InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Four years later ❯ Now what? ( Chapter 1 )

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Four Years Laters

Seq. to The Facts of Life, sort of...

Sesshomaru looked at the moon, it was getting closer to that day... Rin never forgot about what was told to her by him, "Ask me in four years." he had said, now it came to bit him in the tail.

Sighing, he ran his hands (lets just say he has two 'kay. He uh stole another) through his hair. Why couldn't he find someone to tell her? Hey, wait a moment, he could ask(really force) someone to tell her! But who, was the question, he already explained the basics. Sighing he knew it had to be someone female. Rin was starting to hit puberty and, even though she was a late starter, she would go through some things he couldn't explain without actually going red. (The indignaty of it was enough for him to think about going to the nearest village and retrieve a woman to explain.)

But who would be worthy enough to talk to Rin about such a 'delicate' subject? What was the name of that woman... the one with his mutt of a brother? Ka something. Kagura? Oh wait no that was the Bi-er witch. He glared at nothing for a second, Dang you Rin!

Rin had made a bet with him:

Flashybacky thingy (Won't write that again looks too ...)

Rin raised her eye brow as she heard her Sesshomaru-sama curse softly under his breath as he sipped the tea. Ah, yes, the great Lord Sesshomaru cursed everyonce in a while too. But for Rin, this was another chance of getting a new Kimono that she had designed (all she had to do is wait for it to get made). "Sesshomaru-sama?" She asked her guardian, he looked at her, his face the same 'expressionless' face as it was when he first met him. But she learned to read him so it wasn't so expressionless as they were to her, clear as her painting her body black and runnig naked in broad daylight.

'I really need more friends' she thought. "Yes?" She inwardly grinned.

"I have been thinking and I have thought of something that may prove quite a task, even for you my Lord." He raised his eye brow, well a raise for him as it barely went up any.

"What, pray tell, do you believe something difficult for even me, Sesshomaru, to do?" he gave an unchararcteric snicker and added. "Is it birthing child? Because I am fully unable to do that. Of course, you on the other hand." He waved his hand in the air and smirked. "You do remember are little talk don't you?" he said in a sweet voice (well for him at least).

Rin pouted, after she had talked with her Lord she had been fully embarressed as she got older but still didn't know anything about it. Heck, she was lucky to see a human boy that wasn't a servant! And they were strickly to take orders. Although that kitsune had been rather cute...

"Ahem, no my lord! I have in mind a wager." He looked interested, so far their score was Sesshomaru 18 loses, Rin 21 loses. He liked to add to her score of defeats. "My lord, I have a thought of us not, in any form, curse." So they had agreed, to make sure they did not lie, they had an object formed that would glow when one of them did 'fail'. (Red for Sesshomaru and blue for Rin).

Although for the prizes, that was a bit more complicated. Sesshomaru would get Rin, for a month, to do her own chores, (things she hadn't asked for in years.) without help. Rin had to plead for her to get another one of her 'design' kimono to be made, as her prize.

"Please?" Sesshomaru had his calm mask on.


"Pretty please?"


"Please SESSY-SAMA!" she said his most hated of her nicknames for him, well second most hated. He cringed.


"Rin willl be good." he looked at her. "Well, Rin willl be a better girl!" She rarely got in trouble seeing as there wasn't many opertunites to get in trouble She sometimes went back to speaking of herself in the third person.

"But, Rin REALLY likes this one!"



"N-no." Ah he was getting to his limit! Sigh, this was getting to her too. She decided to just forfit all dignity today and go by what she was like when she was younger.

"Rin sees, Seshhomaru-sama doesn't love his Rin anymore!" she half sobbed.

"Yes," he then realized what he said as she 'sobbed'. "I mean no." He growled and pulled her into his arms. "Sesshomaru, does love his Rin very much."

"So will Sesshomaru-sama will let Rin have her kimono if Rin wins?" He nodded. He sighed, he'd make for her even if she lost, it was of course for his Rin.

*End of flashyback thingy*

Glaring, he went back to the task at hand. Ka-something. Kage? Wait, wasn't that a mans name. Kago? That sounded about right, Kago-...Kagome!

Now, how the heck would he get her to explain this to her?

End of chapter 1

Should I continue?