InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fortuitous Awakenings ❯ Enter Kitana ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kitana Mishuyuki was standing in front of the most beautiful male in the Tokyo museum and that male, was a statue. Her eyes were transfixed on his regal face and peculiar features. This exhibit had been out for weeks and she was here everyday to hang out with the statue. She often just wanted to be near it. Today was no different
One of her friends came to a stop beside her and glanced up at the statue. She sighed, “Are you serious?” she said curtly. Her name was Riu Xia. She acted more like a boy and even dressed the part. Her auburn hair was cut short length and her eyes were fiery despite their emerald coloring. She never wore make-up or fitted clothes. “Come on Kitana let's look at the swords or something. That look on your face is creeping me out,” she turned to do just that.
Kitana shook her head, “Nah, I'll stay here,” she said softly. She tore her eyes away from the male and looked at Riu, “I think I found out just what I'm going to study here.”
Riu rolled her eyes, “This guy? He's obviously a pretty boy whom only looks tough but doesn't act the part. He died and some how ended up the main attraction in a museum. Big deal now get a load of this weaponry,” said Riu.
Kitana gave the statue a final look, `I don't think you were just a pretty boy,' she thought before turning to follow Riu.
Riu was happy to hear Kitana actually following her. She smiled inwardly, “Finally stopped looking at the posing guy did you?”
“For the time being. I wish to sketch him so, I'm coming back tomorrow,” she said as she twirled a lock of her dark brown curls.
Riu rolled her eyes again, “I'm sure you've stared at him enough to remember how he looks in your mind. Every detail of it too. You artists confuse me sometimes. What's so great about that guy? He is carrying a fur boa and you still think he's quite handsome huh?” said Riu before crossing her arms begrudgingly.
Kitana nodded before blushing, “Actually I do. I won't let you try to talk me out of it. I'm allowed to think these things. I'm a girl and so are you. You're just really different from me is all.”
“That's an understatement. Let's get out of here. I'm really hungry,” she said as she began heading towards the door. She stopped and waved at the statue, “Good bye Mr. Flamboyant!” she joked.
Kitana glared at her, “Hey, that wasn't very nice!”
Riu chuckled, “Chill, it's only a statue Kitana,”
Kitana sighed, “Fine,” she said as she respectively nodded her good bye to the mystery man. She ran to catch up with Riu whom was already in her car. It was thirty minutes to midnight and Kitana didn't want to be alone anywhere so she quickly jumped in Riu's car.
Riu kicked up the tunes. She wanted to go somewhere to eat but at this time of night, no appropriate place was open. So, she was going to go to her parents' house to eat. She hadn't seen them in a while anyway.
Kitana just relaxed and closed her eyes. The picture of the statue was engraved in her head just as Riu said. Who was that guy? He was extremely too handsome for his own good. `He's just a statue Kitana!' echoed in her head but she couldn't shake the feeling that he was more than that. There was something calling to her and she find out more about that male even if it killed her…okay maybe it wasn't that serious. But still curiosity left unanswered didn't sit well with her.
Riu pulled into his parents drive way and got out of the car. When Kitana heard the car door slam shut, she was shaken out of her thoughts. She realized that they were at Riu's parents house. She straightened her skirt and got out of the car.
Riu shook her head, “You're rather slow today Kitty,” she commented before ringing the doorbell. She heard footsteps and something falling before someone opened the door. It was her father.
Her father smiled, “My girl, how's life been treating ya?” he said in that smooth voice of his. He was much taller than Riu and his hair fell to his waist unlike hers too. He had reddish brown hair with green eyes that were more cheerful than fiery. Their skin was a tan color that only they could have.
“It would treat me better if you gave my friend and I something to eat,” said Riu.
“Is that our girl?” Riu heard her Mom squeal as she walked down the stairs. Mom was beautiful. Her curly dirty blonde hair was in a bun of some sort. Her skin was fair and her figure was perfect.
“Yeah Ma, I'm home. Just to grab a meal. I'm sorry I came so late.”
Her father wagged his finger, “No guilt. You can come home anytime. Come in, come in,” he said. He looked Kitana over, “What a beautiful girl you brought home. Who is this?”
Riu sighed, “That's Kitana. You already know her. We grew up together. Remember?”
Kitana extended her hand, “Nice to see you again too Shippo-san,” she said. She had had a crush on Riu's father for the longest time but didn't voice it because Riu would tease her about it forever.
Shippo shook her hand, “Kitana welcome back. Has my girl been treating you well?”
“Yes sir,” she said cheerfully
Riu snorted, “The silly girl fell in love with a statue at the museum recently,” she said before walking inside.
Kitana groaned and followed him, “I was only admiring it is all,” she blushed slightly, “I wasn't falling in love with it,” she said.
Shippo chuckled, “Admiring Greek sculptures hmm?”
Kitana shook her head, “No, it was better than Greek sculptures sir,” she said.
