InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen ❯ Chapter 17: If I lose you ( Chapter 19 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Frozen
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.
Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!
The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna
Chapter 17: If I lose you
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.
Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!
The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna
Chapter 17: If I lose you
Three months went by quickly for us in our new home and it seemed a
blur as winter became spring.
Myorika can now fully hold her head up and give actual smiles. She
does little pushups and can easily roll herself over on her own.
She is quite a grabber and goes for hair no matter her target we
all react with gentleness, encouraging her new found skill, even
Sesshomaru. She babbles incessantly more so than her brother ever
had. She seems intent on getting her point across.
I was amused by Sesshomaru's antics as much as Myorika's. He made
time to be with us whether to have brunch or to take a break from
work to come sit down with us on a blanket in the castle gardens
where we partake of the warm sunshine quite often. He seems
silently interested in my small daughter and watches almost
intently as I do.
“Do you plan to visit the Wolf prince anytime soon,” he
asked from his spot beside me, watching as Myorika flailed her tiny
fists as she lay on her belly on the blanket.
“I was thinking about it. I was thinking a small journey
would be nice,” I said pushing my hair away from face where
the wind had blown it.
He looked up at that and at me, “Journey?”
I watched my daughter with her thickening patch of black hair so
much like her older brothers except for that odd white patch,
“Yeah…remember I told you about my first son? I was
thinking I should stop and see his grave before I take Myorika for
a visit with Kouga and after we can visit Kaede and then we can
return home.”
“I would like to accompany you,” he said instead of
asking. I knew my brother well enough to know that even if I hadn't
planned on him coming with me that he would more than likely have
followed me anyway.
“I had planned on it,” I deadpanned,
“besides…you can get Rin a new kimono on the way and
use escorting me as a reason to escape your duties that you have
amassed now that you have settled at home once again.”
He nodded, “I should tell my mother so that she can once
again care for the castle and all who dwell within it. She has been
asking about you, shall we set up a private meeting or would you
prefer something larger, like a dinner gathering,” he asked
finally turning to look me in the eye.
My heart skipped a beat and my chest felt tight but I couldn't
thoroughly explain why. His eyes were so much like my own and yet
so different and they seemed to pull me into their honeyed
I looked away first and back at Myorika as she wiggled on her
blanket, “We don't have to rush. I would like to wait a few
months until Rikka is a little older, maybe in three months time;
just as summer begins.”
“That is acceptable. We will discuss this further on another
day then.”
With that he stood and dusted himself off causing his scent to fill
my nose. I inhaled deeply and blushed as I did so as a feeling of
indecency came over me. As he walked by he placed a hand against my
cheek, I looked up shocked and he gave me that emotionless
“You shouldn't stay outside too much longer, you seem to be
With that he removed his hand and walked back into the castle
leaving his scent wafting behind him along with my troubled
“You shouldn't fight it you know,” said that all too
familiar voice with its purr.
I startled from my thoughts as Hayaime came to stand next to me
with his hands tucked away in his robe.
“You do know that demons mate siblings all the time and that
Sesshomaru-sama has already made it clear to many in the castle
that you are off limits,” he said with as much tact as a cat
could. I almost expected him to stop and start grooming himself
while I watched.
“He is just looking after mine and Myorika's well
being,” I said trying to pretend my cheeks weren't still
“Tell yourself what you must InuYasha, I do no fault you your
pride or your human upbringing but know that you should not deny
your demon half just like you do not deny your human half. They are
both parts of you and yet you constantly hide behind your human
teachings and behaviors. I am informing you so have no excuses in
the future.”
Myorika began fussing and I stood up and lifted her from the
blanket rocking her gently to calm her.
“It is wrong for you to deny yourself happiness and I will
not allow you to deny Sesshomaru-sama the happiness you have so
graciously given him a view of,” and with that he walked away
leaving me once again to my thoughts with my fussy daughter.
Another month went by with what Hayaime had said floating in my
mind. Every tender touch, sweet word and kind action was noticed.
Sesshomaru had certainly become touchier than I had ever known him
to be; with a pat on the shoulder, a hand on the back, a small
caress on my cheek and a hand occasionally on mine. I tried not to
be self-conscious of it and if Sesshomaru noticed he said nothing
and acted no differently.
Myorika seemed to recognize his voice and even stopped crying if
she sensed his presence in the room. She was developing quickly and
already had a great sense of smell and presence. Her behavior often
alerted me of who was coming into the room even if I didn't take a
sniff or look.
I myself have settled in to routine of caring for Myorika and when
she is outside on her blanket learning to crawl and move I practice
a few feet away from her, strengthening muscles and training
myself. Every so often Sesshomaru comes to watch and sometimes he
offers to spar with me while Murasaki and Bara watch over Rikka.
