InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ The True Play ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

No, I do not own Inuyasha or The movie, "Get Over it"!

Chapter 9

The Play

Author's note- I was scared when I read your reviews! I actually got a few flames to FINISH the fic! Whoa! ^_^ Thanks all! Also, this chapter is in my pov. It's hard to write in Inu's for this part.

Kagome saw her friend, Kouga (a/n-yay! Kouga's here!), walk in the auditorium. She was just finishing being in make up, so she brought a handful of papers with her up to him.

"Hey, Kagome!" He said. "Don't you have to get ready for the play?"

"I am! I'm in makeup," Kagome explained. "Could you help me with something?" She passed him the papers. "Give these to the band by the stage." He looked at the papers, and nodded. He could never say no to Kagome.


Kouga walked over to the band, and passed the papers down. At the end of the row, Ayame got her paper, and said, "Oh. This is different."


Inu wanted to talk with Kagome really badly. Especially before the play. He felt terrible to call her Kikyo. In fact, he had no idea why he did it.

"Everyone! Get over here, now!" Hiten-sensei said. "Mr. Grove drank some tainted punch at a party last night, so he will be unable to play. Which doesn't matter because the entire production is going to go down in flames... But, who can dance? A twirl, with a pose?"

"Uh... coach sometimes calls me 'Crazy Legs'," Miroku offered. He was in sound and stage crew, and had memorized all of the dance moves.

"Really?" Hiten-sensei said, with false enthusiasm.


Backstage, after the short meeting, Miroku and Sango were practicing their dance moves. They were supposed to dance together.

"Oops! Sorry!" Sango said, accidentally stepping on Miroku's foot for the third time.

"Here, why don't you take a half-step back before you turn?" Miroku offered. She followed his instructions, and surprisingly, she didn't step on his feet.

"Wow." She said, with a smile.


Everyone stood on the stage, in their designated areas, and, even though Kagome's eyes were supposed to be to the audience, she kept them focused on Inu. She couldn't help it.

Suddenly, the curtain came up, and the band began to play.


The audience watched, as they listened to the corniest song being sung. (a/n- to tell ya the truth, i forgot it he hehe)

"Shakespeare wrote a play, about three hundred years ago!" The cast sang. "About this chick named Hermia..."

Shippou and Souten scrunched their noses at the performance. It sucked!

Now it was the next scene.

Kikyo and Inu walked onto the stage, holding hands, and noticed Kagome on the stairs on stage.

"Oh, look, Lysander, it's fair Helena," Kikyo said.

In the audience, Mrs. Yasha said to her husband, "Kagome looks lovely."

"Fair? You, who have caught the attention of two men?" Kagome asked. Inu was surprised at her acting ability.

They continued the scene.


Now, it was a scene where Lysander and Demetrius were supposed to be showing off to Hermia. Inu and Naraku were singing.

"Hermia... Please love me!" They sang, and, walking back to the back of the stage, Naraku said, "Baka."

"Jerk," Inu replied. They looked out into the audience, and added to the song, "Please love me!"

"Geek," Naraku said.

"Grr.." Inu replied.

"PLEASE LOVE ME!" The two finished, and glared at each other when the curtain fell.

"Wow, the scene was so intense," Mrs. Yasha noted.


Now, Inu, Naraku, Kagome, and Kikyo were supposed to be lying on a large cushion in the middle of the stage. Little Steve crept up to Kagome, and waving a daisy around her face.

"As they sleep, fair Helena should see with bright eyes..." He continued. The curtain closed, for intermission.

Inu looked at Kagome, who had sat up.

"Hey, Inu? I want to talk to you," Kikyo said. He followed her, and they stopped when they were both alone. "Look, I'm sorry for breaking up with you."

"Yeah, it kinda... sucked..."

"Well, I was wondering if we could... you know... go back to the way we were? Before all this, I mean," Kikyo offered. Then, she lifted herself onto her toes, and kissed him, (ew yuck!!) but all through the short kiss, the only thing that went through Inu's mind was, `Kagome...'

"Kikyo, I have to think about it," He said. She nodded.

"I'll see you after the play," She said, and walked over to her spot on the cushion. He laid on his spot, and saw Kagome lay on hers, her bright smile gone from her face. He wondered why.


While Inu and Kikyo were talking, Naraku had walked into the sound and stage room, where two guys were watching action movies.

