InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Go Home Kagome ❯ Of White flags and Band aides ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay for all you who are so worried about Kagome's mean old mom beating up on poor helpless Inuyasha this one's for you. Enjoy!
Chapter 17
Of White flags and Band aides
Kagome shut the door behind her and pulled off her surgical mask. The procedure which was supervised in a hands off capacity by Dr. Takahasi was a complete success. The dog would be missing his critical male parts but he was clean and didn't appear to be in any pain. It should have been a proud moment by Kagome's mind kept wandering away.
Sumi opened the door and stuck her head in. “Dr. Kagome, there's something here for you at the desk.”
Kagome frowned. Oh no, the widow figured out that I took Speckles home! She followed Sumi to the front desk. A bundle of six white lotus flowers tied with a red ribbon lay on the desk. Sumi grinned and handed Kagome a card. It was covered in tiny careful kanji script.
Kagome: I'm told white is the symbol of peace. I wish peace to be between us again. Please know you are my heart.
The crisp white card fell from her fingers and landed face side down on the counter. All she could do was stare at it. He can write?
Sumi tapped her on the shoulder. “Earth to Kagome. Come in Kagome.”
She lifted her head. “What?” she whispered.
“Your Casanova is still here. He's other there next to the brochure rack.”
Kagome looked up and sure enough Inuyasha was reading a brochure that explained the benefits of having your dog fixed. He can read?
Her question was answered when he looked at the diagram. His eyes widened and he dropped the flyer. He wore jeans, a black t-shirt and had a black cap turned backwards covering his ears. He raided Souta's closet.
Inuyasha looked up and saw her watching him. He gave a nervous grin that showed his fangs. If Sumi noticed anything out of place she didn't say anything. Sumi lifted the flowers from the counter and handed them off to Kagome as if she were a beauty queen contestant. Then she gave her a hard nudge in the back while hissing in her ear. “He's hot. Go talk to him already. He looks so sad.”
In all her dreams Kagome would've never guessed Inuyasha was capable of the simple act of bringing her flowers. Her feet moved and she was walking towards him.
He smiled when she reached him. “Nice flowers ya got there.”
Kagome fought to find words. All she could think to ask was, “How did you do this? You can write?”
He stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked down at the floor. “The guy at the flower stand helped but I did the writing.”
“You bought flowers…how did you? You've no yen?”
He blushed. “I ran a few errands for him in exchange for the flowers.”
That made the simple gift even more meaningful. Inuyasha hadn't plunked down cash and walked away with flowers. He'd worked for them. And he was behaving like a normal modern guy. The flowers were exquisite. He must've worked all morning to afford them.
Kagome's eyes shone. “Thank you.”
Inuyasha shuffled his feet. “I know that this fixes nothing but all I want is for you to talk to me. I couldn't live without the sound of your yammering.”
That was almost…sweet. Hey wait did he really just use the word yammering?
“Okay. But we have to find out what's happening. I can't go on like this.”
Inuyasha grinned. “Fair enough.”
His put grabbed Kagome in a fast embrace, leaned her back and kissed her. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck.
Sumi and everyone in the waiting room cheered.
Kagome shared her lunch with Inuyasha at the picnic table behind the office. The table was there for smoking but no one in the office still smoked.
Inuyasha was pressing a potato chip into a napkin and watching the grease stain spread.
“When will you be ready to tell me what happened with the first girl?'
He looked up and winced, “Soon. But you have to trust me for awhile.”
“Well I don't believe you would kill someone in cold blood but I will need to know eventually. What ever this is has got to be connected to your yokai blood.”
She saw his ears twitch under the hat and had an idea. “Inuyasha, come back inside with me and let me take a sample of your blood. I'd like to see what it looks like under the microscope.”
Kagome picked up his hand and turned it over to examine the veins on the underside of his arm. Inuyasha was suspicious.
“What are you planning?” He snatched his hand back.
