InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen Fear Of Love ❯ Painful Flashback ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: As I said before...but since some people insist on hearing it. Here it is: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me.
Frozen Fear Of Love
Chapter 2:Painful Flashback:
Kagome Higurashi wasn't always the depressed and grieved girl, she is now. What I mean by this is that 3 years ago, Kagome had witnessed a terrible accident.
It was a stormy day. Weather channels predicted a severe thunderstorm, and by the looks of it, they were right. Akira Higurashi, Kagome's mother, was in the kitchen cooking tonight's dinner. Which just happened to be tuna casserole.
Mrs.Higurashi decided to taste her famous casserole. She grabbed a fork and picked up a piece. She gently took a bite and chewed contently.
"Mmm...yummy. This is going to be just prefect."
At that minute, Kagome Higurashi walked in the kitchen wearing a white and brown checker sweater, (given to her on her 15th birthday, by her great-aunt Midoriko), and a black knee-length skirt. Thou, her friends and mother encouraged her to wear much more "revealing" things, she liked her own style. Plus if she did wear more revealing things, she'd get the wrong attention. It had nothing to do with her having a bad body; she had to admit that her body was quite stunning.
"What's going to be "just prefect"?" Kagome asked her mother, after hearing her last remark.
"My tuna casserole." Her mother replied at Kagome from her position, in front of the stove. Her mother watched as Kagome sat down and put her sneakers on. "Kagome, where are you going?"
"Outside. Just a little jog, I need to stretch my legs."
"Okay dear. Just be back in time for dinner."
Kagome silently sighed to herself, and then muttered a "Yes". She walked out the door gently closing it behind her. She made her way down the long steep steps of the old Higurashi Shrine. Then made a left turn, heading toward Cherry Tree Park.
Kagome noticed no one was here, which freaked her out. This park was overflowing with people and since tourist season just began, it should be full of people. And as far as Kagome lived here, just happening to be all her life, this park never was empty. A cool chill picked up. Kagome began picking up the pace not liking what would happen if she stayed.
Kagome ran a couple blocks, when light raindrops fell from the eerie-looking sky. She decided to head back and beat the heavy storm approaching. When Kagome reached the entrance of the silent park, huge fat drops soaked her sweater and hair. Kagome made her way to a nearby swing and seated herself. She sat silently and stared at her surroundings. As the lighting lit up the dark evening sky, Kagome prepared herself for the following up thunder. **Boom** The sandy ground beneath Kagome's feet shook violently. For a split second, she thought it was more an earthquake then a regular thunderstorm.
Kagome would always come here, every time her mother and father would get into one of their arguments. Kenji Higurashi was a violent man and would usually take to hitting Kagome's mother when they would fight. His death wasn't that big, but it did shake the family up. Mr.Higurashi would be the one to pay for clothes, groceries and other necessary items needed in an everyday household. Now they were poor. Kagome knew she would have to study extra hard to make it into Tokyo University.
The rain cooled her down but she knew that dinner was probably ready, and boy was she starved. She walked the rest of the way home.
As she approached the shrine steps she saw a bunch of flames engulf the house. Thoughts flood through her head as she watched, unmoving as everything she knew as her home burn into to bright reddish flames.
By the time the fire department and police officials came the shrine was only ash. Sirens filled the night sky. But Kagome still refused the move. 6 firemen came with stretchers fulled with what looked like three bodies. Kagome couldn't believe this. In 15 minutes, she had become an orphan. Jii-chan, Souta and mom all gone.
Kagome was also known for not crying. She had cried once, but that was before her father died. Kagome just stood shocked. * This can't be happening! No, no, no, no, no....* Kagome was train of thoughts, halted when a police officer addressed her.
"Miss, Miss are you a member of this family." Kagome numbly nodded her heavy head, unsure exactly what the officer said. The officer spoke through his walkie-talkie, obviously muttering something about her, but Kagome didn't care. Kagome then noticed chattering surrounding her. All of her neighbours came out to see what happened. Kagome could feel herself become sick.
After a while, the officer turned his attention back to Kagome. "You must be Kagome Higurashi, correct?" Patiently waiting for her answer. Kagome once again just nodded her head. The officer raised his eyebrow at the mute girl. "My name is Officer Johnson, I have to ask you to come with me back to the police station. Just to have you answer a few questions."
Everything else was a blur to Kagome. Her going with the officer back to the Police Station. Question after question hurled her way. Finally they asked if she had any relatives, she would like to live with. Kagome didn't meet much of her relatives, other than Nana, (her father's mother) and Great-Aunt Midoroko. Kagome wrinkled her nose just of the thought of her Nana, but Kagome liked her great-aunt.
Kagome knew she lived in New York. And the thought of being to New York for the first time excited her.
After 2 agonizing hours, the police department seemed satisfied with her answers. They gave her a place to stay at the 5 Star Hotel and tickets to New York. And by tomorrow Kagome Higurashi would have left her life behind and family. One thing for sure, Kagome Higurashi would never fall in love again.
** Dunyasha: So how did you like it? Not bad for a beginner, I think. But, hey, that's only my opinion...if you have any comments to make, then review. ^_^