InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ The Play ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

I don't own Inuyasha or the movie "Get Over It". (What, were you actually wanting to see something amazing here?)

Chapter Three

The Play

"Hey, look, that boy band guy transferred here," Miroku whispered to me. I just growled. God, that guy really made me angry. I kept watching him and Kikyo in Biology (nikki no miko- Ew gross hate biology!!) hug each other and once I even saw him try to slip his hand up her shirt!

"As I told you a few times before Kikyo is a sl--" Shippou was about to say, until I slapped his head against the table. That received a referral to the office. For me, because of hitting him against the table, and for him, because he was about to call the star student in the class a slut.

"Shippou, if you kept your mouth shut, we wouldn't have been like this," I told him. Shippou bit his lip. "Anyway, is that your sister by the drama hall?" Of course, since the teacher was expecting us in the office, we walked in the opposite direction towards the drama halls.

"Yeah, I thought she had algebra this period," He noted, as we walked over to her. Kagome had a huge banner in her hands, and I then noticed that her friend, Sango, was holding the other end of it.

"Shippou, what are you doing here?" Kagome asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in Biology?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in Algebra?" Shippou countered. God, sometimes those two sounded like two opposing forces.

"Me and Sango are helping Hiten-sensei by putting up posters telling about the new play," Kagome answered.

"What play?" I asked. She smiled, and held up the sign for me to read. It said, "A Midsummer Rockin' Night's Eve!"

"I heard Kikyo's gonna be in it," She said, almost sadly, I think.

"Kikyo? She told me she'd never be part of a play," I said. Kagome's eyebrows scrunched together.

"I also heard that Naraku Fujitaka is going to be in it," Kagome said. "I saw the two of them earlier..." She broke off, probably because my fists were clenching, and my face was bright red.

"Oh, Kagome... you're trying out for a part, aren't you?" Shippou asked, probably to stop me clenching my fists.

"Hai! I'm trying out for Helena," She said, happily. "Uh oh! I better get going, Hiten-sensei wanted us to put this up in front of the auditorium. Ja ne!" With that, she and Sango ran off to the drama rooms.

Me and Shippou sighed, and forced ourselves to the office.


Turns out, we only received a detention, although we were expecting far worse. Like, suspension? Kikyo's father was the principal, for crying out loud, and he had always hated the fact that I dated his daughter.

Walking past the auditorium, I took one last look at the poster, and decided to try out.


Fast Forward to the weekend.

We're (as I say "we", I mean, Miroku, Shippou, and I) sitting in a few sun chairs around the public pool, Shippou and Miroku staring at all the girls, while I was trying to study the infernal script that Hiten-sensei had given me.

"Hey," We heard. I looked up, and saw Kagome and Sango. Wait. Did I mention they were in bikinis? The both of them! I looked at Miroku, who was busy staring at Sango.

"What?!" Sango asked, glaring at him.

"What are you reading?" Kagome asked me.

"The script for the play," I answered. She smiled.

"You know, I'm really good at acting, you could ask me for a few pointers," She said. "Well, Shippou, Souten sent me here to tell you she needs some one to put on her suntan lotion."

That got Shippou up in an instant.


Author's note- zzz I got bored, so here's the next chapter. ^^ Review, onegai?