“I just want to find out if your problem is something we can see. Maybe the fix is just a pill away? At the least I might gain a better understanding of how your power works.”
He snorted. “I never liked your pills.” Kagome made a note of that and tried to keep from smiling.
“What about the time you broke your arm? You loved my pain killers back then.”
“Yeah well, it wasn't that bad. I don't like not knowing what I'm eating.”
“Okay but still let me do this. It's a good idea and the only lead I have for the moment.”
He sat and said nothing.
“Have you discussed this with Myoga? Does he know your demon side is out of control?”
Inuyasha shook his head. “He doesn't know any more than I do. Remember I am the only half breed in the family.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “It's not a disease Inuyasha. For crying out loud, cheer up.”
She pulled out a sheet of paper and began a list. “What is causing you to lose control?”
He growled low. “My temper.”
“True but that`s not what I meant.”
Kagome grasped the pen and chewed its lid while she thought. “Okay it's either physical or mystical. Let start with the physical.”
Kagome waited until the office closed and took Inuyasha in the back room. She disinfected the inside of his elbow and then tied the rubber tourniquet around his arm. He was very uncomfortable but refused to show it.
Kagome brought out the needle and Inuyasha shook his head. ”This ends now. You are not sticking that thing in my arm.”
“This is nothing Inuyasha. I've seen you nearly die multiple times and what about all those broken arms, ribs and legs? This is child's play.”
He eyed the sharp shiny needle. “Ain't no way.”
Kagome sighed. “Koga would let me do it.”
Inuyasha bit his lip. “Fucking mutt, okay then!”
He stuck out his arm and looked away. This is not the time to admit I haven't done this on person in a couple of months. She quickly jabbed him with the needle and filled the tiny syringe with blood.
His blood was red. She'd seen it spilled enough times to already know that. But what would it look like under the microscope?
Kagome deftly opened a Scooby Doo band aide and put it on the small hole. She patted his arm and passed him a sucker from the office candy jar. “There. All done. Was that so bad?”
Inuyasha held up his arm and examined the band aide as he chewed on the hard candy. “Feh! Of course not.”
Kagome smiled and as she emptied the syringe into a vial and swabbed a small amount of blood on the glass slide. Inuyasha watched as she pulled up a stool on wheels and slid up to the microscope.
“What's that do?” He was leaning over her shoulder
“It let's me see the cells that make up your blood.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Sounds complicated.”
“Not really.” She turned the silver knob on the side of the microscope. Kagome studied the slide and found nothing.
His blood looked the same as hers. Each cell was round and had a dimple it its center just as it should.
Okay what next?
Kagome stood and paced the room trying to think of something else. She pulled out an over night mail envelope and addressed it to the lab. Maybe they would find something she missed.
“So? Did ya see anything?”
Kagome shook her head. “No Inuyasha. You're perfectly normal.”
He crossed his arms ready to say I told ya so. “Wait! Really? I'm normal?”
“Yes for a human.”
“But how do you know if Yokai blood looks different than human?”
“I don't it was just a guess. Hey do you think Sesshoumaru would...?”
Inuyasha interrupted “Hell no.”
Kagome used a dropper to gather a few drops of his blood and dropped it into a beaker of clear liquid.
“Whatcha doing now?”
“Using a reagent to see if your blood contains all of the compounds equivalent to human blood.”
Inuyasha was impressed. “Wow you learned a lot while you were away.”
Kagome smiled. “Now you see why I had to leave.”
He cocked his head. “Maybe.”
That's close enough for me. He knows my work is important.
He grinned. “I like the way you look in the white coat.”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome blushed. She turned back to the beaker, capped it and shook it up.
She poured the contents of the beaker into a test tube, capped it and set it in the centrifuge. Kagome pressed a gray button and the machine made a loud whirring noise.
“Now what?” Inuyasha stood beside, his arms crossed in impatience.
“We wait to see what settles in the test tube.” Kagome began prepping a petri dish to send a sample to the lab.
Inuyasha came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Okay.” He pressed his face into her neck and Kagome pushed him away.