Kurokami has also sparred with me once or twice and he is powerful
and strong but also gentler than Sesshomaru but he is a good
By the time Myorika's fifth month had come I was training more and
had even asked Murasaki and Bara's help in watching my little
daughter while I sparred in the garden on the nicer days. It was on
such a day that I had worked up quite a sweat sparring first with
Sesshomaru and then Kurokami. We had all taken a small break and
after I had taken a brief rest to down some water I found myself
engulfed in a large shadow. I turned around and glared up at the
all too familiar and annoying grin of Hibine.
“Would you care to spar with me Little Lord,” he asked
flashing those fangs and flexing so that his muscles showed.
I could feel the muscles in my jaw twitch and I tried my best not
to let what I was thinking show on my face as I struggled to keep
my temper in check.
“I don't know, can you handle it,” I asked back as I
made a show of stretching my arms and then my clawed fingers.
His grin grew wider, “I think I can.”
“Bring it asshole!”
“Should a mother use such language,” he taunted once
“Oh, I can't wait to knock some teeth out so that smile
amuses me for once,” I replied and I could tell my grin was
not a pretty one.
At that he lunged at me and I jumped into the air and over his
shoulder so that I landed behind him and ducked into a leg sweep as
he turned around to make a grab at me. I watched as he fell and
jumped back a few steps watching as he jumped back up and into a
fighting stance. I grinned and lunged at him and as he swiped at me
I reached out and swiped his side and ducked before his arm could
catch me and twisted so that I could swipe at his other side before
jumping backwards and ducking down as he charged at me. I dodged
his attacks, ducking left and right until finally ducked and once
again kicked his legs so that he fell backwards catching himself
with his hands on the ground before springing back up.
His grin was lessened to a small smile and I felt myself grinning
while lifting both hands showing my claws with his blood dripping
off of them. They were shallow wounds for a demon and his body had
probably already healed them but his blood on my claws was a small
victory and a nice dent in his pride.
“Shall this mother show you how careless you've been,”
and as I said it I squeezed my claws into my own palms causing them
to bleed and then I lifted them and swung my hands as I shouted
“Hijin Kesso” and watched as blades of blood tore
through his clothes and hit the trees and plants behind him
shredding them, cutting into bark and cutting off branches.
He stood there shocked and I wiped my hands and took a deep breath
flexing my claws again.
“Is that enough for you or shall I show you my Sankon Tesso.
It's been a while since I've used that one.”
“That is enough Inu Yasha, I think Hibine gets the
“point”,” Sesshomaru stated almost
I turned to see Sesshomaru's face and saw that the corners of his
mouth were just slightly upturned, meaning he had found our match
somewhat amusing and was probably even more so amused at the
outcome. That made me grin as I turned to face Hibine once
He put his smile back into place and turned to look at the scenery
behind him before whistling and turning to look at me. I was kind
of disappointed I hadn't actually knocked a tooth or two out.
“That's kind of impressive. I have to admit that I am curious
to see what you could do when you are truly angered mama
“And I would like to fight you when you're not holding back.
I could tell you were avoiding using full force. If it happens
again I won't forgive you nor will I intentionally miss you next
time I attack. I gain nothing by holding back. I want to train
seriously so you need to take me seriously.”
His smile became more subdued as he looked me over, almost like he
was considering my worth and power level before he grinned once
“I look forward to going another round with you, little
“Keep calling me cutesy names and I'll break out the big
attacks,” I said giving him my biggest grin with just a hint
of dislike peaking through.
“For your sake and ours lets hope it doesn't come to
that,” Said Kurokami with a grin, “You've already
destroyed the beautiful scenery, I can only imagine what damage you
could do with full power and weapons involved.”
My match with Hibine seemed to put us on equal ground in both of
our opinions, though his pet names for me hadn't ceased his grin
had lost some of its condescending appearance and seemed to be more
We received an official notice of invite from Kouga asking that we
visit and meet the newest heir of the wolf tribe; his first born
son who he and Ayame had named Toborashi. With his name written
with the kanji howl and storm I could only imagine that he had
inherited his father's loud mouth but I oddly found myself wanting
to see the newest edition.
To Be Continued….
Thank you for your patience. Sorry for such a short chapter. I have
all these ideas I want to write down and type up but unfortunately
life has been more than difficult this year. I lost my 18 year old
Miss Kitty and my mother has gone back in for more surgeries, this
time losing the toes on her other foot. So all in all yeah….
Life has been hectic.
Thank you for reading and hopefully I'll be able to update again in
the coming month.