Riu's mother blinked, “What could be better?”
“Nothing, never mind,” she said.
To Kitana's disgust, Riu answered for her, “We were looking at the Feudal era exhibit at the museum and she came across a statue of a very flamboyant looking man. He had the fluff on his shoulder and the immaculate hair and everything,” she said before sinking her teeth into an apple, “I mean…” chew chew, “Sure he was a looker but he just didn't strike my fancy,” she went on, “But Kitana on the other hand…”
Kitana felt all eyes on her now and she was as red as a tomato, “I just noticed that the sculptor worked very hard on that sculpture and I liked it is all I didn't fall in love with it,” she said in her own defense.
Shippo looked horrified, “This can't be… didn't I…” Shippo trailed off. “I gotta call Inuyasha,” he said before leaving the foyer.
Riu's Mom chewed her thumbnail, “Kitana sweetie,” she began, “Stay away from that statue. Don't get any ideas. I don't think my Mate… er… Husband thinks it is safe to be smitten with it. I know you're fascinated but that statue is meant to remain as cold as stone for eternity. That male is very dangerous. That male is Sesshoumaru.”
Kitana suddenly became angry, “I will not. It's only a statue. What can happen?” she said. She partially believed that that statue was something more but she wasn't going to stay away from it. Her statue couldn't be impending doom on no one. Why was everyone on her case about it anyway?
Riu's Mom pursed her lips, “Come, I will show you what Lord Sesshoumaru was like in the Feudal Era,” she said.
Riu's eyes widened, “Mom!” she said.
“Quiet Riu. If Kitana is going to be stubborn she should know what she's up against,” she said before quietly adding, “and, what we are.” She sat on the living room couch and waited until Riu and Kitana were seated before taking her demon form, which was that of a fox. She had the ears and five tails to go along with it.
Kitana gasped, “What is going on?”
“This is going to be a lot to swallow Kitty so swallow it slowly if you must,” said Riu softly as she took her hand. She was trying to be comforting for the first time in her life.
The beautiful fox demon watched as Shippo sat down next to her. Her handsome mate looked extremely panicked. She nuzzled him reassuringly before getting down to business, “Kitana pay attention. I will let you travel back in time and see your beautiful statue in person but promise me that you will tell me when you've seen enough,” she said.
Kitana shook her head, “I… You can't travel back in time,” she sputtered. She was so confused.
“Actually Kitana, you can,” said Riu. She looked at her Mom, “I wish to go with her,”
Her mom nodded, “Very well then,” she looked at her mate, “I need your help, bite me,” she said.
Shippo nodded and bit their mark gently giving her some of his power.
A sparkly bubble enveloped both Riu and Kitana inside it and they blasted to the past in a protective bubble.
“You'll probably find her at the museum talking to her statue. The Museum closes late on Saturdays,” said Riu.
Kitana held on to Riu as she watched all the horrific things that Sesshoumaru did to one that looked like a sibling. Yes Sesshoumaru was still beautiful but he was an asshole. He was a conceited one too. How could someone that beautiful be so evil? No. This could be a trick. She ripped away from Riu, “Enough!” she said and suddenly she was again sitting across from Shippo and Riu's mother. She stood up, “This can't be true. I saw him caring for a little girl. I don't think that Sesshoumaru is actually-“
Shippo cut her off, “I was there Kitana, and I know of all the evil things that Sesshoumaru did to Inuyasha. He is heartless. Don't be fooled as that human girl was. Just take heed to my word Kitana, he is not a force to be reckoned with. Don't think about that statue any more. Don't grow too fond because Enari knows what might break the spell,” he said.
“We definitely don't want that spell broken kid,” said a gruff voice from the doorway.
Shippo's' features lightened, “Inuyasha!” he said before pouncing on the half demon.
“Fuck!” sputtered Inuyasha before they both fell, “ Shippo get off of me you are not small anymore brat,” he grumbled.
Shippo got off of Inuyasha, “Oops, sorry. Just became a little too excited,” he said as he blushed slightly.
Inuyasha stood up, “Feh,” he said. He waved at Shippo's mate, “Oi there Hitomi,” he said softly.
“Hey there Inuyasha, breaking hearts again?” Hitomi said.
Inuyasha sighed, “Yeah you know the usual,” said Inuyasha nonchalantly (Tee hee inside joke).
Kitana walked up to him, “He's still alive huh? He couldn't have possibly survived those horrid things that Sesshoumaru did to him. As I thought, this was a trick,” she said, “You're all wrong about him!” she bolted out the door before anyone could react.
Riu crossed her legs and folded her arms, “I don't see what Kitana sees in that monster. He's hardly charming for a prince,” she said grudgingly.
Inuyasha sighed, “I'll go after her before she does something stupid. And I thought I was done looking after humans,” he said as he took off after Kitana. `Hopefully, I'm not too late,” he thought.
AN: Review!