“Not right now.”
He frowned knowing why she felt the way she did.
The centrifuge stopped and began to beep. Kagome pulled out the test tube. The liquid was blue indicating it had detected the presence of human blood. Kagome prepped another slide. She looked under the microscope. Still nothing, he was perfectly normal.
She called out. “Still human and normal”.
Inuyasha was surprised. “Who knew? There isn't any animal in here at all…? Are you sure?”
She rolled her eyes. “I could have told you that before the test.”
Kagome dropped the sealed petri dish into the overnight bag and carried it under her arm. “Let's go.”
Kagome left Inuyasha in the well house. They shared a quick embrace and then went their separate ways. Kagome went inside and found her mother holding dinner for her.
Dr. Takahasi called. He said your first solo surgery was a complete success. I'm so proud of you.”
Ayumi held out her arms and Kagome stepped into them. Even though she'd been home for five whole days she still basked in her mother's attention. Ayumi stroked her hair. “Is something wrong?”
Kagome pulled away. “No mom.”
“Are you sure because I think you've been distant since you've gotten back. Do you miss the US?”
“A bit but it's great to be home. I missed you, Souta and Gramps so much.”
“We missed you too. But I want you to be happy.”
Kagome forced a smile. “But I am happy.”
Ayumi narrowed her eyes. “You are an adult now. You're capable of making your own decisions. I want you to know I will always be here for you.”
Kagome glanced at the table and saw only two places set for dinner. “Where's Gramps and Souta?”
“They went to a movie on me.”
“Okay?” She saw her mother had made her best sushi rolls.
They sat at the table eating in silence. Ayumi sipped hot green tea as she watched her now adult daughter across the table.
“I saw him outside this morning with Souta.”
Kagome's mind was far away. “Saw who?”
Kagome's head jerked up as if on a string. How long had it been since she heard that name pass her mother's lips?
“Yes really. You know things are different now Kagome.”
Ayumi's dark eyes met and held Kagome's.
“But mom you hated him so much.”
Ayumi laughed. “Of course I did. Any self respecting mother would. You're twenty four now but back then you were fifteen!
Still a child and so innocent.” Kagome nodded and her heart sped up in her chest.
“When your father died I thought that was the worst day of my life. Surly nothing else could ever happen that was as bad as that. But I was wrong. When I went to bed the day after you disappeared thinking you were dead, that was much worse. “
She paused for a sip of hot tea. “Then you came back with a half yokai who claimed you were his. I'd just lost you then gotten you back and he wanted to carry you off to a dangerous world where I couldn't get to you if you needed me.”
“Inuyasha is so primal. I see that. Don't forget I also grew up here under the God tree and heard the same legends. He was very attractive and every fifteen year old's dream come true. I stayed awake at night praying you would come back in one piece and not a teenage mother.”
Kagome's eyes bugged in her head, she snorted in surprise and the tea she was drinking almost came out of her nose. “I guess I never thought of it that way.”
Ayumi grinned, “Trust me when you are a mom you will understand.”
“So if I decided to be with him you'd be okay with that.”
Ayumi bit her lip. “I wish you'd find some else to fall in love with; someone with real identity and a well paying job. But he seems to be what you really want. I won't stand in the way of your happiness. That and I think he'd die for you.”
“You aren't worried your grandchildren will have furry ears and pointed teeth.”
“If they do that is your problem now, not mine. Lucky for you Dr. Takahasi gave you a good dental plan. I will love my grandchildren regardless. But I've guess if I had to I could alter some of those cute Baby Gap outfits by cutting holes in the hat in case they have ears.”
Hot tears formed behind Kagome's eyes. “Mom…I don't know what to say…”
“Just be happy and stop moping around for God sakes. I can't take it anymore.”
Kagome paused as she had an idea. “Mom you and Gramps know everything there is to know about the shrine and God tree.”
Ayumi nodded, “You can say that again.”
“Good because I think I need your help.”