to sail by her; she quickly reached out and yanked his arm further, throwing him off balance. There was no time for the junkie to counterattack as Kagome rammed her knee into his sternum; the result was a sick cracking noise that left the man writhing in pain on the cool cement.

She whirled around to finish off the stocky man, but he was nowhere in sight. I swear he was right here, he must have run off… Kagome thought to herself as she stood there for a moment.

“You’re mine!” the first man shouted as he sprang up from the shadows and grabbed the teen from behind. Kagome couldn’t move, he was overpowering her, in fact he was beginning to drag her toward the dark ally behind them. She tried head butting the druggie, but all she did was smack the back of her head on his burley chest. “You don’t have a chance, little girl.” he mumbled into her ear as she continued to be manhandled.

“This drug does wonders to my strength, and I will have you!”

At this point the raven-haired girl was thrashing her arms and legs as much as she possibly could. “Won’t do you any good.” The man grunted as she managed to kick him in the knee. Hopelessness filled Kagome as he pulled her deeper and deeper into the ally, “HELP ME! SOMEBODY GET THIS PEDOPHILE OFF OF ME HELP!” She began to scream, “HELP--” a large hand was slapped over her mouth, as they momentarily stopped.

“Shut the hell up bitch, don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”

As soon as he removed his hand, she began shrieking at the top of her lungs, but no one was on the street. “I said shut the-”

Kagome didn’t hear the rest of the sentence, his death grip on her suddenly loosened and she fell to the sidewalk. Not wasting anytime, she scrambled back onto her feet and looked up to see what had been the cause of her release.

Koga was furious as he clipped the ugly bastard’s chin with a swift uppercut. “You’re despicable, scum you will die here! How dare you attack an innocent, and helpless woman.” he shouted into the other man’s face. The wolf demon pulled his arm back and punched the stubby man in the gut, making him double over with a wail of pain. Without any mercy the student kicked his victim viciously in the face, and smile in satisfaction as he heard the cracking of a broken nose. No longer able to stand, the druggie fell to the ground, with Koga standing over him. He was about to kick the low life for a good measure, when he felt a hand on his forearm.
“Stop! Koga stop it!” Kagome commanded as she began tugging on his arm. “I’ve already called the police, but we need to get out of here!” The demon blinked, why was Asuka trying to stop them when they had almost raped her? “ Come on!” Her chocolate eyes were surprisingly not panicked at all, instead they were calm with assurance. Without another word, she turned around and began briskly walking toward their school.

I can’t get in trouble here! I don’t want to endanger anymore people. She thought as she walked even faster, she looked down at her watch, the whole ordeal had lasted under ten minutes. Kagome sighed out loud, Bankotsu had been right when he mentioned the strength of the users, she had been lucky in the fact that one of the guys she ran into didn’t know how to use his boost of power; and also that Koga had been there to save her. I need to train more, if it happens again, I won’t have anyone to depend on but myself. I can’t believe he caught me off guard like that! How could I have gotten so careless?

“Asuka! Hey are you OK?” it was Koga and he had caught up with her in a matter of seconds, he now looked down at her with those intensely blue eyes.

“Yeah, thanks so much for saving me, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” Kagome replied, batting her eyes. Need to distract him… “You were sooo strong! I don’t know what I would’ve happened if you weren’t there!” She covered her mouth and bent her head, hoping the act was convincing. Don’t ask any questions!

“Don’t worry, I’ll always protect you Asuka. I could never leave a beauty like you alone, you might get hurt, there are too many dangers out here in San Francisco. I don’t want my woman to be in harm’s way, so I’ll protect you.” the wolf demon said as he clutched onto her hands, stopping the undercover girl from walking any further.

“Wow, Koga, I don’t know what to say!” Kagome stalled, this wasn’t exactly how she expected the conversation to go. “Um, listen, I appreciate you saving me and all, but I don’t need your protection, I prefer to be on my own in that respect.” she tried freeing her hands that were caged in his.

“Oh Asuka!” he chuckled, now letting one hand go, but leading her on the side walk with the other, “You have quite a sense of humor. You’re my woman, and of course my woman will always be in constant protection of the mighty Koga!”

Kagome wished that he wasn’t so cocky, but thankfully he wasn’t interrogating her about what had happened earlier. Now, she just needed to get out of this new situation, the teen decided to go with the most assertive option. “I’m not your woman, alright? Will you please let go of my hand?”

“Don’t be like that! You should be honored that I want you as my woman, and soon everyone at Shikon Academy will know that.”

Rolling her eyes, the raven-haired girl tried yanking her hand back from her classmate. Instead he tightened his grip and began walking faster. Oh brother! Who does this guy think he is? I can’t believe he’s so egotistical. Not much I can do about it now… Kagome thought as she picked up her pace.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

The school was just around the corner, and Koga hadn’t slowed down one bit, the raven haired girl let out a mental sigh. She could feel the tension building in her muscles, there was going to be trouble very, very soon. Outside of the gates the wolf demon stopped abruptly, caught his breath (Kagome still in tow), and began walking slowly toward the main entrance of the school. She realized that he was doing this to make for a dramatic entrance, Oh my… I can’t believe this. Noise filtered out toward the pair, their classmates already gossiping before the first bell rang. Koga swung the doors open and stepped through with “his” woman. The din ceased immediately, and jaws fell to the floor. The new girl was already with the most popular jock of the school?

