InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ Practice Makes Perfect ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

Nope, still don't own 'em!

Chapter 7

Practice Makes Perfect!

"Okay, here's how the moves go," Kagome showed me. I followed her dance moves as much as possible, until I screwed up. She laughed. "No, no! Slower, and then you twirl."

"I don't twirl," I said, my eyes dead pans. She giggled. "What, I don't!"

"Well, suck up that pride, Inu. You have to twirl, AND you have to sing," Kagome said. I grimaced, but I did it. Probably looked like a pansy, though.

Oh yeah, this year was going exactly how I wanted it to.


A few hours later, we were in Kagome's garage, sorting through her things for props for the play. She pulled out a stuffed beaver from a box (Don't ask me, I'm gonna blackmail Shippou for it.), and then asked, "How many swords do we have?"

"Seven," I answered, a fake Mexican sombrero on my head.

"Eight," She corrected me, and added another sword to the pile.

"How many swords do we need in this play?" I wondered. She shrugged. "I doubt I'll get the songs and dances ready in time."

"Well, the songs suck," Kagome said, bluntly. "Especially mine."

"Why don't you change it?" I asked.

"You heard Hiten-sensei. I'm no good," She said, turning around to look through more boxes.

"He cast me the lead. He's an idiot, Kikyo," I said. If I had known what Kagome was gonna do to me, I swear, I wouldn't have said a thing.

"My name is Kagome," She corrected me, turning back around with a crossbow in her hands.

"What did I call you?"

"Kikyo," She answered.

"No way."

"Yea, prepare to die," She said, teasingly, as she played around with the crossbow.

"Uh... you should put that down, Kagome," I said, my eyes following the weapon. Suddenly, the arrow was shot.


"We have one male with an interior puncture wound to his left arm," I woke to hearing. I looked next to me, where Kagome sat, in an ambulance, as she was crying.

"I want to see it," I said. "It's bad isn't it?"

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Inu! We'll get you all stitched up, and you'll be the best Lysander there is!" She was looking at the medic, who was cutting my shirt sleeve off, where an arrow was showing, and fainted when she saw the sight.


My life is screwed.


Author's POV


Kagome knocked on the drama club office door, and heard a, "Come in!" from inside. She walked in, and smiled at Hiten-sensei.

"Oh, Miss Higurashi! Sit down," He said, pointing to a leather chair in front of his desk. She sat, and he noticed her hair clip. "Ooh, fun hair clip." (a/n- sounded a little fruity to me... ::whistles::)

"Um, it's about my song," She said, nervously.

"'A Pocket Full of Dreams'. I wrote that for Miss Diana Ross," Hiten said (a/n- i'm lazy, so i'll use hiten instead of hiten-sensei), his eyes going starry.

Kagome sweatdropped. "Yeah, about that... uh... I love it, but... as you said, it wasn't working, so I decided to make a few corrections...?" she said.

"Oh.. is that so?" He asked, annoyed. He pointed to a poster advertising the play. "Tell me, what does that say?!"

"Uh..." She squinted. "No food or drink in the auditorium at all times."

"NOT THAT. It says 12 original songs written by Hiten. I can tell you what it doesn't say! It doesn't say, 11 original songs, and 1 written by Little Miss Sassy Pants!" He said.

"Look, I just revised it a little!"

"I'm not changing it," Hiten said.



Inu's POV


I was waiting outside Shippou's house for Kagome to get home so we could practice for the play (which was tomorrow!), with Skip humping my leg.

Suddenly, there Kagome was, saying, "I'm so sorry about the wait."

"It's okay, I think I was about to 'get lucky'," I said, moving the dog off.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing towards a bag I was carrying. I smirked.


"No, Shippou," I said.

"What?" He asked, with feigned innocence.

"I can already hear your brain begging for a party. NO. I'm in enough trouble with the law, thankyouverymuch," I said.

"Come on! I wouldn't sink that low!" Shippou said. I looked at him, with a dead pan look on my face.

Then, we past a store. The music store. I knew exactly how to repay Kagome for helping me. I walked in, while Shippou and Miroku were both arguing about if theater guys were gay or not.


"You'll see after the practice," I said, and she smiled.


Then, we were in Kagome's room. I set the bag on Kagome's night stand, and sat down.

"We'll start on your dialogue tonight," She instructed, and sat next to me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Why was I?

"Alright," I agreed. We opened our scripts.

"We're at the part of the play where Hermia and Lysander are going to leave Athens," Kagome said. "I'll play Hermia."

"The men walk onstage, and they say, "Go bid the huntsmen, wake them with your horns,"" She says.

I repeated my lines, and then there came the kiss between Hermia and Lysander. I gulped. I guess I was caught up in the acting or something, because I felt my head grow closer to Kagome's. We were just about to kiss when...

*RING!* The phone rang.

I immediately calmed down my hormones, as I heard her say, "WHAT?!"

"Shippou, where are you? Oh no."

She hung up, and pulled me up.

"Let's go. Shippou's at your house."


a/n- Thanks for the reviews! I'm almost done with this fic!