InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Inuyasha! Speak to me! C'mon, wake up!” Kagome cried as she shook Inuyasha. Miroku laid his hand on Kagome's shoulder and whispered in a very sad voice. “He's…..gone Kagome…” Kagome sat in a daze staring at Inuyasha's pale face. “He tried hard to save us all Kagome….”Shippo tried to reassure Kagome but it didn't work very well because soon Shippo was also in tears. Miroku walked slowly back to Songo who had her teary eyed face hidden by Kilala's fur.
Kagome looked at all of Inuyasha and said firmly so all could hear. “I will be with him shortly” Every one turned around and stared at Kagome in surprise. “Y…Your not planning on suicide, are you Kagome?” Songo asked, wiping her face. Kagome shook her head in a no jester and spoke “I…never really told you guy's this but….Inuyasha and I are mates.” She then pulled on her shirt collar which revealed a scar. Two gashes on the left side of her neck. Then she pointed to Inuyasha. “Inuyasha had one to but it'll be gone by now.”
“Why?” asked Miroku and Kagome put her head down. “Inuyasha once told me that as mate's, there was only one rule. He said `If one of us were to die, the other would have the choice of living a lonely life for 10 years or dieing with there mate.'” Miroku tried to say something but Kagome interrupted. “Inuyasha also told me that we would get a second chance after death. We would return to the Era I was born in along with friends and family. Including you guy's and Sesshoumaru. Everyone will remember what happened except Inuyasha and me.” Kagome stood up and looked the three companions in the eyes. “You three must help us regain our memory and have us say I love you and really mean it by my 18th birthday. Otherwise, we will be separated for 800 years, suddenly remembering what happened.” Miroku, Songo, and Shippo nodded.
Kagome sat down then lay on the ground next to Inuyasha, holding his cold dead hand. “I'm counting on you three” were Kagome's last words as she faded into Eternal sleep. Suddenly two bright blue souls floated out of Kagome and Inuyasha's bodies. They swirled around each other then around the three companions. The three also turned into souls but were yellow.
All five souls floated into the sky and into the next Era.
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