"You two are in charge of the slight... explosion in the third act, right?" Naraku asked. The two guys looked up. One had silver hair and tattooes on his face. The other had a greenish colored face.

"Hai, we are, Mister Onigumo," The silver hair said.

"Sesshoumaru, is it? Well, could you fire it a little... early?"

"Isn't that when Inu walks out onstage?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"I just want to scare him a little! I'll raise my sword to signal you! There's forty-eight bucks in it for you two if you do it."

"Hmm... we'll do it," Sesshoumaru tol dhim.

"Remember. When I raise my sword," Naraku said, and walked back to the stage.


The curtain came up, and the actors were covered in a blue light. The music began to play, and Kagome stood up.

When she started singing, Inu realized that it was her song she was singing. And it... sounded like it was aimed at him for some reason.

"The boy I long to see... and maybe when he dreams, he'll dream of me..." She sang the last part slowly, and then she laid back onto the cushion. The audience applauded, and the curtain fell again.


Inu stayed on the cushion, as did the other three, when the curtain raised again. Then, Miroku and four other guys on a fake horse walked out on stage.

"Uh... Awake the huntsmen.... wak...wake them with... with their horns!" Miroku said, slightly nervous.

From the audience, Shippou smirked.

Inu, Naraku, Kikyo, and Kagome all got up.

Inu looked at Kikyo and then at Kagome, and smirked.

"Hermia and I were going to, with out the peril of Athenian law, be wed..." He started. Then he started adding lines of his own. "However!"

From the audience, Hiten-sensei said, "HOWEVER?!"

"My lord," Inu said. "We've slept and slept.... as well you know... and love did... grow.... although, in like, Hermia and I should always intertwine, I belong to this heart." He walked over to Kagome, and kissed her.

"AWWW!!" Came from the audience.

"What was that?!" Naraku bellowed! "It's not Shakespeare! It's not even supposed to rhyme!"

The crowd started boo'ing.

"Stop jeering! STOP JEERING!" He yelled. He took out his sword, and raised it. Suddenly, the effect that was planned to scare the pants off of Inu, hit Naraku instead, sending him flying into the band area, which made Ayame at the end, fly into the audience, and ended up falling into Kouga's lap.

"Hey," She said to him.

The actors on stage all took hands and bowed, and ran backstage.


Now that the play was finished, Kagome and Inu were standing together, Kagome's arm holding tightly to his.

She noticed tears in his eyes. "Oh my god, are you crying?" She asked.

"No, you're just squeezing my puncture wound," He said, wincing. She let go immediately, and the two kissed again.

Watching the scene was Miroku and Sango, who would shoot looks at each other. Biting his lip, Miroku turned Sangot to face her, and then he kissed her.

She pulled away, and said, "Make it, like this!" Sango said, and kissed him deeper.


After they all got out of their costumes, Kagome and Inu walked, until they bumped into Shippou. Inu's eyes widened.

"Hey, Inu," He said.

"You're not... mad are you?" Inu asked.

"No. But I'm not pleased," Shippou said. "Oh, hey, Kag! I liked the play, you were funny."

"Thanks," Kagome said.

"Oh, I have to go," Shippou said.

"Souten?" Kagome asked, smirking. Shippou glowered.

"Ja ne, Kagome!" Souten said, dragging Shippou away.

"So, about my debut?" Inu asked. "How was it?"

"Well, we could bring back the all popular `Big Red' song," She said, jokingly.

"I'd rather get hit by another arrow," Inu said, took her hand, and walked away from the auditorium.

"I thought it was a prop!" Kagome said.

"Sure..." Inu answered.


At the sound and stage crew office...

Naraku stomped past Sesshoumaru and Jaken.

"And she flew... like a beautiful rocket.." Jaken said.

"We blew his face up," Sesshoumaru noted. "Next time, same thing."



A/n- It's finished!! Sorry, if the play seemed rushed. Basically, in the movie, that's all they showed. And, I've never read a Midsummer Night's Dream. I'm so glad all of you liked the story!

And if you want to read a Miroku/Sango fic I'm working on, find "Betrayal". ^^

Also, if you want to know what happened to Naraku and Kikyo: They broke up with each other, and Kikyo became a nun. Naraku moved to the Playboy mansion, even though the only one that hit on him was the maid, and she's three hundred pounds.

Ja ne!
~Nikki-chan/Nikki no Miko~