InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ The Party ^^ ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

How many times do I have to say it?! I don't own Inuyasha or the movie, "Get Over It"!!

Chapter 8

The Party

Review replies are at the bottom. Arigato minna-san!!

When we reached my house, we were met with a huge swarm of people. Half of the friggen school was there! God, was I gonna kill Shippou... I gritted my teeth as Kagome and I walked inside my house. We then split up to find him.

Sure enough, the first schmo I bumped into was Miroku. He was talking with Sango. When he saw me, he got all stuttery and said, "IT WAS SHIPPOU'S IDEA!" Ha. Then, I dragged him with me to find Shippou. After ten minutes, I found him with Souten. Should've known.


Author's POV


Kagome looked through Inu's hallways, until she bumped into Naraku. He turned around, and smirked at her.

"Well well, if it isn't fair Helena," He said. She grimaced. "Are you feeling slightly nervous for the play tomorrow, or is it just love pangs for a little you-know-who?" (a/n- eww...)

"Leave me alone," Kagome said.

"I don't know what you see in that baka," Naraku said, now angry.


Back to Inu's POV


"It's Naraku," Shippou pointed out. I turned, and he was hitting on Kagome! Shippou and I stomped over to him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh, hello, fellas!" He said, nervously. Did I ever tell you that my left eye twitches when I'm super mad? Well, it was now.

"I'm handling this, Shippou," Kagome said.

"No, you're being HANDLED by Mister Tight-Pants here," Shippou said, glaring at Naraku.

"Oh, come on! I'd never cheat on Kikyo! Never!" Naraku said. I cracked my knuckles. "You should talk, Inu."

He slipped away before I could even lay a single punch on him. I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair.

"I have to go for a minute. Shippou, Get these guys outta here!" I said, and walked off.


There she was. The girl that all my suffering was for. Kikyo. I walked over to her.

"What is it now, Inu?" She asked, annoyed.

"Naraku was..." I started.

"Okay, why aren't you getting over our... fling?! It's over, and you have to understand that!" She screamed. "God!" With that, she stomped off. I growled in her direction, and decided (because of the cigarette smoke in the room and the fog machine) I needed some fresh air.

I reached the pool when I saw my parents.

"You never told us there'd be a party!" My mom said.

"We'd have sprung for a DJ!" My dad finished. My jaw dropped.

"Laura just took a dump in our pool. Aren't you going to do something about it?!" I asked.

"Aaw, we understand," They said. Was God playing some cruel joke on me this year? "That's why we give you responsibility." Then, my mom held out some condoms.

"Uh.... ja!" I ran off. Geez, my face was probably red by now.

I ran all the way to our patio, which is away from the house (and away from the party) and saw Kagome there. I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry about Shippou," She said.

"Eh, it's Shippou. I should've known he'd do this," I said. I looked at her in the corner of my eye.

"I begged my mom for a sister," Kagome told me. I didn't respond. "That was a joke."

"... I'm starting to not want to be in the play," I admitted. "This whole thing is... Well, I... Kikyo..."

"Kikyo's an idiot," Kagome told me. I looked at her, and noticed she had tears in her eyes. Why was that? I leaned in, and wiped her eyes. She blushed a pretty pink, and we leaned in closer.

Then, our lips met. I kissed her lightly, and we broke apart.

"Kikyo..." I whispered.

"You jerk!" She said, and ran off. Damn it, I didn't mean it that way!

"Hey, Inu!" Shippou's voice rang out. I stood up from the patio, and was met with Shippou's fist. (a/n- Shippou beating Inu up ^^)

I punched him right back. We both glared at each other, and walked away. I didn't give a damn about the party anymore. I stomped right up to my room, and fell asleep.


Inu's Dream


(a/n- this part is highly confusing, for it changes a lot!!)

I was sitting in a forest, with Kikyo. She smiled at me, and we kissed. When we broke off, I then saw Kagome in her place.

"Maybe you should be dreaming about someone else, ne?" She asked. Suddenly, some force pulled my face in the other direction, to where Kikyo was.

"You were my first. No one's ever gonna replace you," She said. My head turned back.

There was Naraku. "I should've gotten rid of you when I had the chance." He said. Then, my head turned in the opposite direction. Three small.. fairy... things... were flying there.

"We're screwing with you, aren't we," They chuckled, and flew around my head, making me look all over.

Suddenly, I woke up screaming.


a/n- Sorry about the shorter chapter. NEXT ONE IS THE PLAY, PROMISE!! And, the next one, sadly, is the last. ;_;

Review Replies:

CorruptedAngel- Thank you! Also, Shippou's evil in this one, ne? ^_^

Reincarnation- It's okay! I'm glad you reviewed!

Cutie Blossom- Here's the next chapter! ^_^ Thanks for reviewing!!

Ame Tenshi- Now you know what happened at the party. Not sayin' anything about the play though ^_~

Erica- It was an accident. Kagome thought it was a prop, and that it wouldn't work. ^^ Poor Inu-chan! I can tell you that HE DOES make a bigger fool at the play. (I didn't realize that it sounded a bit like Grease 2 until you pointed that out!)

vegito044- Yay! Another Kikyo-hater! ^^ She never gets a good part in any of MY fics!

Moon_kitsune- Hi again! It is kinda mean that I'm making Inu-chan suffer like this... but... ^_~ it does fix that ego of his!

Random Omake

-Inu- Oi! You authoress!

-Nikki- Hai, Inu-chan? ::rubs his ears::

-Inu-S-s-stop that!

-Nikki- Why? you want Kagome to do it?

-Inu- Yea- I mean NO!!

-Nikki- ::smirks:: Uh huh... well, I'll just find Miroku-sama... Miroku!!

-Miroku- Hai, Nikki-sama?

-Nikki- Follow me! ::has an evil look on her face as she drags him into closet::

(Hai, I was on a sugar rush when I wrote that omake)

~Nikki-chan/Nikki no Miko~