“Hello everybody!” bellowed the arrogant teen, collective sighs could be heard around the room upon hearing his voice. “As you all should already know, this is our new transfer student, Asuka, and I would really appreciate it if you’d all make her feel right at home here at Shikon High.”

Oh crapper! His groupies probably hate my guts, and I don’t even like this buffoon.
As if reading her mind, over half the girls lining the hallway began glaring extensively at Kagome’s petite form.

“You know Koga, I’m so flattered but, I feel really awkward with everybody staring.” the raven haired girl said lightly under her breath. Upon hearing her, the wolf simply smirked, and patted her hand. “Don’t worry babe, just smile and soak it all in.”

This wasn’t a problem that Kagome had been expecting, after all she just wanted to finish up high school and go to college. Start a new life, without any unneeded drama. Attempting to dislodge her digits from Koga’s death grip, frustration began to build, when instead of just letting go, he laced their fingers together. “Will you please let go?”

Chuckling, Koga began walking toward her first class, “No way, I’ll walk you to English, that’s your--” “ What the fuck are you doing wench?” a deep and obviously angry voice interrupted the wolf’s question. Never had Kagome imagine that she would appreciate hearing Inuyasha’s voice ever again.

“Oh hey Inuyasha…” she began. “Koga was just showing me around.” she said this while quickly blinking and swinging her eyes back and forth, attempting to alert the half demon to get her away from the popular jock. Unfortunately Inuyasha didn’t get the hint.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” he snapped, “Stop looking at me like that!” now, Kagome was openly glaring at him. So much for being subtle! What a baka!

“Why don’t you just crawl back into the hole you came from? Asuka is my girlfriend, and she won’t be needing your services any longer.” Koga spat, cockiness dripping in his voice.

“I don’t think so turd brain, I’m suppose to be guiding her, not your incompetent self. I’m surprised you haven’t had an aneurysm, you know using your brain so often in one day could be dangerous.” Inuyasha grabbed Kagome’s unoccupied elbow and attempted to pull her away from his arch nemesis. “Let her go fool!”

“Fuck you! You need to let go and get on with your pathetic life, half breed!” Koga snarled back, while pulling Kagome toward him.

Caught in the middle of a human tug-of-war, the girl was helpless-- that was until Sango marched through with an air horn. She grinned wickedly at Kagome and winked, then held the horn above her head and pressed the automatic button that blared a deep and uncomfortable honking noise. The sound immediately cut through the chatter of the students in the hall and more importantly both Inuyasha and Koga were forced to let go of Kagome and cover their ultra sensitive ears. Kagome was free at last! Seeing this, her new found friend quickly linked arms with her and the pair strode down the hall toward Kagome’s first period class. “Thanks so much for saving me back there Sango!” she gushed with relief in her voice.

Chuckling her friend answered, “I figured that this,” she indicated the air horn, “would be payback for how much of an asshole Inuyasha was being yesterday, and hopefully deflating Koga’s ego.”

The two glanced back at the prominent figures that were writhing on the ground and moaning in pain. Both girls abruptly bursted into giggles and went on their merry way.

Meanwhile, the student body watched in awe, Sango wasn’t well known, but now she was defiantly going to be gossiped about and monitored along with the new girl to see what drama they were going to stir up. Who knew that with one additional student, things could get so much more exciting at school-- much less in one morning?

Moments later, Miroku jogged up to Inuyasha who had now removed his hands, but had shut his eyes. Panting, the lecher knelt down next to his best friend, “Hey, are you alright?” He quickly regretted it when the half demon punched him in the face, eyes still closed, “Why the hell does Sango have my old air horn? I thought you threw that away after the last time we got in trouble with Satou.”

Cradling his throbbing cheek Miroku replied, “I gave left it in my locker… and somehow the beautiful Sango got it. Oh wait, she did say that something about putting her project in there yesterday…” he was fidgeting nervously now, but had stood up and was smiling weakly as Inuyasha began struggling to his feet.

“Would you stop thinking about getting into her pants, you moron?” He growled. By this time, Koga had also stood up and was rubbing his head with a vengeance, “You fucking losers, I can’t believe you two are even allowed at this school.”

“Funny I was thinking the same thing about you.” Inuyasha replied in a dry tone.

“Stay out of my way, or else you two will regret it.” The wolf demon snapped his fingers at two goons leaning against the some lockers to show some muscle.

“You’re so full of shit, stay the hell away from Asuka.” Retorted the angry hanyou, as he turned away and began walking after the two girls who were already long gone. Miroku scrambled after his friends, while Koga shouted obscenities after them. Unfortunately he didn’t see the hall monitor walk up behind him with a pink detention slip in hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

From a splendid office, an important phone call was being made. “Naraku, sir, I believe I have what you’re looking for.” The figure fingered a few sprigs of MethEdge.

“Is that so?”

“Y-yes sir, I have some information about the girl.”

Well, another chapter is done! I’ll try to update more often, I defiantly want to finish this story. Let me know what you guys think,
